ULTIMA HORA:Arrestado Antúnez en La Habana junto a otros opositores

Para más información:
Janisset Rivero
Marcibel Loo


Arrestado Antúnez en La Habana junto a otros opositores
Activistas se dirigían a una reunión de apoyo a los prisioneros políticos

Ciudad de La Habana. Fuentes de la oposición han confirmado hoy el arresto del ex prisionero político Jorge Luis García Pérez “Antúnez” junto a un grupo de opositores en La Habana. Marta Beatriz Roque Cabello informó que algunos activistas, incluyendo a Antúnez, habían quedado en encontrarse en su residencia:

“Mi casa está rodeada por agentes de la policía. Antúnez dijo que estaría aquí a las ocho de la mañana y aún no ha llegado, presumimos que ha sido detenido. Idania Yánes Contreras llamó a las 8:30 de la mañana que se encontraba cerca del área pero aún no aparece, ella estaba acompañada por la activista Yesmi Elena Mena Sulvano”, expresó cerca de las 10 de la mañana Roque Cabello.

Otros opositores que se encuentran desaparecidos en estos momentos, presuntamente detenidos son: Amado Ruiz Moreno, Blas Augusto Fortún Martínez, Carlos Cordero Páez, Yubí Diosnegui Pernet Pérez, Alicia Martínez Guevara, Alejandro Gabriel Martínez Martínez y Guillermo Pérez Yera. La información fue provista por Bertha Antúnez Pernet, hermana de Jorge Luís García Pérez “Antúnez”.

“A las 6 de la mañana la policía política rodeó la casa y se encaramó en el techo del activista José Díaz Silva, en la zona de Rancho Boyeros. Se encuentra detenido en la estación de policía El Capri. A esa misma hora una patrulla de la policía se llevó de su casa a la activista Georgina Noa Montes en Arroyo Naranjo. A las 10 de la mañana un carro patrullero detuvo a Arturo Montgomery Alonso. Todas estas personas habían sido convocadas a una actividad a favor de la libertad de los presos políticos cubanos. Desde ayer se encuentra un oficial frente a la casa del opositor Álvaro Yeras Felipe, quien participó en la protesta en Santa Clara y le impidieron salir de su casa en la zona de Mantilla, Arroyo Naranjo”, informó Marta Beatriz Roque Cabello.

René Montes de Oca Martijas informó desde el centro de ayuno de la barriada de Los Pinos que el activista Roberto de Jesús Guerra Pérez fue detenido cerca de las 11 de la mañana en la casa del opositor José Ávalos, ubicada en la zona de Centro Habana.

De acuerdo a la opinión de Montes de Oca un gran número de estos opositores participaron en la protesta realizada en Santa Clara ante la prisión El Pre el pasado 24 de septiembre y que después desembocó en una protesta popular en el parque Vidal de esa ciudad.


Dado por el Directorio Democrático Cubano a los 27 días de septiembre de 2007

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Rat in the kitchen

I am a big UB40 fan and while driving and grooving to their tunes, the song: "Rat in mi kitchen" starts to play. I start thinking on how Ahmadinejad is in "OUR" kitchen speaking at Columbia. He is in "OUR" kitchen dining with journalist. How many times has mini-me chavez come into "OUR" kitchen and insulted the U.S. How many times has the dictator of Cuba entered "OUR" kitchen and have journalist fawn all over him.

So my FREEDOM-loving brethren there is a RAT in "OUR" kitchen, What ya going DO?

Journalist dine with Ahmadinejad

Read this article with restraint. Mr. Richard "Bengal" Stengel's write up about his "DINNER" with Ahmadinejad is very disturbing. Was his article about a lunatic running a terrorist nation or man who should be considered for sainthood? I DON'T GET THESE JOURNALIST! We are talking about a tyrant who wants to wipe Israel off the map!

"Bengal" Stengel please sell your nonsense in Iran, Cuba, and China!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Kevin Spacey meets with Mini-me Chavez

I don't get why would Kevin Spacey be meeting with a dictator like chavez? Kevin why don't you move to Venezuela or Cuba, then try to do movie that criticizes or pokes fun at the government!

Friday, September 21, 2007

It's the truth because they said so....

This must be the real truth...since commies never lie....only Cuban-Americans..

Why this Ann Louise Bardach must be the beacon of truth and ....if Tonito said so....so it must be the truth.... Thanks for clarifying this....can you clarify the political prisoner thing....the executions.....and no elections in 48 years(minor details I grant you):

The highly anticipated book on Fidel Castro from one of the preeminent authorities on Cuban and Miami politics and CBS' correspondent on Castro, Ann Louise Bardach, WITHOUT FIDEL: The Death of Castro and Other Tales (Scribner) confirms for first time that the Cuban leader is terminally ill and dying -- yet determined to outlive the Bush presidency. An excerpt of the book reveals: "A few weeks after Fidel Castro's surgery, his son, Antonio Castro, an orthopedic surgeon and the doctor for Cuba's national baseball team, was more forthcoming with some of his foreign counterparts at an international baseball event. Asked solicitously about his father's health, the amiable Antonio shook his head sadly, and said: 'Lo que el Viejo tiene -- es fulminante.' or 'What my old man has -- is insurmountable.'" Bardach will examine the last, secretive months of the Cuban leader, based on sources with access to Castro's private hospital suite. Bardach thoroughly debunks the PerezHilton "Fidel is Dead" rumor that was picked up by a credulous mainstream media last month. "As the rumors begat rumors, reaching critical mass by day's end on August 24th, " she writes, "Castro was, in fact, having a reasonably comfortable day and was watching his favorite show on television -- a news program of Cuban one-party punditry, La Mesa Redonda [The Roundtable]". "It hardly required rocket science to ascertain that the rumor was bogus. For one thing, Ricardo Alarcon, Cuba's US policy player -- went, and stayed on, vacation. At the same time, Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque, flew off to Brazil to attend a Summit and soon after, skipped off to Iran. Moreover, Raul Castro had made a secretive trip to Italy, a crucial partner in Cuban tourism, in which he toured a state-of-the-art resort and golf course in Tuscany. Clearly, the top three men in the Cuban political firmament would never have ventured outside of Havana had Castro inched closer to death's door. By 9 p.m. on August 24th, Miami radio and television's rumor frenzy had devolved into a no-news meltdown. One more time it was achingly clear to all that Fidel Castro Was Not Dead -- Yet Again." The book concludes with the succession of his brother, Raul, as commander-in-chief whose reign began on July 27th, 2006. Bardach makes the case that Raul may well be the best -- and only -- man to lead Cuba out of its 47 year cocoon of isolation and hostility towards its towards its northern superpower.

"Castro Looks Healthy in Cuba Video"

Get this quote from the AP:

"HAVANA (AP) - Fidel Castro looked alert and healthier in a surprise video aired on state television Friday, the first images released of the ailing 81- year-old Cuban leader in more than three months. "

Alert and healthier? McFly any one home? The gullible media doses this out to the public without any proof. It's the same ole interviewer and the apartheid dictator wearing the same Adidas outfit. What date was this filmed? Notice how the camera NEVER shows both of them at the same time. Ancient Chinese secret, no it's not calgon but it's the same commie fool the media and public scheme, done over and over again.

Rumor Friday

.....the dictator is dead again....

......raulita is not happy with the office decor/threw a hissy fit about the colors!

....anita snow is not happy with the mojitos lately.....she's happy about the Rolex watch

....chavez is depressed concerning the apartheid dictator/looking for a new partner concerning the stick....

...translators are needed when cocaine morales visits cuber/officials can not understand anything that he says...

...."tricky ricky" alarcon will appear with wolfman blitzer on CNN for 3,500th time.

... the new Adidas outfit sent to the dictator had a big hole in the back of the pants....the dictator was angry, but later "reflected" how he has stuck it to the Cuban people for 48 years!!!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Dan Rather should be sued for his manipulations!

Poor Dan "Blather" Rather suing CBS for 70 million! $70 million for his sloppy journalism and obstruction of the truth? I say he should be sued for his support of the dictator and manipulation in the Elian interview and propaganda!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

"Chavez Threatens to Take Over Schools"

May threaten? HE WILL TAKE OVER THE SCHOOLS PEOPLE! How gullible the media with both the dictator and mini-me. Remember when the oil pimp announced that he would not govern pass the year 2012, but now who knows how long the reign of terror will last. You see HE has unfinished business that will take HIM an eternity. Yet the press does nothing!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

We are blessed my FREEDOM loving brethren

As many of you know by now this blog takes on the spiritual angle at times. I don't believe in man or men who run religious institutions.(Yes I am still catholic familia!) We all are sinners, except for the dictator who is all seeing and knows everything! I heard an excellent homily at church the other day...it hit me like a ton of bricks....all these years I believed that we the Cuban people were cursed or punished for something.....according to this homily, people who suffer trials and tribulations are blessed because they are each given a cross......it hit me my brethren, Cubans are BLESSED, yes the trials and tribulations are unbearable for many, the beam on the cross that runs horizontally runs straight through our hearts......The dictator, like the devil may have full rein, but it is only temporary. God's glory will rein forever.....WE ARE BLESSED....We ARE BLESSED......CUBA WILL BE FREE.....THE TRUTH WILL REIGN.....

Can I hear AMEN my brethren!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Rumor Friday

It's rumor Friday again:

Anita Snow is actually a journalist, but tends to compromise her values and not report the truth, so she can stay in Havana....her idol is Lucia Newman

the dictator also warned George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, and Jimmy Carter of alleged plots against their lives....

the dictator also warned the world back in 1959 about the dangers of Global warming....

"tricky ricky" has debated if he should tell the truth to wolfman blitzer on CNN, but decided to speak with a forked tongue since the wolfman believes everything that commies say....

the dictator is reportedly dead again......yet "trick ricky" alarcon saw him a week ago.....this has to be true, since his word is as good as gold!

the dictator is now taking a writing course(correspondence course) to enhance his writing ability on his weekly "reflections."....... failed first course due to plagiarism

Fred pandering away

No questions about these comments made about Cubans? Hey, I am a conservative, but this guy took pot shots and now is drinking Cuban coffee. Sorry Fred, the only one I bought was Ronald Reagan.

Saint Raulita by Anita Snow

Anita Snow is nominating raulita for sainthood according to this article. This article has "snow job" written all over it. The raulita plan has been into effect for some time, first the fading away of the adidas dictator, second the rumors of the dictator's death and then he's alive again to gauge the reaction of both inside and outside the island. Third, so raulita and the henchmen be absolved of any crime because he's gentler and kinder commie dictator. WE DON"T buy it! All of these commies in the government ARE responsible for their crimes ,the suffocation and the slavery of the Cuban people. I thought Lucia Newman was despicable, Anita "snow job" has taken over the torch!

"Fidel Castro says U.S. fooled world over 9/11"

What mr. reflective adidas wearing dictator? "In an essay read by a Cuban television presenter on Tuesday night, Castro said the Pentagon was hit by a rocket, not a plane, because no traces were found of its passengers." Well mr. ghost writer, it looks like the diverticulitis dictator has fooled the media and the world for over 48 years! Why don't we REALLY reflect here and tell the truth about the dictator(You know dead or alive!)

Can you believe this crap gets press and top story placement on the drudge report, yet all the atrocities that have been committed by the apartheid dictatorship, a total silence!

We will never forget 9/11

We will never forget 9/11! The tinted terrorist Osama Bin Laden responsible for these attacks against America. I will say it again since the media and the general public have become complacent: The tinted terrorist is RESPONSIBLE for the attacks against the United States.

We will never forget, we will never forget!


Friday, September 07, 2007


Yo confieso ante Dios todopoderoso y ante vosotros, hermanos, que he pecado mucho de pensamiento, palabra, obra y omisión: por mi culpa, por mi culpa, por mi gran culpa. Por eso ruego a Santa María, siempre Virgen, a los Ángeles, a los Santos y a vosotros, hermanos, que intercedáis por mi ante Dios, nuestro Señor.
Oración para todos los días:
Acordaos, oh piadosísima Virgen María!, que jamás se ha oído decir que ninguno de los que haya acudido a Vos, implorado vuestra asistencia y reclamado vuestro socorro, haya sido abandonado de Vos. Animado con esta confianza, a Vos también acudo, oh Virgen, Madre de la vírgenes, y aunque gimiendo bajo el peso de mis pecados me atrevo a comparecer ante Vuestra Santísima presencia soberana. No desechéis oh purísima Madre de Dios mis humildes súplicas, antes bien, escuchadlas favorablemente. Así sea.
Día Primero (30 de agosto):
Dios te salve! ¡Cuánto se alegra mi alma, amantísima Virgen, con los dulces recuerdos que en mí despierta esta salutación! Llénase de júbilo mi corazón al pronunciar el Ave María, para acompañar el gozo que llenó tu espíritu al escucharla de boca del Ángel, congratulándose así de la elección que de ti hizo el Omnipotente para darnos al Señor.
Pídase el favor que se desea conseguir.
Día segundo: (31 de agosto)
¡María, nombre santo! Dígnate, amabilísima Madre, sellar con tu nombre el memorial de nuestras súplicas, dándonos el consuelo de que tu Hijo, Jesús, las atienda benignamente para alcanzar pleno convencimiento en la práctica de nuestros deberes religiosos, sólida confirmación en las virtudes cristianas y continuas ansias de nuestra eterna salvación.
Día tercero: (1 de septiembre)
Llena de Gracia, ¡Oh dulce Madre! Dios te salve, María, sagrario riquísimo en que descansó corporalmente la plenitud de la Divinidad: a tus pies nos presentamos hoy para que la gracia de Dios se difunda abundantemente en nuestras pobres almas, las purifique, las engrandezca y cada día aumente más en ellos el verdadero amor a Dios y a nuestros hermanos.
Día cuarto: (2 de septiembre)
El Señor es contigo: ¡Oh Santísima Virgen! Aquel inmenso Señor, que por su esencia está en todas las cosas, está en ti y contigo de un modo muy superior. Madre mía, venga por ti a nosotros. Pero ¿cómo ha de venir a un corazón lleno de tanta suciedad. Aquel Señor que para hacerte habitación suya quiso, con tal prodigio, que no perdieses, siendo madre, tu virginidad? ¡Oh muera en nosotros toda impureza!
Día quinto: (3 de septiembre)
Bendita tú eres entre todas las mujeres. Tú eres, oh Santísima Virgen María, la gloria de Jerusalén, tú eres la alegría de Israel, tú eres el honor de nuestro pueblo. Si por una mujer, Eva, tantas lágrimas se derramó en el mundo, por ti nos llegó la redención. Por esto, tú serás siempre bendita. Alcánzanos una fe viva y operante para considerar e imitar las grandes obras que en ti y por ti obró Dios.
Día sexto: (4 de septiembre)
Bendito es el fruto de tu vientre, Jesús. Deploramos grandemente, purísima Virgen y amantísima Madre, que hayamos cometido tantos pecados, sabiendo que ellos hicieron morir en tu cruz a tu Hijo. Sea el fruto de nuestra oración, que no cesamos de llorarlos hasta poder bendecir eternamente a Jesús, fruto bendito de tu vientre virginal.
Día séptimo: (5 de septiembre)
Santa María, Madre de Dios. Tu mayor título de grandeza, tu mayor dignidad, oh María es haber sido elegida para Madre de Jesucristo, Hijo de Dios. De esta elección divina proceden todas tus gracias y prerrogativas. No olvides nunca que también fuiste designada por tu Divino Hijo, al pie de la cruz, como Madre espiritual nuestra. Que nunca nos falten fuerzas para mostrarnos como dignos hijos tuyos.
Día octavo: (6 de septiembre)
Ruega por nosotros, pecadores. En ti Virgen María, como en alcázar nos refugiamos. Aunque el vértigo de la vida y los enemigos del alma nos hayan despojado o puedan despojarnos de las preciosas vestiduras de la gracia, alejándonos de ti y de tu amado Hijo, nunca nos cierres las puertas de Sagrado Corazón.
Día noveno: (7 de septiembre)
Ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte . Siempre estamos expuestos a perder la gracia de Dios y condenarnos. Haced, Santísima Virgen María, que por vuestra intercesión nunca perdamos el favor de Dios; que en esta difícil lucha por la vida encontremos en ti la protección maternal que tanto necesitamos y una Abogada en la hora de nuestra muerte.

rumor Friday.......

We still don't know if the apartheid dictator is really dead or not. Every Friday El Cafe Cubano will dish out the latest:

-The real reason the Adidas wearing dictator can not be seen in public is that he is now obsessed with wearing "I LOVE YOU MIAMI" and "I LOVE THE YANKEES" t-shirts. He is also prone at any time to sing GOD BLESS AMERICA. Mini-me chavez is furious!

-raulita has now decided against exile in italia due to color schemes, could not find the right place and was really frustrated so he went on a cleaning and organizing binge!

-Anita Snow is musing about REALLY telling the truth about Cuber instead of regurgitating the apartheid dictatorship news...just a rumor

-Dan Rather, bored in retirement, will now head the news department at Granma.

-the lawyer for the cuban father in the child custody case, is not worried about the fabricated letters, but real concerned about the photos of her not only kissing the dictator's cheek, but one photo of her kissing the dictator's as....(We will get to the butt of this story)

UNTIL NEXT Friday........

well I know it's not rumor Friday yet...

Remember my FREEDOM loving brethren to read these rumors in a low whisper. "Tricky Ricky" alarcon was in Canada yesterday and when pressed about the dictator: NOTHING?

Exit plans "tricky ricky?"

raulita has not been seen since his fashion trip to italia and the apartheid Adidas dictator has not been seen in a LOOOOOOOONG time?

a high number of cuban officials have been seen at foreign embassies.....hmmm

announcement of mr. adidas death was to be done sometime this week(I don't believe this one)

well just rumors or is it...........

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

"Reflections" from the apartheid dictator

The latest essay from the apartheid dictator or is it a "ghost" writer? Mr. expert in everything now "reflects" on a possible global recession. Thanks fifo, but no thanks! How can we take you seriously in that Adidas outfit! You "reflected" on every U.S. president during your dictatorship and even promoted who "YOU" think should be the next president. You forgot something mr. reflective Adidas, you FAILED to mention that "YOU" have ruled Cuber for 48 years.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Misa de la Virgen de la Caridad

Non Profit-Organization
Houston, Texas


El sábado 8 de septiembre celebraremos la festividad de La Virgen María de la Caridad del Cobre, la Virgen Mambisa, Patrona de Cuba, con una Misa Solemne, a las 5:30 de la tarde, en la Capilla Warren del St. Dominic Center, en el 2403 de E. Holcombe Blvd. y St. Dominic.
La Archicofradía desea, como parte de esta festividad y como Obra de Caridad, gracias a la ayuda de ustedes, hacerle entrega de artículos de canastilla a alguna madre cubana recién llegada, con pocos recursos económicos y próxima a tener o que haya tenido su bebé para esa fecha.
Cualquier contribución con la que quieran participar, ya sean artículos de canastilla o donaciones en efectivo, pónganse en contacto lo antes posible con nuestro secretario Ramón Merino llamando a su teléfono, el 281-495-5182. Cualquier donación por cheque, pueden enviarla: P.O. Box 742501, Houston, TX 77274-2501. Escriba su cheque pagadero a Archicofradía de la Caridad y en la línea de referencia del cheque, identifíquelo con la palabra “Canastilla.”
Quiero recordarle, a los cofrades como a aquellos que quieran hacerse miembros de la Archicofradía, que la donación anual (Cuota) de $18 por persona nos permite recaudar fondos para la celebración de esta fiesta. Por favor envíe su donación lo antes posible.
Escriba su cheque a Archicofradía de la Caridad. En la línea de referencia del cheque, escriba Cuota 2007-2008 y envíelo a nuestra dirección postal. No envie efectivo por Correo. Si desea pagar su cuota en efectivo, póngala en un sobre cerrado con una nota dando su nombre y deposítelo en la colecta durante la Misa. Por último pero no de menos importancia necesitamos voluntarios dispuestos a colaborar ese día.
Esperamos su participación en la celebración de la fiesta a nuestra patrona, el 8 de septiembre. Sinceramente en Cristo. Luis Cisneros. Presidente Archicofradía Ntra. Sra. Caridad del Cobre, Archidiócesis Galveston-Houston.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

How's this Mr. Oliphant?

H/T to FREEDOM fighter "X"!!!!!!!

"A ruse about Che hitting the U.S. airwaves targeting Latinos"

A ruse about Che hitting the U.S. airwaves targeting Latinos © 2007 ABIP
Commentary by Agustin Blazquez with the collaboration of Jaums Sutton

Fasten your seat belts! The latest installment of Che-junk will be broadcast soon, polluting the airways of America directed to the Latinos. That's all we need, to get the masses of Latinos in the U.S. all prey to that romantic and fake image of the notorious Argentinean criminal - known by his victims as "The Butcher of the Cabana" (a fortress made into a prison where Che executed many without trial).

For the largely ignorant masses in the U.S. and in Latin America, this mini-series is a charade designed to enlist more fools to the cult of the despicable Che. Unknown to most of them is that Che looked down on the natives of the Americas and Latinos. Involved in this travesty is National Geographic Adventure that developed this mini-series that will be broadcast on V-me by Public TV stations, cable and satellites providers.

According to the announcement below, "V-me is the national network partnered with Public TV, that entertains and educates America's Latino families in Spanish." So here you have it, you are financing with your taxes and donations, programming that, far from being educational, is misleading the Latino population in the U.S. and fostering admiration for a criminal that was an enemy of the U.S., of democracy and freedom.

This production is an effort to poison and brainwash the growing Latino population in the U.S.

In the many recent demonstrations lately of for Latino rights, while many are good and decent people, it was also easy to see the anti-U.S. tenor of many -- the flags and t-shirts with the face of Che. So many of them see Che as the hero and savior he wasn't.

This unfortunate broadcast will mislead and convert many to believers of the cult of Che and make more enemies from within - as if the U.S. needs more. This is a shameless ruse of National Geographic Adventure with the collaboration of Public-TV. Both should be better informed about history.
Chasing Che
Beginning September 4 a new adventure and discovery series provides a fresh look
at Che Guevara's Latin America
New York, NY--(HISPANIC PR WIRE - BUSINESS WIRE)--August 27, 2007--How are you changed by your travels and what footprints do you leave? For Ernesto Guevara, a legendary motorcycle trek across the back-roads of Latin America transformed a freewheeling youth into the controversial revolutionary the world came to know as "Che."
Chasing Che, a ten-week series making its US premiere on V-me Tuesday, September 4 at 4:00pm(ET)/1:00pm(PT) gives viewers a fresh and entertaining perspective on travel and history.
"With Chasing Che V-me fulfills its mission to U.S. Latinos - with innovative programming that reveals new perspectives and information"
More than 50 years after the journeys of Guevara and his friend, Alberto Granados, two young Latin Americans retrace their path. Over 13,000 kilometers through the same pampas, rivers and mountains, the adventurers begin a life-changing journey, following the route described in the book and film, The Motorcycle Diaries. As the two young riders compare the realities of present-day Argentina, Chile, Peru, Colombia and Venezuela to Che and Granado's observations a new South America will be reveled. How far has it come and where is it headed? With Chasing Che V-me fulfills its mission to U.S. Latinos - with innovative programming that reveals new perspectives and information. Developed by National Geographic Adventure, Chasing Che unleashes the spirited adventurer in all of us with exhilarating stories and stunning imagery. V-me is presented locally by public TV stations in many cities as a digital broadcast and on basic cable and nationally on DISH Network Ch 9414 and DISHLatino Ch 846. Check your local listings for more information. About V-me V-me is the national network partnered with Public TV, that entertains and educates America's Latino families in Spanish with a lively mix of original and exclusive programs including: kids, lifestyle, nature, science, history, current affairs, music, arts, and nightly movies. The 24-hour digital broadcast network is presented by public television stations and carried on basic digital cable and satellite. V-me is the first venture announced by newly formed media production and distribution company, V-me Media Inc. To find out more visit http://www.v-me.tv

CONTACT For V-me Natalie Judo, 203-389-5223 or Maritza Reveron, 646-747-8820