Saturday, January 29, 2022

Fidel Castro’s son call July 11th protesters “ Delinquents “


Fidel Castro’s son calls the July 11th protesters in Cuba “delinquents .“  I wonder what he would sayabout the pictures and actions in the above photos?

Saturday, January 01, 2022

New Year’s Day….FREEDOM for Cuba

63 years of misery, 

caused by a diabolical tyranny,
why must the Cuban people continue to suffer?
Others have been oppressed,
why then do they get all the press?
My God, my God, why have you forsaken us?
Our faith, endurance, and confidence continually test us!
All we ask is for Cuba to be FREE,
Is that to much of your flock to ask of thee?
Just as Our Lady has asked us to fast and pray,
we come to your arms dear Lord looking for that DAY!!