Saturday, September 20, 2008

"World intellectuals demand end to US ban on Cuba"

These so called "intellectuals" must not be so bright because not ONE has demanded FREEDOM for Cuba or the removal of Castro Mafia Inc.!


  1. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Is that Che? Sure looks like it.

  2. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Or, or, it buck?

  3. Anonymous6:42 PM

    A la huelga todos este 25 de octubre, huelga nacional en demanda de mejores condiciones de vida para el pueblo cubano. Divulguen la fecha y su propósito, a partir de ese día nadie deberá ir a trabajar, ni presentarse en las escuelas o centros de estudios, no hasta que el gobierno atienda nuestras demandas. Tenemos un mes para difundir la noticia y hacerla saber a toda la población.

  4. Wait! Aren't these intellectuals free to give food and medicine to Cuba? Of course they are. What they want is to use other folk's money through credit guarantees by the tax payer. This model is favored not only by them but Castro who won't pay his bills and the international banksters and multinational corporations who'll get paid on the taxpayer's dime.
