Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Let's not get all warm and fuzzy!

Hu Jintao of China is visiting the United States today and on his list of visits: Microsoft and Boeing. Now all of those who keep telling me: " their is no repression in China!" Take a look at this video!


Anonymous said...

For all of those who tend to forget: China is still the People's Republic of China. A communist State, whose allies are kasstro and that monster up in North Korea. Don't forget that China supplies technology to Iran and Venezuela.
Don't forget that in China, life is a nightmare -ask any lucky Chinese who made it Stateside, and that even your family is planned by the State. Oh, you're pregnant? It better be a boy. A girl's what your carrying in your state controlled womb? well darling, come to see the state abortionist or else.... Oh, you ALREADY had that girl? The good Chinese goverment is going to put her out for adoption on your behalf, WITHOUT your participation.
Taiwan? Tibet? One is under bombing threat, the other one was occupied and it's culture, language, and religion were forbidden by that asshole, Chairman Mao, so beloved by Andy Warhol and the rest of the clueless intellectual elite of the U.S. of A.

Anonymous said...

And don't get me started with the fate that awaits you in jail if you're a member of Falun Go or if you're Catholic or from other Christian denomination. A bullet in the back of the head, and your vital organs get sold in the international medical market. Nice. That's what they call a sacrifice on the name of science (and dollars for the Communist Party)

Anonymous said...

Let's see how long this situation will last before the farmers and those who are destitute rebel and another revolution takes place.