Friday, April 15, 2022

Good Friday

Today is Good Friday, when the Lord our savior died on the cross for our sins. He died for US and for the Glory of God. Man’s glory is that of power through manipulation. Jesus died on the cross at 3:00 PM, it is said if we honor the hour with the Three O’clock prayer to the Divine Mercy, our petitions will be heard!
“You expired, O Jesus, but the source of life gushed forth for souls and an ocean of mercy opened up for the whole world. O Fount of Life, unfathomable Divine Mercy, envelop the whole world and empty Yourself out upon us. O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fount of mercy for us, I trust in You. Amen”
We need to get our priorities right, the world is now fixed on material wealth and power. It’s not about US, we need to do what is right! Easier said that done, right? I remember when I was about 13 years old on a Good Friday, my dear Grandmother explained to me that this was a day for prayer, not to play music, and basically a day reserved to remember what Christ did for us. I laughed it off as hocus-pocus and went out full of myself to play basketball at the park hooting and hollering. Several hours later I was in the ER with a broken arm. When I got home I got an ear full from my Grandmother and other family members about honor and dignity. How I could not simply honor Our Lord, who was CRUCIFIED for US? Selfish I was and still am!
My dear Lord, we honor you this day for your endless sacrifice!
How many have sacrificed for Cuba’s FREEDOM in a dignified way? We ask that Cuba one day will be resurrected!
God bless my family, friends, and my FREEDOM loving brethren!

1 comment:

  1. ¡Necesitamos tu ayuda! Tanto si has apoyado la campaña OZT como si no lo has hecho todavía. Divulga la campaña “OZT: Yo acuso al Gobierno Cubano” ( que promueve la carta “Por la liberación de los presos políticos cubanos”, a firmar en o por correo electrónico dirigiendo un email a con el nombre, los apellidos, la ciudad y el país de residencia de los firmantes. Ya la han firmado más de 43 mil personas en todo el mundo. Entre quienes suscriben la carta destacan Pedro Almodóvar, Ana Belén, Nacha Guevara, Mario Vargas Llosa, Paquito D’Rivera y un creciente grupo de distinguidas figuras de las ramas de las artes, la ciencia, la política (
    Si ya te has hecho eco de la campaña, ¡gracias ante todo! Si quieres hacer más, te invitamos a poner en tu blog nuestro logo. Lo puedes encontrar aquí:
    También te invitamos a copiar y pegar este texto y enviarlo por email a tus amigos y conocidos que viven en Cuba. ¡Pasa la voz! ¡Que no haya cubano de a pie que no se entere! TODOS debemos ser parte del futuro que merece Cuba, un futuro donde no se reprima por pensar diferente. ¡Contamos contigo! ¡GRACIAS!
