Thursday, June 29, 2006

Real questions for Lucia Newman

After reading this interview with Lucia Newman, we decided to ask this "jewel of truth" journalist our own questions. Now bare in mind, no softball questions or "Tricky Ricky" Alarcon controlling the questions or format. Simply some FREEDOM fighting bloggers and concerned citizens with questions:

Why all those years in Cuba you never reported anything concerning the political prisoners?------El Cafe Cubano

You mentioned that they never censored you, yet you never asked anyone in the dictatorship: Why no elections in 47 years? Why didn't you ask about the lack of freedom of press? Did you ever question the apartheid of Cuban citizens? Did you really leave or were you forced out because you reported about Farinas? Why first Cuba and then Al Jazeera two beacons for terrorism?----El Cafe Cubano

I read an interview she gave talking about her years as CNN reporter in Havana. My question to her is this. Why would you spend so many years doing a job that requires dishonesty and collaboration with a murderous dictator and does it bother you that your work contributed to the suffering of Cubans, both on the island and in exile? ----Blog For Cuba

Preguntale pq ella nunca cubrio sobre los presos politicios cubanos,como elias biscet entre otros,porque el silencio? porque permitio trabajar censurada aunque ella no lo admita.-Annonymous

Castro's government has outlasted 10 U.S. presidents, all of whom predicted that it would fall soon. Why, you as a responsible journalist failed to report the truth? ---Alex at Ya No Mas

How was your lifestyle in Cuba? Did you suffer any inconveniences because of the embargo -- compared to your other assignments? Be honest.--- Alex at Ya No Mas

When she left her assignment in Mexico City several years ago she said she was happy to be getting out of there because the pollution was affecting her asthmatic daughter. I wonder what she feels about the pollution in Havana? ---Cuban-American Pundit

Alguna vez la Sra Newman hizo algun tipo de reportaje sobre el fusilamiento -arbitrario- de aquellos tres jovenes negros que fueron apresados cuando intentaban llevarse una embarcacion, y las declaraciones de Castro:  Esos fusilamientos se habian llevado a cabo como ESCARMIENTO para la poblacion? Yo creo que ella nunca escribió acerca de la "justicia revolucionaria". Sra Newman: Por que calló? Tenia tema aqui, si o no? --- Mike B

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Interview with Maxìmo Josè Garcìa

Freedom fighter Stefania has posted a interview with Maxìmo Josè Garcìa. He is a member member of the opposition Cuban Liberal Movement. Click here for the interview:

Maxìmo Josè Garcìa is a member of the opposition Cuban Liberal Movement, which fights for peaceful regime change in Cuba. He has several times been attacked by the state security and one of these times he was even beaten up. The following interview has been translated from Spanish.

1) Hi, Maximo. First of all ,thanks for allowing me this interview.

Thank you for worrying about the situation many in this part of the world live under. Especially, the Cuban situation. Cuba's people has been suffering for the last 47 years under Castro-communism, which turned Cuba into one of the poorest countries in the world.

2) When did you join the opposition? Tell us when and why.

It was when I decided to expose the lies of the political police about the inundation of the 13th of March raft. The tragedy took place on July 13, 2004; it was an horrific crime , in which some 41 people died , among which were 10 children.
I work as ship's engineer. I had helped build the wooden raft. After the tragedy, the political police came at the place where I work and told us that the incident was caused by the way the boat was built. I did not buy this lie and I started telling the truth and denouncing the crime. Because of that, the regime has been persecuting me and I lost my job. I was beaten up and humiliated for thinking differently than them, opposing their crimes and lies and denouncing the violations of human rights in my country.

3) What is the Cuban Liberal Movement and what principles it is based on?

The Cuban Liberal Movement is a peaceful dissident movement defending human rights. It was founded in 2002. Its principles are based on the ideals promoted by John Locke and other liberal thinkers.
One of our goals is to raise awareness about the liberals' Manifesto signed in Oxford in 1997 and the liberal agenda of the past century.
Also, we denounce the persistent violation of the universal declaration of Human Rights by the Castro-communist tyranny that oppresses the Cuban people since 47 years.

4) Castro claims that health and education in Cuba are free. Is that true? What is your take on the so-called U.S. embargo?

Health and education is not free. One has to pay to buy the primary goods that are very costly. The schoolchildren are forced to work in the mountains without getting paid. The embargo is an excuse Castro uses to justify the failure of his revolution.
I am convinced that even without the embargo, the situation in Cuba would remain the same.

5) How does the Cuban people see the opposition on one side and the regime on the other?

Part of the people support the opposition movements, just because they also suffer under the current regime. Day by day, the Cuban people is realizing the lies behind the Castroite propaganda.
After the death of Castro, it will start the transition, but we'll have to help it, so to let people elect e truly-democratic president.

6) Which kind of political system do you prefer, if you do have one?

We want a gov't that respects human rights; a system that allows people to freely elect their own rulers, that allows the free flow of opinions and the existance of political parties. A system whose rulers worry for the needs of the people and adopts a policy capable to help develop the country and get it out of the current misery we're living under.

7) Are you being persecuted for your opposition activity?

Yes, I'm. Above all, we're often intercepted by the political police when we're on our way to the U.S. Interests Section in Havana. They wanna know what we see in the Internet, in order to better discredite us in front of the people.

8) Maximo, Thanks for allowing us this interview. God Bless you and all your comrades. We wish you the best in your sacred fight against tyranny.

I thank you especially for giving me the opportunity to tell the world about the reality of Cuba's daily life. God Bless you.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

The Lost City

Finally got to see The Lost City directed by Andy Garcia. Words can not describe the emotions one feels while watching the movie. Where do I begin? I am going to be honest with you, I was not expecting much nor the reaction my wife and I had(tears)! I want to watch it again because I missed some scenes due to my emotions. The couple sitting next to us kept looking at us and wondering? I am not a film critic nor pretend to be one, but Andy Garcia did a wonderful job and has to be commended for all his efforts and persistence concerning the refusal of Hollywood to produce this movie.
I hope this leads to more movies concerning the "real" happenings of the Cuban situation. We need a movie concerning the heroes in the Escambray Mountains, a movie concerning all the political prisoners, a movie concerning the exile experience, and so many topics that have not been even touched!
This gives me even more admiration for my parents and family on what they went through. Cuban exiles are given a bad rap by the media.The media and critics never saw the heartache, the pain inflicted by the absurdity of communism and the obvious attack on the family by the dictator. The critics never had to endure the pain while leaving your beloved country and getting on a airplane, the commie soldier telling you not to look back at your family or you will not be allowed to leave the country after rummaging through all your things. The critics have never had to endure the pain of family members being imprisoned or tortured simply on their beliefs! The critics have never had to endure some punk commie stealing the farm or property in the name of the revolution. The critics have never had to endure the pain of someone who you love dearly, for years watching every blip of news with a glimpse of hope waiting for the downfall of the dictator. I can see it in his eyes, though never spoken, I wish I could ease his pain and yearning for a FREE Cuba. The emotions of that person telling me with pride of his hometown and the fond memories and that he might not ever go back, but that I one day will go!
How do you describe that to someone that does not comprehend the Cuban experience?

The dignity and pride shown even with all the obstacles they faced is extraordinary and admirable. The dictator tried to destroy Cuba and the Cuban family, but he did not succeed! The bonds of family and our almighty God will never be defeated!

So media and critics: The real heroes in my book are my parents and my family. The real heroes are those who have died yearning for a FREE Cuba.

Excuse me while I wipe away a tears!!!

Friday, June 23, 2006


From Nuevo Accion:

Me imagino que muchos de mis lectores se preguntarán que quiere decir y en que idioma está escrito el título de esta “Telaraña”. Pues bien, creí que era más correcto utilizar el latín, dado el tema que voy a tratar. Esas palabras significan: “Arribó con sigilo” y “Se fue aún con más sigilo”. Quizás esta traducción no está todo lo correcta que quisiera, pero se entiende. Me refiero a la sigilosa llegada a Los Ángeles de Su Eminencia, el cardenal Jaime Lucas Ortega Alamino, Arzobispo de La Habana, y su aún más sigilosa partida, después de haber celebrado el pasado domingo la anunciada misa en la Parroquia “La Sagrada Familia”, de la vecina ciudad de Glendale, a pesar de que en esa ceremonia religiosa se anunció que el próximo domingo 25 de junio iba a encabezar una nueva misa en otra parroquia del Condado.

Hasta ahora, no se saben los verdaderos motivos de su misteriosa visita a esta ciudad y, menos aún, lo que provocó su inesperada partida sin haber celebrado la anunciada segunda misa. El que estas líneas escribe estuvo presente en la del domingo pasado, en la que –además de Su Eminencia- participaron diez sacerdotes más. Por lo tanto y sin entrar en conjeturas, voy a hacer una descripción de esa ceremonia y de lo que pasó después.

Se había anunciado que después de terminada la misa, Su Eminencia iba a responder a las preguntas que le hicieran los feligreses. La ceremonia del domingo fue una misa como las que todos conocemos, en la que el sermón estuvo a cargo del invitado. El sermón de Su Eminencia fue exclusivamente dedicado a la materia religiosa y no dejó dudas que el cardenal es un magnífico orador sagrado, y si sus palabras fueron metafóricas yo, por lo menos, no les pude encontrar relación alguna con la tragedia de nuestra patria, que era lo que todos los cubanos allí reunidos esperaban. Quiero destacar que la mayoría de los fieles que asistieron a esta ceremonia no eran cubanos, sino mayormente centroamericanos, entre los que había un buen número de guardias de seguridad vestidos de paisano que sin ningún disimulo se “colaban” cerca de los grupos de cubanos que conversaban mientras se esperaba a que abrieran las puertas del templo, para escuchar lo que hablaban.

Ya terminada la misa, uno de los sacerdotes que ayudaron en la ceremonia anunció al público que para las preguntas y respuestas tendrían que ir a un edificio aledaño, donde Su Eminencia contestaría las preguntas “siempre y cuando éstas fueran hechas de antemano y por escrito, para evitar la repetición de las preguntas”. Esto, por supuesto, “no me lo tragué” como tampoco se lo tragaron la mayoría de los cubanos asistentes. Comprendí, que el cardenal Ortega Alamino no estaba en disposición de contestar preguntas “embarazosas”, principalmente si éstas eran de raíces políticas y relativas a la situación de Cuba y de la conducta de la Iglesia Católica Cubana bajo la tiranía de Fidel Castro. Eso estaba bien claro, pues a nadie se le ocurriría hacer una pregunta que ya había sido hecha por otra persona, sin necesidad de papelitos para recordárselo. Eso fue una censura mal tramada, por lo tanto, y como era el Día de los Padres, decidí irme a compartir el resto del día con mis hijos, dado que estaba completamente seguro que las preguntas que yo hubiera escrito iban a ser desechadas por los gendarmes religiosos a cargo de la censura. Pasé unos minutos por el local, saludé a unos cuantos amigos y les dije que me iba porque ya a mi me quedaba muy poco pelo para que me lo tomaran. El Señor me iluminó, porque de quedarme me hubiera vomitado de asco públicamente.

Me contaron que Su Eminencia habló y habló sin parar y sin mencionar las preguntas. Que si en La Habana estaban enseñando el Catecismo a unos 50 niños; que si la Capilla de tal lado estaba en construcción, que si esto, que si lo otro. Por último, y a instancias del público, reveló que el recientemente fallecido, Su Santidad Juan Pablo II, durante su viaje a La Habana había solicitado de Fidel Castro su influencia para que el gobierno de Vietnam aceptara el nombramiento de cuatro cardenales en su territorio. ¡Vergonzoso! Después, no sé como, se puso a hablar del prisionero político Oscar Elías Biscet, al que calificó de “agresivo” y “violento”, y terminó diciendo: “Ya está en la cárcel”, como señalando que ese era el lugar donde le correspondía estar. El doctor Biscet, un médico mulato que es un disidente pacífico, y al que nunca le han encontrado un arma, ni un explosivo ni nada que lo califique de “agresivo” y “violento”, está cumpliendo 25 años de cárcel por el solo “delito” de pedir elecciones libres, justicia y libertad para todos. Si le hubieran encontrado un fósforo apagado, hace rato que lo hubieran fusilado. Y todo esto lo decía con su eterna y agradable sonrisa, parecida a la que muestra el ya fallecido escritor inglés Oscar Wilde en la foto de la cubierta de su libro “The importance of being earnest” (La importancia de ser sincero). ¡Qué lastima que Su Eminencia, Jaime Lucas Ortega
Alamino, no lo sea!

Antonio J. Fernández

Robinson sentenced to 12 years

One of the very few blacks in the dictatorship was sentenced to 12 years in prison.

You've got to love this quote:

the party leadership indicated that Robinson's fate should be an example, saying "in our country, no-one despite their responsibilities and merits can violate the law. He who does so will inexorably receive the weight of revolutionary justice."

Do you think the dictator is above revolutionary justice? Who decides the verdict and the sentence, doesn't matter the proof!

47 years of the same B.S. and the world still does not want to know the truth. Enough already!!!!!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

You won't believe this!

Felix Wilson, Cuban Ambassador in the Bahamas, has an article in the Nassau Guardian. Now before we get into this, sit down before you hurt yourself!

Here we go check out this quote:

"Journalism should be about the truth, honesty, objectiveness, and non partisanship! Otherwise, some may think they are journalists. But they are not. And people who are not illiterate at the end of the road will make their own judgements. Nobody can believe that everything coming from a country, in this case Cuba, is bad as certain media in The Bahamas wants to make it. "

Mr. Wilson do journalist have freedom in Cuba? What about Farinas? What about free access to the internet?

and this quote:

"My country is not perfect and in fact, no country is, simply because all of them are run by human beings. There is only one country in the whole world whose government deems appropriate to criticise and impose on others their will, claiming to have the best society and to be an example to be followed by the rest of the world. That is the US Government - the one whose President was elected in 2000 after fraud and manipulations of the elections by a small number of members of the Cuban Miami Mafia, who rigged the electoral results and to whom President Bush owes many favours."

Mr. Wilson was the dictator ever elected? Mafia? You commies have been in power for 47 years and virtually control everything in Cuba!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Youse guys will love this!

Yo Tony, I love youse in the Sopranos, but according to this article you have nothing on the dictator. Any type of dissent you are either whacked or put in prison and the don dictator controls every aspect of apartheid Cuba.
What about those who are sleeping with the fishes trying to escape the island prison of Cuba?
Yes, this sounds more like a classic mafia tale, so watch out Soprano's!

Monday, June 19, 2006

How to help nominate Dr. Biscet for the Princes of Asturias Award for Concord.

From the Medicina Cubana Blog:

The Prince of Asturias Foundation was founded in the city of Oviedo on 24th September 1980 at a formal ceremony presided over by His Royal Highness the Prince of Asturias, Heir to the throne of Spain, who was accompanied by his parents, Their Majesties the King and Queen of Spain.

The essential aims of the Foundation are to consolidate links between the Principality and the Prince of Asturias, and to contribute to encouraging and promoting scientific, cultural and humanistic values that form part of mankind's universal heritage.

The Prince of Asturias Awards were instigated to symbolize the nature and aims of the Foundation. They take their name from the title passed down through history to the Heir to the Spanish Throne, and are intended to acknowledge scientific, cultural and social work carried out at an international level, particularly within the Latin American community of nations, by individuals, work groups or institutions whose achievements are exemplary for Mankind.

The Prince of Asturias Foundation has organized the Prince of Asturias Awards since 1981. They are presented every year at a grand ceremony held in Oviedo, the capital of the Principality of Asturias, by His Royal Highness the Prince of Asturias, who is the Honorary President of the Foundation.

The Foundation is celebrating the XXV anniversary of the Prince of Asturias Awards this year with a busy schedule of activities involving figures and organizations that have at some time won an Award in one of its categories.

Prince of Asturias Award for Concord.

The award will be bestowed upon the person, persons or institution whose work has made an exemplary and outstanding contribution to mutual understanding and peaceful coexistence amongst men, to the struggle against injustice, poverty, disease or ignorance, to the defense of freedom, or whose work has widened the horizons of knowledge or has been outstanding in protecting and preserving mankind's heritage.

Candidature of Dr Oscar Elias Biscet Gonzalez:

Dr. Oscar Elías Biscet González was born of humble origin in Havana, Cuba on July 20, 1961. Dr. Biscet is the founder and president of the Lawton Foundation, an organization considered illegal by the Cuban government. The Lawton Foundation peacefully promotes the defense of all human rights through nonviolent civil disobedience. Dr. Biscet, is a follower of the Dalai Lama, Thoreau, Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. and wants to bring democracy and justice to Cuba.

Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet, is a 39 year-old Afro-Cuban physician, a spiritual man and a follower of the philosophies of Thoreau, Ghandi and Martin Luther King Jr. This human rights activist was unjustly sentenced to three years in prison on February 26 of this year for the crime of flying the Cuban flag upside down (an internationally recognized symbol of distress) as a way of protesting the human rights abuses in Cuba.

As head of the Lawton Foundation, a human rights group considered an illegal organization in Cuba, he was charged with "insulting symbols of the fatherland", "public disorder" and "instigation to commit crime". He is currently serving his sentence at the notorious "Cuba Si'' prison in Cuba’s Holguin province, on the eastern side of island, making it extremely difficult for his family to visit him from Havana. Dr. Biscet has been beaten, repeatedly threatened, and humiliated, blackmailed, subjected to brutal interrogations and thrown into cells with insane convicts and common criminals.

As a non-violent activist struggling to bring about democracy, justice and freedom to Cuba, Dr. Biscet embodies all the dreams, hopes and frustrations of 11 million Cubans in the island. As its victim, he represents everything that is horribly wrong with the 41 year old tyrannical regime of the dictator Fidel Castro.

By using non-violent means to expose the crimes of the government of Cuba, and by being a young, charismatic black man he threatens to demystify all the lies of the revolution of 1959. For this he has been singled out; and when dictator Fidel Castro personally condemned Biscet as a counter-revolutionary "ringleader'' before his trial, his fate was sealed.

Why is Castro threatened by Dr. Biscet? Because Castro's revolution was supposed to make a "New Man". It was supposed to free the blacks of Cuba from discrimination and oppression. It was supposed to create a new generation of Cubans who would espouse the communistic ideals for a better world. Afro-Cubans are supposed to be grateful to the "man" for bringing about equality. Dr. Biscet proves that the revolution failed. The revolution has created a generation of disaffected young people who are clamoring for freedom and the right to choose their destinies. It has created a generation who is willing to risk their lives by fleeing the oppressive state of Cuba in makeshift rafts. And it has created a generation of men and women who are willing to risk going to jail in their efforts to bring about changes in Cuba.

Before his sentence Dr. Biscet had been arbitrarily detained 26 times in 18 months. On February 1998 he was expelled from the Cuban National Health System and he and his family were evicted from his home. On several occasions, Cuba's State Security tried to subject Dr. Biscet to psychiatric examinations and pressured him to leave Cuba, to which he has reiterated that he will never abandon his country. He knows that the struggle is in Cuba and that in order to bring about change, one has to stay and fight from the inside.

Dr. Biscet has continued his fight for justice from prison. He has staged protests against Cuba’s violation of human rights at the prison with acts of civil disobedience, such as fasting and holding prayer services. Consequently, he was punished by being locked up in solitary confinement for 42 days in an unlit cell. He has lost 20 pounds and suffered from a serious gum infection that went untreated and caused three of his molars to fall out.

Dr. Biscet has told his family he fears for his life and highly distrusts the medical personnel at the prison facility. In addition, all his mail sent from prison has been intercepted and his Bible has been confiscated.

So who is Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet? He is a man declared prisoner of conscience by Amnesty International. He is Castro's worst nightmare. He is a man wrongly imprisoned for believing in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Dr. Biscet is Cuba's New Man. He is Cuba's hope for the future.

Presentation of candidatures :: Prince of Asturias Awards

Information about Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet
A.-Name: Dr. Oscar Elías Biscet
B.- Address: Prison Combinado del Este
C.- City: Havana
D.- Country: Cuba
E.- Phone : +537991774
F.- E-mail:
G.- Curriculum Vitae: Information above.

Pastors for the dictator

Here we go again with this commie group who use the front "humanitarian aid" to help the dictatorship of apartheid Cuba. I guess the commies have seen the success and the explosion of ant-dictator blogs, they have now started their very own caravan blog. Get me a barf bag!

This group is very humanitarian so much so, that if you show up to the events holding a sign or you simply refute them, they will send two thugs with sticks after you!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

“Los muertos de Castro”

Martha Colmenares blog has this video concerning the atrocities of the dictator and her commentary.

Another must see video courtesy of Ya No Mas!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Cuba will remain communist

The dictator's brother stated that the" Communist Party will remain in control of Cuba if there is a leadership change."
The dictator must have one foot in the grave due to Raul's sudden speeches and hollywood appearances. Communism will probably remain, but one thing for sure will change: the interior decoration, the floral arrangements, and the color schemes!
Abajo Fidel Documentary

DOWN WITH CASTRO/CHAVEZ/ EVO....ABAJO FIDEL blog has this historical documentary. Click here for the video premiere.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The nerve of "Tricky Ricky"

Tricky Ricky not even challenged at the Hispanic media convention. When asked about the imprisoned journalists, the commie dictator suck up responded:

"Those reports are fairly exaggerated," said Speaker Ricardo Alarcon, saying those who were imprisoned were agents of the United States.

and get this BS:

He also blamed the U.S. embargo for the lack of Internet access in his communist country and denied reports that President
Fidel Castro' 80, suffered from a disease such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's.

Commies never really want to be challenged or really debated because they will be defeated every time. They always silence the opposition by force and intimidation. To bad they won't let the FREEDOM Fighters to my right ask "Tricky Ricky" real questions!!!
Clap off/ Clap on

The continuing saga of who cut the electricity? Funny thing though, we all know who restored the electricity down in Cuber. Do we need to get Inspector Clouseau involved?

Monday, June 12, 2006

Lights out

Here is something out of the WTF department: Cuba cut the electricity to the U.S.diplomatic mission in Cuba on June 5th. In the mean time apartheid Cuba declared that the blackouts have now come to an end. I am sure that the people of Cuba really believe this? Now they need to work on that Freedom thing and the political prisoners thingy!

MSM where are you?
Watch out Florida

To my family and friends in Florida: take cover! Let's pray that this storm will not do much damage!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Fasting chain in Cuba and in the U.S.

Currently there is a fasting chain in Cuba to show support for Guillermo Fariñas Hernández. El Cafe Cubano and Blog for Cuba started a fasting chain here in the U.S. in support of this brave FREEDOM fighter. My freedom loving brethren please show solidarity and do something!!!

MSM where are you?

From La Asamblea para Promover la Sociedad Civil :

Comunicado No.62/06

La Asamblea para Promover la Sociedad Civil quiere dar continuidad a su comunicado No.61/06, donde se daba a conocer la realización de una cadena de ayuno en todo el país; por tiempo indefinido, que tiene como objetivo la solidaridad con Guillermo Fariñas Hernández, por su vida; y porque el gobierno le dé una respuesta y le instale Internet. Esta información fue recibida de Idania Yánez Contreras, en la provincia de Villa Clara, quien se encuentra coordinando la actividad a nivel nacional:

Se incorporan al ayuno: Roberto A. López, Pedro Luís Velásquez Machado, Pablo Miguel Vázquez Vigoa, Lázaro de Armas Urra y Luís Chávez Posada, desde la Finca Prendes, Camino Guerrero, los Arabos, Matanzas. (5)

Jesús Cartaza González y Armando Romero en Calle B No.17 entre N y Despoblado, Céspedes, Camagüey. (2)

Marielys Castro Fernández Rubio, en Carlos Manuel de Céspedes No 803 entre Aguilera y Prado, Guantánamo. (1)

Manuel Herrera García en la calle H. Hernández No.21 entre Martí y Maceo, Aguada de Pasajeros, Cienfuegos. (1)

Hasta el momento suman 47 los ayunantes permanentes.

En un ayuno de 12 horas, en Santa Clara, Villa Clara, están: Roberto Carlos Pérez García y Niurvis Díaz Ramón, en calle G No.18 entre Fábrica de Pienso e ICP, Reparto Sub Planta; Bernardo Luís Azcanio, Léster Fernández Zamora, Frank López Rey en General Marino 331 A entre Campos y Circunvalación, Reparto Virginia.

En Caibarién, Villa Clara, ayunan por 24 horas: Rolando Pastor Cabello Garman, Avenida 5 entre 10 y 11, Marlene Broche Espinosa, calle 22 No.3104 entre 31 y 33; Javier Delgado Torna, en Ave, 41 entre 14 y 16 Bloque 2 apto, C-6; Felicia Espinosa Rodríguez de 74 años, en Ave. 39 No. 1603 entre 16 y 18; Raúl Pérez Gavilán Ave. 31 No.10 interior entre 12 y 14; Ramón Norberto Martínez Ruiz, Ave. 15 No.1417 entre 14 y 16; Carlos Michael Martí Ruiz Calle 18 No.2502 entrc25 y 27.

Amado Ruiz Moreno en calle 5ta. del oeste No.58 entre 3ra. y 4ta. del Sur, Placetas, Villa Clara, ayuna por 24 horas,

Arniel Morrabales Torres, Juan Alberto de la Nuez Ramírez, por espacio de 10 horas; así como Gerardo Rogelio Arévalo Padrón y Pablo Maciel Calvo Rodríguez, por 24 horas; todos en la calle H Hernández No.21 entre Martí y Maceo, Aguada de Pasajeros, Cienfuegos.

Se encuentran en ayuno de 24 horas en Santi Spiritus José Rivero Monteagudo , Julio A. Bemal Díaz, la calle 10 No.18 en la CPA., Ángel Montero, Camino de las Cañas y Bárbara Alfonso Serguera, Tomás García García, Yohandri Valdez García, Calle Anglona No. 18, en el Reparto Escribano,

Ayunando por 24 horas están: Idael Pérez Díaz, Santa González, Luis Esteban Espinosa, Tania Maceda Guerra, en Honorato del Castillo No. 154 entre República y Cuba, en Ciego de Ávila.

La señora Virgen Sánchez Acosta de 70 años, Orlando Ferreira Salas de 68 años, Antonio Ferreira Salas de 74 años, Bárbaro Pérez Urgüey, Emilia Fundicheli Sánchez Consuelo Araís Hernández Sánchez, realizando un ayuno de 12 horas en Luis Palomares No.19 entre Gómez y Ebra, en Antillas, Holguín.

Haciendo ayuno por una jornada de 24 horas: Ada Iris Abascal Valbuena, Amado Acosta López, Ramiro Carbonell Burgel, Yasnai Velásquez Abascal, Yordis García Fomiel, Yanet Mosqueda Callou, Leonel Padilla Navarro, Germán Osorio Jiménez, Herminia Ramírez Jiménez e Isabel Corcoba Osorio, en Céspedes No.803 entre Aguilera y Prado, Guantánamo

Alberto Martínez Fernández, preso político, efectuando un ayuno de 24 horas, en la prisión de Combinado de Guantánamo. Por 72 horas, lo hacen los también presos políticos: Virgilio Mantilla Arango y Conrado Galindo Fariól, en la prisión de Kilo 8 en Camagüey.

La Asamblea para Promover la Sociedad Civil quiere explicar que el día 7 de junio, no se pudo informar de esta cadena de ayuno, ya que la casa de su coordinadora Idania Yanez Contreras, estuvo sitiada –por espacio de 8 horas- por las Brigadas de Respuesta Rápida, y le fue interrumpido el teléfono.

Asamblea para Promover la Sociedad Civil
Ciudad de La Habana, 8 de junio de 2006
Heavy rain in Cuba

The first tropical depression of the season dropped heavy rain in Cuba. I guess the dictator could not move or will the depression away this time.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Nazi salute by the dictator

Here we have the dictator of Apartheid Cuba paying homage to his master.

H/T to Stefania at Free Thoughts

Friday, June 09, 2006

"Peligro de muerte y secuelas por atención médica deficiente"

Por Dr. Darsi Ferrer Ramírez, director del Centro de Salud y Derechos Humanos
¨Juan Bruno Zayas¨.

La joven de 27 años, Yordanka Abat Paz, perdió su embarazo deseado, estuvo en peligro de muerte y presenta daños permanentes en su organismo, como resultado del proceder inadecuado e irresponsable que sufrió en el hospital, de manos de los médicos que la asistieron al buscar ayuda profesional por presentar un cuadro de hiperemesis gravídica.

En el año 2004, la Sra. Abat fue ingresada en el Hospital Materno ¨Hijas de Galicia¨, en la ciudad de la Habana, con diagnóstico de Hiperemesis Gravídica (vómitos provocados por el embarazo) y gestación de nueve semanas.

Le indicaron el tratamiento usual: hidratación por venoclisis y medicamentos parenterales (vía sanguínea) que atenúan los efectos de las hormonas causales de los vómitos.

Pasada una semana, al no evidenciarse ninguna mejoría en su estado de salud, con intolerancia gástrica hasta para la asimilación por vía oral de las soluciones líquidas, los ginecólogos decidieron interrumpir la gestación mediante legrado uterino.

A pesar del legrado los síntomas persistieron, lo que determinó la realización de un análisis sanguíneo de gonadotropina coriónica, cuya cifra indicó una concentración propia de embarazo. Para corroborar el resultado le hicieron un ultrasonido transvaginal donde no se visualizó la referida gestación.

Los especialistas concluyeron en su valoración médica que la paciente presentaba un embarazo extrauterino y, por tanto, la sometieron a una intervención quirúrgica de urgencia.

Días después de la cirugía Abat Paz fue dada de alta hospitalaria por la favorable evolución que tuvo, pero antes los doctores le explicaron que la sometieron a operación sin necesidad, pues se confirmó en el salón que no tenía ningún embarazo fuera del útero.

La Sra. Paz fue ingresada nuevamente en ¨Hijas de Galicia¨ a los tres días de estar en su casa, aquejada de malestar general, fiebre de 39 – 40 grados celsius, dolor bajo vientre, taquicardia y secreción vaginal.

Luego de una semana de tratamiento con antibióticos de amplio espectro, por medio del examen vaginal los médicos determinaron que mantenía en la cavidad uterina restos del legrado que le habían practicado anteriormente y, por ello, ordenaron llevarla otra vez al salón para volverla a legrar.

Cuando Yordanka se recuperó de la anestesia fue informada que a consecuencia de la septicemia (infección generalizada) encontraron un marcado deterioro en los órganos de su aparato ginecológico, lo que los obligó a extirparle el útero, las trompas y los ovarios, como medida extrema para evitar peores complicaciones.

La paciente fue trasladada para la sala de cuidados intensivos del Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico ¨Díez de Octubre¨ reportada de muy grave, donde cuatro días más tarde le diagnosticaron una oclusión intestinal y, acto seguido, la sometieron a otra intervención quirúrgica de urgencia.

Cuando por fortuna, al cabo de dos meses, logró salir con vida y abandonar el hospital la remitieron para la consulta de patología de cuello del Materno ¨Hijas de Galicía¨, allí el doctor que la examinó le aseguró que no era necesario mantener un seguimiento, que podía vivir una vida plena con la única limitante de que no podría tener más hijos.

En la actualidad, debido a la menopausia post-quirúrgica Yordanka padece de frecuentes crisis de artrosis por la falta de calcio en su organismo, además, presenta dispareunia (dolor al tener relaciones sexuales), infección vaginal a repetición, oleadas de calor e irritación nerviosa, con la agravante de no contar con atención médica adecuada.

El Dr. Jacinto, jefe del programa materno-infantil del mencionado Materno, fue el encargado de darle respuesta a la queja emitida por Yordanka Abat ante las autoridades de salud.

El galeno reconoció que hubo errores de parte de los médicos que la atendieron, pero le pidió que valorara que, como otros seres humanos, esos profesionales están a expensas de equivocarse y, además, le hizo énfasis en que tomara en cuenta que debía agradecer todos los servicios que la revolución había puesto de modo gratuito en función de restablecerle la salud, según sus palabras, "generosidad del estado que no la tendría en ningún otro país".

La legislación jurídica vigente en Cuba no contempla la indemnización por el estado de los daños producidos a pacientes en los casos de negligencias médicas. Las personas que resultan víctimas de ese tipo de situaciones, como en el caso descrito, solo tienen por opción resignarse ante lo sucedido.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Terrorist Gone...

The terrorist responsible for beheadings and suicide bombings is gone courtesy of 500 pound bombs. For more pictures click here and here.

Prayer Vigil for Farinas

A prayer vigil is being held in Cuba for the life of Guillermo Farinas. Still the world is silent for Farinas, and for those who stand up against the dictator. Please pray for Mr. Farinas and please join the fasting chain!

"If God wants me to die, I will die. I will be a Martyr for the Free information in the World"- Guillermo Fariñas Hernández

Thanks Alex for the tip!!!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

I'm so mad.............

The current issue of Hamas Weekly has a cartoon of a palestinian kid urinating on our beloved Lady Liberty. Can't make fun of them, but they sure can do whatever they want!

Just despicable!!!!!!
Mini-me adding troops to the Colombian border

All we hear about in the media is how Mini-me is preparing for the U.S. invasion, but look here it seems that the oil pimp has his eye on invading Colombia?

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Guillermo Fariñas Hernández on hunger strike since January 31st

"If God wants me to die, I will die. I will be a Martyr for the Free information in the World"- Guillermo Fariñas Hernández

News out of Cuba is that Mr. Hernandez could die at any moment . Support this FREEDOM fighter. The media is basically ignoring his struggle and his quest for Free access to the internet. Sadly, most journalist are not aware of this or they are ignoring him on purpose. Now is no time for apathy, join me my FREEDOM loving brethren to spread the word and blitz the media about his condition and his cause! I am also calling again for a FAST, but with a twist this time. It's up to you and God what you want to do and level you want to take it. I propose we set up a FASTING chain and spread the news to the media. The chain would be clear and simple, just leave your name and city or state(and comments if you like) in the comments section in support of Mr. Farinas. Believe me he knew last time we were fasting and in Cuba they set up their own fast to show support.

C’mon my brethren stand up, do something and let’s help our brother in need!


Ziva at Blog for Cuba also has a post concerning Farinas. Please join us in support of Guillermo Fariñas Hernández before it's to late.