Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!!!

I want to wish the best to all my family and friends. May God Bless you, bring you joy and happiness, and for a great 2012. Now, one final thing, as midnight strikes and we eat the twelve grapes, I will take the bucket of water and throw it out the front door and one final wish......

A Cuba Libre in 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

First Pictures of Jailed American in Cuba/Primeras imágenes de Alan Gross desde su encarcelamiento en Cuba

Protesta en Mayabeque









OSCAR NEIDA (HERMANO) 786-229-7463





Saturday, December 24, 2011

Cuban Dictatorship will release 2,900 prisoners

but....but....the last 52 years the Cuban dictatorship has been saying that they "NEVER" ever have executed or imprisoned anybody for political purposes.

....and the grinch will not release Alan Gross.

Mensaje de Navidad del Obispo de Baracoa-Guantánamo

Mensaje de monseñor Wilfredo Pino Estévez, Obispo de la Iglesia Católica de Guantánamo-Baracoa, con motivo de la navidad y año nuevo 2012

Queridos hijos de esta amada Diócesis de Guantánamo-Baracoa: Agradezco la oportunidad de poder hablarles por la radio: mañana es Nochebuena y pasado Navidad. Y estamos a punto de comenzar un nuevo año.
Desde have varias semanas, los arbolitos de Navidad con sus luces intermitentes, adornan algunas tiendas en no pocos de nuestros hogares. Lástima que, en muchos sigue faltando lo principal, el protagonista de esta historia: la imagen del pequeño Niño Jesús. Porque la Navidad es la fiesta que nos recuerda el nacimiento de Jesucristo, have más de dos mil años, en un pequeño pueblo que todavía hoy se llama Belén. Acontecimiento que dividió la historia del hombre en “antes de Cristo” y “después de Cristo”, y que también ha cambiado la vida de muchos hombres y mujeres que ahora hablan de lo que eran ellos antes de conocerlo y de lo que son ahora.

Esta Navidad es la 2011 de la historia. Ningún otro acontecimiento se ha celebrado tantas veces sin que aburra. Muchas familias cubanas, incluso en años que era un día laborable, supieron mantener esta tradición. En estos días navideños todos nos deseamos felicidades, tratamos de visitarnos, de reunirnos “en casa de los viejos”, de tener una comida juntos, de preparar los pequeños regalos de los niños para el 6 de enero, Fiesta de los Reyes Magos. También son días especiales para perdonarnos, para reconciliarnos, para volvernos a hablar si es que estábamos peleados…

Después de la Navidad celebraremos la fiesta de Año Nuevo y la Iglesia nos invitará a rezar por la paz. En Cuba, gracias a Dios, no hay un conflicto bélico, pero no podemos ocultar que las noticias sobre actos violentos llegan con cierta frecuencia a cada pueblo cubano. ¡Cuántas familias nuestras viven en una constante guerra! ¡En cuántos de nuestros hogares el amor se ha enfriado y han surgido el maltrato, las malas palabras, los golpes…! Por eso tenemos que rezarle al Niño de la Nochebuena. Él viene desarmado. No amenaza. No usa la fuerza. No se impone, se ofrece. Él es el Príncipe de la Paz. Recemos para que se haga realidad en nuestras casas el canto que se escuchó en Belén, en la primera Nochebuena de la historia: “Gloria a Dios en el cielo y en la tierra paz a los hombres que ama el Señor” (Lc. 2, 14).

Con la llegada del año, viene a nuestra memoria el refrán que todo cubano ha dicho u oído alguna vez: “Año nuevo, vida nueva”. Hay en esta afirmación un vivo retrato del deseo que tenemos de empezar bien el año, de ordenar la casa y las cosas de nuestra vida, de no repetir errores. ¡Ojalá que en el 2012, si no lo hemos hecho ya, le abramos de par en par las puertas de nuestro corazón a Jesucristo! ¡Ojalá que comencemos este nuevo año perdonando de corazón al familiar, al vecino, al compañero de trabajo o de estudio que nos ofendió! ¡Ojalá que sepamos multiplicar iniciativas para reunir en estos días a nuestros familiares alrededor de una misma mesa o juntos en una iglesia o casa de misión! ¡Ojalá que en estos días valoremos más nuestros apellidos que nos recuerdan a qué familia pertenecemos y a qué familiares debemos proteger! ¡Ojalá que de manera especial tengamos un gesto para con las personas conocidas que viven solas y no tienen a nadie con quien compartir y los invitemos a comer o salir con nosotros! ¡Que sepamos tener “un cariñito” en estos días para con los más ancianos, los presos y los enfermos sin familia!

Ojalá que el 2012 sea realmente un año nuevo que deje atrás todo lo viejo, todo lo malo. Hay cubanos que, en la noche del 31 de diciembre, botan un poco de agua a la calle deseando que se vaya lo malo de la casa, de la familia… Nosotros, los cristianos, sin botar el agua, podríamos tener el mismo deseo y convertirlo en una oración confiada a nuestro Dios que podría ser ésta:

“Ayúdanos, Señor, a sacar de nuestras casas, o mejor de nuestras vidas, el egoísmo que nos paraliza y los miedos que nos impiden cambiar lo que tengamos que cambiar en cada uno de nosotros y a nuestro alrededor. Ayúdanos para que sepamos eliminar de nuestras vidas el lenguaje duro y sin misericordia que usamos contra los demás. Danos un corazón generoso que no se canse de perdonar a quienes nos ofendan. Saca, Señor, de nuestros hogares toda discordia y todo maltrato. Ayúdanos a borrar definitivamente de nuestra vida familiar el divorcio, los abortos, el adulterio, los celos, los malos ejemplos y, sobre todo, la vida sin Dios”

En estos días especiales, debemos rezar, una vez más, por toda Cuba y los cubanos. El beato Papa Juan Pablo II cuando nos visitó en 1998 pidió “que Cuba se abra al mundo y el mundo se abra a Cuba”. Debemos insistir aún más en ello. Hoy, 13 años después, también sería necesario que los cubanos aprendiéramos a abrirnos más a los otros cubanos. Que sepamos aceptar a los cubanos que piensen de manera diferente a nosotros. Que veamos en el diálogo honesto y sincero un camino ideal para encontrar soluciones a nuestros problemas internos. Que cada cubano no piense tanto en “sus problemas” sino en los problemas del país que tenemos la obligación de solucionar.

Para todo ello, mucho nos ayudará el vivir la virtud de la esperanza. Ella inspirará nuestros actos, los purificará, los ordenará hacia la construcción de una Cuba nueva. La esperanza nos protegerá del desaliento, nos sostendrá en el desfallecimiento y dilatará nuestros corazones en la espera de la felicidad eterna. Recordemos que la esperanza se sustenta en el Dios que nunca nos falla y que todo lo puede, en el Dios que nos manda a amar a los demás como él mismo nos amó (Jn. 15, 12).

Que nuestra esperanza esté puesta en Dios para poder al mirar al cielo más allá de las nubes que, a veces, nos ocultan el sol. Gracias a la esperanza avanza la humanidad. Gracias a la esperanza cada hombre encuentra respuesta ante la vida y la muerte, la salud y la enfermedad, el amor y la violencia. El símbolo de la esperanza es el ancla, o sea, lo que sostiene firme una nave en medio de la tormenta. La persona que vive con esperanza no está cruzada de brazos ni se sienta a ver qué pasa o qué regalo cae del cielo. La esperanza es activa. Pidamos a Dios que en cualquier situación difícil que se nos pudiera presentar en este nuevo año confiemos en las palabras de Jesucristo: “Yo estaré con ustedes todos los días” (Mt. 28, 20). Y que tampoco en medio de la adversidad se nos olvide la sabiduría popular escondida en la afirmación de nuestros abuelos: “Siempre que llueve, escampa”.

En los días de este nuevo año, cada cubano debe sentirse llamado por Dios al abrazo fraterno, a dar la mano, a crear puentes de amor, a abrir sus corazones al perdón y a la acogida olvidando ofensas, acallando rencores, “pasando páginas” y llamando hermano al otro para, juntos, construir una Cuba mejor.

Jesucristo nace para que tengamos vida y la tengamos en abundancia (Jn. 10, 10), para que seamos felices. Confiemos en El que sabe lo que necesitamos, que desea lo mejor para cada uno, y que no nos quiere ni desesperados ni angustiados sino felices, llenos de esa alegría que nace del verdadero amor y de la confianza en Dios, que procura y puede realizar lo mejor para los hombres.

No quiero terminar sin dar gracias a Dios, junto con ustedes, por la gran noticia que todos recibimos con alegría y emoción: que el Papa Benedicto XVI vendrá a Cuba, como un peregrino más, para hacer lo mismo que hacemos los cubanos cuando estamos delante de la bendita imagen de nuestra Patrona, la Virgen de la Caridad: agradecerle y pedirle su intercesión. ¡Qué emocionante será para nosotros poder ver al Santo Padre rezar de rodillas delante de la Madre de los cubanos y, tal vez, encenderle una velita como expresión de su cariño y su deseo de que ella siga velando por nuestra Patria cubana y llevándonos a los cubanos al encuentro con Jesucristo, su divino Hijo!

Queridos hijos e hijas: Este año 2012 promete ser lindo y conmemorativo y, por tanto, lleno de júbilo. Se celebrarán los 400 años del hallazgo, en la Bahía de Nipe, de la bendita imagen de la Virgen de la Caridad y su presencia entre nosotros. Todos estamos llamados, durante el año, a peregrinar a su Santuario del Cobre. Desde ahora, cada uno de ustedes debe sentirse invitado a ir por medios propios o en los viajes que se coordinarán en cada comunidad, para lo que deben conversar con los sacerdotes, monjas y diáconos que ustedes conozcan. El Santuario del Cobre, ya bellamente restaurado gracias, en parte, a la ayuda económica de ustedes, nos abrirá sus puertas, de manera especial para nuestra Diócesis de Guantánamo-Baracoa, durante todo el mes de mayo. Allí nos esperan y allí, con el favor de Dios, esperamos vernos.

Termino dándoles una bendición por la Navidad. Que ella vaya especialmente sobre los enfermos, los presos, los minusválidos, los que viven solos, los que están lejos de su familia y de su tierra cubana, los abuelitos de los Hogares de Ancianos, los que sufren, los que se sienten tristes, los que lamentan la muerte reciente de un ser querido, y los que han perdido la alegría que nace de la virtud de la esperanza. ¡Feliz Navidad y próspero Año Nuevo!

Y que la bendición de Dios todopoderoso: Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, descienda sobre todos y los acompañe hoy, mañana y cada día del próximo año. Amén.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Asked if he had any final words for the Cuban people, García-Margallo replied, “Wait.”

Spain's Spain’s new Foreign Minister José Manuel García-Margallo, when asked if he had any final words for the Cuban people....his response: "wait"

WAIT???????????????????? AFTER 52 YEARS OF A DICTATORSHIP........

Read the whole story here.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


From The Real Cuba:

Gorki Aguila and Porno Para Ricardo present: Concert from the balcony

Dec. 20 - Gorki Aguila and his punk rock band 'Porno para Ricardo,' are not allowed by the Castro regime to perform in public because of their anti-Castro themes.
Earlier this month, Gorki decided to give a concert from the balcony of his home to protest for not being allowed to perform in public.

Within minutes, several members of the infamous CDRs (Committees for the Defense of the Robolution) came out and soon after that the electricity to Gorki's home was cut.

Here is the video of everything that happened. The video is in Spanish and it contains some strong language. El vídeo es en español y contiene lenguaje fuerte.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Kim Jong Il dead

Another dictator bites the dust.....let's see who is next?


Two leaders in the peaceful Cuban resistance movement who were released on the week of December 12-18 after being subjected to violent arrests and inhumane prison conditions declared that the Cuban regime is intimidated by the rise and strength of the human rights groups in the island. Jose Daniel Ferrer García (released Dec.12), leader of the umbrella group UMPACU, (Cuban Patriotic Union) in Eastern Cuba, and Angel Moya Acosta (released Dec. 14) who resides in Havana and is the main coordinator of the National March for Freedom, Boitel Zapata Viven! were both beaten and arrested on December 2, 2011 in the eastern town of Palma Soriano as they were setting out to march peacefully with 50 activists.

Both Ferrer García and Moya Acosta are ex-prisoners of conscience of the 2003 Cuban Black Spring who refused conditional freedom and exile to Spain and remained in Cuba after their release from prison in February (Moya Acosta) and April (Ferrer Garcia) of 2011.The National March for Freedom, Boitel Zapata Viven! originally kicked off from the historical Eastern city of Baracoa on September 12, 2011, where activists faced the same brutal repression. The march recalls the time when Cuba’s struggle for Independence in 1895 was spread from East to West by the patriots Antonio Maceo and Maximo Gomez. The intention of this march today is to unite the peaceful resistance and its three objectives are that:

Ferrer Garcia says that the peaceful Cuban resistance is presently more organized and has gained visibility among the Cuban people, thus becoming a threat to a regime that is carefully planning ways to stop the activists in spite of the political cost. Moya Acosta stated that the political police is acting incoherently in the face of their peaceful actions and he doesn’t dismiss the possiblity of another wave of repression similar to the one in 2003.

Ferrer García vowed that, though they don’t have a date yet, the third attempt of the National March for Freedom, Boitel Zapata Viven! will go forward. He added that as long as there is no freedom, democracy or respect for human rights in Cuba, the peaceful resistance will continue to activate the march as many times as needed.

1. The Cuban regime respect, promote and publish the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well as ratify the international agreements that promote these rights.

2. The repression against the opposition and the Cuban people stop.

3. All Cuban political prisoners are released unconditionally and that the legal framework that propitiates these imprisonments be revoked.

An important premise of this march is that the activists will never accept that their homes become “prisons”. When paramilitary officials surround these homes to prevent the activists from leaving and forcing them to be under house arrest, the activists will come out of their homes and continue carrying out their peaceful actions as planned.

On Sunday, December 18, in spite of the regime’s deployment of agents, a total of almost one hundred Ladies in White atended Mass and marched throughout Cuba in the cities of Holguin, Santiago de Cuba, Matanzas and Havana.

The Coalition of Cuban-American Women alerts the international community that the lives of those members of Cuban civil society who are actively and publicly struggling on behalf of fundamental freedoms are in danger. We make an urgent call on religious, civic, political, and cultural entities and its leaders, as well as to non-governmental human rights organizations worldwide.

Coalition of Cuban-American Women / / Laida A.Carro

FURTHER INFORMATION IN CUBA: Angel Moya +5353820595 / Berta Soler +5352906820 / Jose Daniel Ferrer Garcia +5353631267 / Belkis Cantillo + 5353790867

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Ros-Lehtinen Condemns Cuban Regime's Wave of Arrests Leading Up To Commemoration Of International Human Rights Day


For more information: December 12, 2011
Alex Cruz, 305-668-5994
Cellular 202-225-8200

Ros-Lehtinen Condemns Cuban Regime’s Wave of Arrests Leading Up To Commemoration
Of International Human Rights Day; Says That Aging Dictators In Havana Are As Ruthless
As Ever & That Responsible Nations Must Support The Cuban People’s Desire
For Liberty & Respect For Their Human Rights

Washington, DC – Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) issued the following statement after press reports and pro democracy entities inside Cuba estimated that over 200 dissidents have been summarily arrested by the Cuban dictatorship in the nine days that preceded the commemoration of the International Human Rights Day on Saturday, December 10.

Ros-Lehtinen’s statement:

“The Cuban tyranny is scared of the free will of the Cuban people and of their desire for liberty and respect of their human rights. It is unsurprising but still quite shocking that over 200 peaceful pro democracy activists have been summarily arrested by the Castro regime in the month of December leading up to the commemoration of the International Human Rights day this past Saturday December 10th.

These unwarranted arrests are all the more outrageous when we consider they are happening just 90 miles from the greatest defender of human rights the world has ever known, the United States of America.

The Obama Administration must come to the realization that diplomatic overtures and loosening of restrictions against the Castro brothers will not produce any of the results which freedom loving people want to see. These dictators, like others across the world, only respond to strong pressure, and they scoff at friendly entreaties that they simply use to buy time and continue oppressing.

The Cuban people are rising up against the aging dictators in Havana and responsible nations must support their desire for liberty and freedom.”


At least 300 arrests recorded for the current month of December

particular concern for the cases of Jose Daniel Ferrer Garcia, Angel Moya, Ivonne Mayeza and Ignacio Martinez Montero

December 11, 2011

As peaceful human rights defenders in Cuba carried out marches, vigils, workshops and gatherings on the days prior and during Human Rights Day (December 10), the Cuban regime violated their rights of freedom of assembly, association, expression and of movement with threats, beatings, violent short term arrests, arbitrary imprisonments in undisclosed locations, interrogatories, mob attacks and acts of repudiation, as well as house arrests. These activists were also kidnapped by authorities and left abandoned in remote areas, miles away from their homes.

Among the human rights defenders who were subjected to inhumane and cruel treatment and short term detentions throughout Cuba during the week of December 5-12, 2011 are:

PINAR DEL RIO – Luis Enrique Monterrey Ramos, Yoangel Palacios Hernández, Víctor Rodríguez Morejón, Yazle Reinoso Ramos.

HAVANA – Yaimi Alfonso Miret, wife of Eriberto Liranza Romero, representative of the National Civic Resistance Front Orlando Zapata Tamayo in the western region of Cuba was violently arrested in front of his two children, Abraham Liranza Alfonso, 9 years old, and Lauri Liranza Alfonso, 6 years old. His whereabouts are presently unknown

Since Monday, December 5, a wave of repression began against members of the movement Ladies in White Laura Pollan to prevent them from gathering at their headquarters in Neptuno Street #963 in Havana on Human Rights Day. Many of the women were held under house arrest as their homes were surrounded by paramilary groups in their hometowns. Others were violently arrested and taken to police units, while others were blocked from going any further when they reached Neptuno Street. Those who were held under house arrest in their hometowns were: Daima Lamas, Nilda Leiva González, Sonia Martín, Aimé Cabrales, Linda Taguolla, Carina Quintana, Yurenis González, Oria Josefa Casanova, Tania Bandera, Mayelin de la O, Yarisbel Figueredo y Belkis Cantillo Ramírez. The following women were blocked from going on to Neptuno Street: Tania Maceda, Mari Blanca Ávila Esposito, Yadira Rodríguez, Liliam Estévez Romero, Niurkis Rivero, Blanca Hernández, Mirta Gómez, Leonor Reinot, Belkis Núñez y Magalys Norbis Otero. Members of the Ladies in White who were taken to State Security and Police Units were: Marlenis Guerra Martínez, Bárbara Teresa Romero Mendoza, Katiuska Rodríguez Rives, Yusladis Jorge la Guardia, Mildret Noemí Sánchez Infante, Anni Sarrión Romero, Adis Nidia Cruz, Yanelis Elegica Despaigne, Liudmila Rodríguez Palomo, Yaquelán García Jans, Lázara Mijan, Niurks Luke, Florencia Machado, Ana Luisa Rubio, Lourdes Esquivel Vieyto, Sulema Lay, Violeta Rojas Aullan, Sandra Guerra, Ana Rosa Ledea, Reida Villate, Mercedes Fresneda, Yaquelin Boris, Yanelis Cabrera, Laura Capote, Lidia Castañeda, Dania Virgen García, Tatiana López. Most of these women have been released.

On December 10th, twenty eight members of the Ladies in White Laura Pollan, who were gathered to remember Human Rights Day in their headquarters at Neptuno Street were subjected to hours of an “act of repudiation” led by a pro-government mob of 300 people whot kept calling them “witches” and “mercenaries”. On Sunday, December 11th, after 57 ladies attended Mass at the Church of Santa Rita, the women were intercepted on 5th Avenue as they were marching peacefully with gladioli in their hands. A screaming pro government crowd insulted and physically mistreated the ladies who were dragged and forced onto buses. As some were taken to undisclosed locations, those from other provinces were returned to their hometowns. Berta Soler, leader of the group was taken in a patrol car alone, back to her home in Alamar. Rosario Morales and Sara Martha Fonseca were taken to police units.

On December 9, ex political prisoner of conscience of the “Group of the75”, Arnaldo Ramos Lauzurique was blocked from entering the home of another expolitical prisoner of conscience, Martha Beatriz Roque Cabello. He was then taken away by State Security agents, as was Dr. Darsi Ferrer and his wife Yusnaimy Soca and the musician, Ciro Díaz.. Lilvio Fernández Luis and Reinier Vera were beaten and arrested on the same day and so was Sandra Guerra in Melena del Sur.

On December 10, the following activists were arrested: Yoel L. Carbonell Guilar, Aurelio Antonio González Ayala, the independent journalist, David Aguila, and Manuel Cuesta Morúa.

A crew of journalists from the press agency Asociated Press who were interviewing the few citizens along the Malecón on December, was roughed up on December 9 by plainclothes agents who were posted along this seaside wall in Havana to prevent any gatherings in this area.

MATANZAS – Félix Navarro and Iván Hernández Carrillo, both ex political prisoners of conscience of the “Group of the 75”. Also, Emilio Bringas, Félix Pérez Palenzuela, Eduardo Marcos Pacheco Ortiz, Francisco Rangel Manzano, Adrian Pérez Mendoza. Under house arrest: Merecedes de la Guardia Hernández, Eduardo Marcos Pacheco Ortiz, José Antonio del Cueto Carreño. Hiding out because her house was surrounded by paramilitary groups: Leticia Ramos Herrería.

VILLA CLARA (Central Cuba) Idania Yanes Contreras, president of the Coalición Central Opositora, reported that since December 7, many of the activists’s houses were surrounded and that more than 40 human rights defenders were arrested: Jorge Luis García Pérez Antúnez, Librado Linares García, Yris Pérez Aguilera, Yanisbel Valido Pérez, María del Carmen Martínez López, Víctor Castillo Ortega, Maribel Rodríguez Prieto, Yoel Fonseca Machado, Ordalidia González Barroso, Omar Núñez Espinosa, Rolando Ferrer Espinosa, Damaris Moya Portieles, Rodolfo Ernildo Pérez Benítez , Alcides Rivera Rodríguez, Guillermo Fariñas Hernández, José Lino Asencio López, Félix Reyes Gutiérrez, Yasmín Conlledo Riverón, Yusmani Rafael Alvarez Esmoy, Jesús Arístides Hernández Pérez, Roberto Zapata Blanco, Ana Rosa Alfonso Arteaga, Guillermo del Sol Pérez , Orlando Alfonso Martínez, Donaida Pérez Paseiro, Gliceria Paseiro Espinosa, Yris Tamara Pérez Aguilera, , Michel Oliva Lopez, Alberto Reyes Morales, Ramón Arbolaez Abreu, Mayra Conlledo García, Nosbel Jomorca Benavides, Yosmel Pérez, Maidel González Almeida, Alexei Sotolongo Díaz, Miguel Alexei Fernández, Ezequiel Enrique López, Héctor Bermúdez Santana, Luis Manuel Ribalca, Martínez, Javier Delgado Torna, Ariel Orama Martín, Mario Abreu, José Rodríguez López, Sandal Reyes Machado, Aniceto Alvarez Miranda, Yoel Regino Díaz Martínez, Daniel de Armas Casanova, Adalberto Bravo del Sol, José Ramón Borges Serrano, Antonio Suárez Fonticella, Alexander Mesa Rodríguez, José Marino Andrade Treto, Leonardo Rodríguez Alonso, Magaly Broche de la Cruz, José Soto Roche, Jesús Reinaldo Rodríguez Peláez, Guillermo Sánchez Blas, Donaida Perez Paseiro and Gliceria Paseiro Espinosa. The activists belonged to the following human rights groups in Villa Clara: Coalición Central Opositora, Foro Antitotalitario Unido Juan Wilfredo Soto Garcia, Frente Nacional de Resistencia Civica y Desobediencia Civil Orlando Zapata Tamayo and the Movimiento Cubano Reflexión.

Many of these arrests were very violent. Jorge Luis García Pérez Antúnez was punched and kicked on the ground before being forced on to a patrol car.

On December 9, in Camaguaní, Villa Clara the house of Librado Linares, an exprisoner of conscience of the “Group of the 75”, was surrounded and he was eventually arrested. Felix Reyes was also subjected to an arbitrary arrest in Villa Clara.

CAMAGUEY - The following activists were arrested on December 6 and taken to different police units when they were carrying out a silent peaceful march to remember human rights day: Yoan David González Milanés, Mauro Emilio Puig Arrondo, Juan Luis Pérez García, Verlay Bejerano Estrada, Guillermo Rodríguez Rodríguez, Pastor Guzmán Gutierrez Peláez, Rafael Infante González, René Fernández Quiroga and Dayan Mayor Betancourt. The last two were reported abandoned 30 kms away from their home were they were brutally beaten by agents.

LAS TUNAS – (Eastern Cuba) - Armando Peña Guzmán detained early December 10th.

HOLGUIN (Eastern Cuba) - The independent journalist José Ramón Pupo Nieves of the Holguin Press agency reported that at least 23 arrests took place on December 7, that included members of the human rights organizations: Impacto Juvenil Republicano, Prensa Joven, Partido Republicano de Cuba, and FLAMUR. Among those arrested were: Rosa María Naranjo Nieves, Lidia Hernández Pérez, Dionel Aguilera Naranjo, Maria Antonia Hidalgo Mir was threatened by the police.

Adisnidia Cruz and Marco Antonio Lima, parents of Marcos Maiquel and Antonio Michel Lima Cruz, two young activists serving prison sentences, were also arrested on December 7.

BAYAMO (Eastern Cuba) - On December 7, Yoandri Gutierrez and his family were subjected to an act of repudiation and were later arrested. Yaquelín García was subjected to a brutal beating and to short term detention.

GUANTANAMO (Eastern Cuba) – Rosaida Ramirez reported that the activists Rogelio Tabío, Roberto Carlos Corso and Yordis Sofia were beaten and detained.

MANZANILLO (Eastern Cuba) – Osvaldo Pérez Rojas arrested without information of his whereabouts on December 9.

The whereabouts of Cuban prisoners of conscience, Jose Daniel Ferrer Garcia and Angel Moya of the “Group of the 75”, as well as of the human rights defender Jorge Cervantes are presently unknown to their families. These three activists were violently beaten on Friday, December 2nd as they were initiating the second stage of the National March for Freedom: Boitel Zapata Viven!, alongside 50 human rights defenders (released) in the Eastern City of Palma Soriano. The political police will not tell the wives of these activists where their husbands are being held prisoners nor their states of health.

After a week and a half without knowing her whereabouts, the Lady in White, Ivonne Mayeza was located at the “Centro de Procesamiento Penal” at Calabazar Avenue in Havana, where her husband, Ignacio Martinez Montero is also being held in critical health with a heart ailment. Mayeza carried out a hunger strike for about 10 days to protest her arrest. Both activists were violently detained following a peaceful protest in the Fraternidad Park in Havana where they displayed a white sheet that read: “Down with Hunger, Misery, and Poverty”.

As the year 2011 is coming to a close, the Coalition of Cuban-American Women alerts the international community that the lives of those members of Cuban civil society who are actively and publicly struggling on behalf of fundamental freedoms are in danger. We are particularly concerned in Jose Daniel Ferrer Garcia, Angel Moya, Ivonne Mayeza and Ignacio Martinez Montero. International recognition of the peaceful resistance and solidarity for those human rights defenders is crucial. We make an urgent call on religious, civic, political, and cultural entities and its leaders, as well as to non-governmental human rights organizations worldwide.

Coalition of Cuban-American Women / / Laida A.Carro

FURTHER INFORMATION IN CUBA: Berta Soler +5352906820 / Belkis Cantillo + 5353790867

Friday, December 09, 2011


Flotilla en protesta por represión a Damas de Blanco y disidentes

Today at 7:00am until Sunday at 11:00am..Where Estrecho de la Florida

Description FUENTE:

Mis amigas y amigos, el Movimiento Democracia, al cual me honro en pertenecer, en protesta por los atropellos de los coba...rdes agentes del regimen cubano contra las mujeres indefensas de las Damas de Blanco y demas disidentes y miembros del pueblo que protestan los desmanes del gobierno, ha comenzado los preparativos para llevar a cabo una Flotilla u Operacion Maritima frente a las costas de Cuba el proximo dia 9 de diciembre, vispera del 10 de diciembre, dia de los derechos humanos, donde estaremos lanzando poderosas emisiones de fuegos artificiales y otras señales que pueden ser vistas en La habana, partes de Matanzas y de Pinar del Rio. Al unisono hemos hecho un llamado para realizar una protesta multitudinaria internacional en respaldo a las Damas de Blanco y demas luchadores en Cuba, y en denuncia de los atropellos del regimen. Por favor unete y ayudanos a luchar como te sea posible.


Las actividades de la Jornada de Solidaridad y Protesta de tres dias son como siguen:

Viernes 9 de diciembre: Operacion Maritima (Un barco grande) o Flotilla Democracia (Varios barcos) partiran a las 7:00 de la mañana desde Conch Harbor Marina en Cayo Hueso para llegar frente a La Habana al caer la tarde.

Fuegos Artificiales – Al llegar la noche comenzaran tres horas de lanzamiento de poderosas emisiones de luz o fuegos artificiales directamente hacia el cielo que seran vistos desde las costas de La Habana, Pinar del Rio y Matanzas.

Toque de Cazuela 0 Caserolazo – Mientras tanto y coincidiendo con la presencia de la Flotilla u Operacion Maritima frente a Cuba, el Partido Por la Democracia Pedro Luis Boitel, el Partido Republicano de Cuba y otros en la Isla estaran participando en un toque de cazuela a las 8:00 de la noche a traves del pais.

Sabado 10 de diciembre: Una Flor o Prenda De Vestir Blanca en memoria de Laura Pollan – Se pide que todo el que pueda lleve consigo una flor o una prenda de vestir blanca el Sabado 10 de diciembre, Dia Internacional de los Derechos Humanos en memoria de Laura Pollan y apoyo a las Damas de Blanco.

Sabado 10 de diciembre: La oposicion interna realizara una serie de actividades a traves del pais para recordar el Dia Internacional de los Derechos Humanos. Barcos de Democracia regresan a Cayo Hueso, llegando a las 8:00 am aproximadamente a Conch Harbor Marina.

Domingo 11 de diciembre: Manifestacion de pueblo en la Calle Ocho y la Avenida 13 d el SW, en el Monumento a los Martires de Giron a las 11:00 de la mañana organizada por las organizaciones particiapantes.

La reunion con el Departamento de Estado ocurre a la luz de una fuerte amenaza contra la Flotilla Democracia y un virulento ataque personal contra su coordinador, Ramon Saul Sanchez, por parte de la Junta Militar de Cuba dirigida por los dos dictadores de Cuba, el General Raul Castro y el Comandante Fidel Castro.

Para mas informacion llamar a Ramon Saul Sanchez al 305-785-0669 o a Norman del Valle

al 305-595-9000 ó a Luis Felipe Rojas al 786-541-6213.

Los telefonos nuestros son 305-264-7200, 305-595-9000 y 786-229-9621.

Nota de la administración de "Por el levantamiento popular en Cuba":

Este evento es externo a nuestra iniciativa, solo le damos publicidad al mismo y salida entre nuestros 6400 seguidores, la hora de comienzo y final es meramente orientativa cualquier duda sobre este evento ponerse en contacto con los patrocinadores del mismo.

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Dr. Darsi (Tradicional Marcha del 10 de diciembre)

La Habana, Cuba. 8 de diciembre de 2011.

Como ya es tradicional desde el 2006, saldremos a conmemorar el Día Internacional de los Derechos Humanos, el 10 de diciembre, con una marcha en el parque Villalón del Vedado, sito en Calzada, entre D y E. La Marcha comienza a las 11:00 de la mañana, en silencio, sin carteles ni consignas. En las ocasiones anteriores las autoridades del régimen han apelado a la violencia mediante turbas agresivas que golpean a los participantes, además de los arrestos arbitrarios y las amenazas. Insistimos en esta acción por la necesidad que tenemos todos los cubanos de desmontar la violencia, el odio y la intolerancia que reina en la nación tras medio siglo de totalitarismo. Todos ansiamos paz, justicia, tolerancia y una convivencia civilizada, sostenida por el respeto a las libertades individuales y a los derechos inalienables, garantía de la dignidad de las personas.

"Church confirms pope to visit Cuba in spring"

The Catholic Church confirms that the Pope will visit Cuba in the spring.

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Todos pal' malecón

El día 9 de diciembre de 2011, en aguas internacionales frente a la costa occidental de Cuba, se presentará una flotilla de embarcaciones y se tirarán fuegos artificales en protesta por la ola de represión contra las “Damas de Blanco” y la oposición interna en Cuba en más... de medio siglo de dictadura. Que mejor momento para exhortar a nuestro pueblo a que se reúna ese día desde las 4:30 pm frente al Malecón de la Habana, de Cienfuegos, de Baracoa, en La Alameda en Santiago de Cuba o en cualquier otro malecón o parque público de su localidad, preferiblemente frente a la estatua de un prócer cubano, para demostrarle a la dictadura dinástica militarista, nuestra desilusión, frustración y ansias de un mejor futuro para nuestro pueblo. Todos pal’ malecón, exijamos de forma no violenta: cambio de gobierno, libertad y la reinstauración de una república democrática. Posterior al 9 de diciembre, la actividad debe repetirse todos los domingos a las 4:30 pm hasta lograr los objetivos establecidos.

More than 150 violent arrests in Eastern Cuba



More than 150 violent arrests in Eastern Cuba

December 4, 2011

During the week of November 28 – December 4, 2011, peaceful civic protests carried out in Havana and Eastern Cuba faced the brutal acts of violence of paramilitary government forces.

On Wednesday, November the 30th, three female human rights defenders, members of the group “Ladies in White’ were dragged, beaten and violently arrested in a crowded public park in Havana for displaying a white sheet that read: “Down with Hunger, Misery, and Poverty”, “Stop lying and deceiving the Cuban people”. Ivón Mayesa, Blanca Hernández (77 years old), and Mayra Morejón cried out Freedom! at the Fraternidad Park, before dozens of citizens. Some of the onlookers who tried to prevent the arrest of the three women were pepper-sprayed by the policemen. Mayesa’s husband, Ignacio Martínez Montejo, was also beaten and arrested and is detained at the Acosta Police Station in Havana. Hernandez and Morejon were released but the whereabouts of Ivon Mayesa are unknown to her family since her arrest.

Video sent from Cuba via internet of the protest and arrest at the Parque de La Fraternidad in Havana:

The National March for Freedom, Boitel Zapata Viven!, a campaign intended to coordinate the peaceful prodemocracy groups throughout the island, with a peaceful march advancing from east to west to create conscience on behalf of human rights in the Cuban population, was thwarted again by a crackdown perpetrated by the combined forces of State Security and the National Revolutionary Police. The march, which faced violent repression when it was initiated in September 2011, kicked off once from the Eastern city of Guantanamo on Thursday, December 1st, where the regime parked buses to block the streets and megaphones played loud music and government propaganda. According to Rogelio Tabio, member of the Resistance and Democracy Movement, thirty four activists of numerous human rights groups were violently arrested in this city to prevent the freedom march. There were also arrests in Moa and Holguin. Activist, Franklin Pelegrino, his wife, and 3 year old daughter were beaten, and arrested in Holguin, and released on December 4th.

On the morning of December 2nd , forty nine human rights defenders came marching out of the house of Liudmila Rodriguez Palomo (arrested Dec. 1st along with Yuniesky Dominguez), located at: Calle Crombet #204, entre avenida Libertad y Remus, in Palma Soriano, in Santiago de Cuba province, carrying a Cuban flag, and chanting “Long live human rights!”. A double line of agents was stationed all around the house to prevent the neighbors from witnessing the violent beatings that were then carried out against the activists who were forced onto buses. Most had to receive medical assistance before being taken to prison units. There were activists that were unrecognizable because they had so much blood on their faces. Those neighbors who protested the ill treatment of the activists were pepper-sprayed by the police.

Thirty one of the 52 activists attacked in Palma Soriano remain under arrest. Two of the ones still in custody are Jose Daniel Ferrer Garcia, leader of the umbrella group in Eastern Cuba UMPACU ( Patriotic Union of Cuba), as well as the main coordinator of the march, Angel Moya Acosta. Both are ex-Cuban political prisoners of conscience of the “Group of the 75” released this year and who refused to be exiled in Spain as a condition for their release. Moya Acosta was one of the most brutally beaten on December 2nd because he would not stop crying out “Long live human rights!” as he was punched, kicked, and brutally beaten with tonfas (police batons).

The human rights group Directorio Democratico documented the following names of those activists arrested on December 2, 2011 in Eastern Cuba: José Daniel Ferrer García, Ángel Moya Acosta, Alexander Abdala Batista, Alexis Portales Arreaga, Luis Enrique Losada Irrizarra, Carlos Manuel Gallardo Mosqueda, Julio César Vega Santiesteban, Jorge Cervantes García, Seigler Bismark Peña Pérez, Eurbis Paredes Elías, Eliécer Covuquet Velázquez, Guillermo Cobas Reyes, Arcelio Marín Almeida, Prudencio Villar Herrera, Dany Lópe de Moya, Rubén Torres Sainz, José Amaury Avelenda Hierrezuelo, Abraham Cabrera Torres, Manuel Martínez Cabrera, Wildon Izaguirre Fuentes, Misael Valdés Díaz, Roberto de la Rosa Estrada, José Antonio Elégica Zulueta, Agustín Alonso Peña, José Batista Falcón, Roilan Ramírez Rodríguez, Alfredo Aníbal Bravo, Bismark Mustelier Galán, Miguel Rafael Cabrera Montoya, Rolando Humberto González Rodríguez, Emilio Guinza, Osmany Céspedes Nápoles, Rubén Andreus de Armas, Carlos Manuel Castellanos, Ángel Lino Isaac Luna, Víctor Campa Almenares, Pedro Campa Almenares, Ángel Luis Campa Almenares, Andrés García Almenares, Yosvani García, and Alexis Yanchoi Kuan Jerez,

On Saturday, December 3rd, in Eastern Cuba, the Ladies in White Belkis Cantillo, and Aimee Garcés Napoles, were arrested when they were on their way to find out in what police unit Cantillo’s husband, Jose Daniel Ferrer Garcia, was being detained. Both women were released on Sunday, December 4.

Approximately seventeen Ladies in White and five activists who accompanied them were able hear Mass in the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Charity in Santiago de Cuba on Sunday, December 4th, but around thirteen women were not able to reach the temple as they were intercepted in the highway by authorities and subjected to attacks by mobs made up of school children, people with sticks, and State Security agents.

Berta Soler, leader in Havana of the movement, Ladies in White Laura Pollan denounced that the members of the group are being intimidated and threatened with repression if they carry out any public acts prior to or on December 10 (Human Rights Day).

The Coalition of Cuban-American Women denounces the inhumane acts of torture and arbitrary detentions committed against Cuban human rights defenders. International recognition of the peaceful resistance movement in Cuba and solidarity for these activists is crucial on the sixty third anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, December 10, 2011. We make an urgent call on religious, civic, political, and cultural entities and its leaders, as well as to non-gonvernmental human rights organizations worldwide.

Coalition of Cuban-American Women – / Laida Carro

Further information in Cuba: Berta Soler +5352906820 / Belkis Cantillo - + 5353790867

Saturday, December 03, 2011

No mini-me chavez.......ABAJO Fidel!

The commies have gathered at the CELAC in Venezuela, discussing nonsense and formenting more revolutionary crap. If you can stomach the first video above in which mini-me goes on and on about his love for dictator fidel. Now in the second video we see raulita pausing and in the background you can hear the fireworks. Chavez proudly comments that those firework are for the celebration of the CELAC Cumbre.....well....not see at 8:00 PM last night Venezuelans were banging pots and doing other acts of defiance against the government of Venezuela and those comemierdas attending the CELAC. the fireworks were merely a tactic to drown out the noise from opposition

Friday, December 02, 2011

"EEUU, centro indiscutible de la economia global"

Por Dr. Darsi Ferret

La Habana, Cuba. 30 de noviembre de 2011.

Cada vez es mayor el número de analistas internacionales que dan por sentado la inminente sustitución de Estados Unidos por China como nueva y pujante primera potencia mundial. Las bases para esa hipótesis la fundamentan en el crecimiento económico que por años ha formado parte de la China disfrazada de capitalista, que ya supera en sus exportaciones a gigantes como Japón y Alemania, así como por el creciente monto de dólares, títulos de deuda y bonos del Tesoro norteamericano que acaudala a manos llenas, entre otras razones.

Sin embargo, ¿realmente es esto un hecho incontrovertible? De cierto, otra buena parte de la opinión especializada sostiene lo contrario. Afirman que el modelo chino es una enorme burbuja económica cuya frágil base de sustentación está minada por significativas contradicciones sociales, políticas y económicas que representan un serio lastre para el futuro de la nación. Ante esta disyuntiva de dos aparentes realidades de un mismo fenómeno, los hechos demuestran que China, más allá de las engordadas cifras de desarrollo, en el orden interno oculta la debilidad de un despiadado modelo explotador que poco lo recomienda como próximo líder global.

Es palpable que en las élites de ese país asiático pervive un resentimiento de milenaria potencia mundial, condición que le duró hasta hace apenas un siglo, cuando sufrió el despojo y la humillación neo-colonial a manos de Occidente. Ese viejo complejo motiva un impetuoso impulso en el orden de su proyección externa, exportando la visión explotadora nacional, ausente de transparencia y nutrida de prácticas económicas desleales. Aunque utiliza con éxito los instrumentos de modernidad que le aporta la Globalización, al negarse a la democracia y al Estado de Derecho, en sí misma estructura y fomenta elementos de resistencia que la hacen peligrosamente inestable ante la creciente realidad diversa y moderna de la actual corriente civilizadora. De hecho, el modelo chino es un calculado proyecto de desarrollo sostenido sin repercusión en las libertades individuales de su pueblo.

Resulta verdaderamente deshonesto que muchos agoreros del nuevo advenimiento chino ni siquiera mencionen que esa nación persiste en ser una dictadura totalitaria. Ni se le da importancia a que sea regida por el mismo Partido Comunista que organizara y dirigiera tantas campañas y represalias que le costaran la vida y sufrimiento a millones de sus ciudadanos. Un país controlado con mano dura por una clase elitista que tiene como principal objetivo su propio enriquecimiento. Como expusiera un experto dudoso de la próxima primacía mundial china, “la población aceptó la obediencia a cambio de mejorar su nivel de vida y el Partido Comunista aceptó la transición económica y social a cambio de mayores privilegios”.

Esto incluye ejemplos hasta de rancio colonialismo, como la ocupación forzosa de la región del pueblo uigur de tradición musulmán. O como el caso del Tíbet, víctima de una invasión militar china en la década de los años 50 del pasado siglo, agresión que costó la muerte de un millón de tibetanos y la destrucción de buena parte de su acervo cultural. Ambos son obstáculos presentes e insalvables hacia el desarrollo real y humano de los derechos del gran pueblo asiático.

Anunciándolo cínicamente como una etapa necesaria para construir el desgastado fantoche del mítico y futuro Comunismo en el que nadie cree, el Partido Comunista chino ha dispuesto y bendecido la abierta y descarnada explotación de su enorme población a manos de los inversionistas extranjeros y los funcionarios nuevos-ricos del gobierno. Sin derecho a huelga, reclamaciones salariales, vacaciones o licencias por enfermedad o maternidad, los trabajadores chinos se desgastan en agotadoras jornadas de 12 y 14 horas diarias, seis días a la semana. Siempre bajo la amenaza de despido ante la menor muestra de debilidad, están presionados a esforzarse al máximo debido al enorme número de parados que esperan ansiosamente ocupar una vacante en la cadena productiva. De esta manera, el pueblo chino sufre en pleno siglo XXI los dantescos episodios de la peor etapa de explotación de los orígenes del capitalismo primitivo.

El Partido Comunista promotor de toda esa conveniente “pujanza económica” cuenta con el férreo control directo de más del 60% del país, donde se ha cuidado mucho de que no llegue la imagen de vidriera de la zona costera Oriental. Los sectores estatal y privado quedan bajo un poder central y en ambos el Partido-Estado impone no sólo decisiones administrativas incuestionables, sino que también obliga a rajatabla tasas de precios y costos. Y a pesar de que el Estado consume alrededor de un tercio del gasto público en subvencionar sus empresas para mantenerlas a flote, ofrece apenas un mínimo de salvaguarda al sufrimiento popular, autorizando sólo un reducido gasto en sanidad y pensiones, y excluyendo sufragar cualquier subsidio por desempleo.

La división del país en tres áreas económicas que requieren de un pasaporte interno para pasar de las zonas pobres a las de empuje económico favorece el modelo de explotación de la masa laboral en China, aunque no sólo dentro del territorio nacional. En varios países del primer mundo y en vías de desarrollo de Occidente, recientes denuncias demuestran casos flagrantes de brutal expolio de mano de obra china exportada. Y severas prácticas de matonismo empresarial han tenido lugar en países de creciente influencia china en África, como Zambia, reprimiendo violentamente las huelgas de mineros provocadas por violaciones salariales, o en la también minera Shougang de Perú. Por otra parte, llueven las denuncias y alarmas por las crecientes falsificaciones y alteraciones de productos de fabricación china. Acciones fomentadas por ánimos de irresponsable y desenfadado lucro, lo que mina la confianza de consumidores occidentales para el consumo en surtidos tan disímiles como los productos lácteos y juguetes hasta los sistemas electrónicos de armamento.

En América Latina, muchos elementos de las castas intelectuales y dirigentes, más allá de realidades palpables, persisten en mantener con vida el viejo andamiaje del antiamericanismo y son los más entusiastas en otorgarle a China el papel de próxima primera potencia. También conforman las filas de los mayores vaticinadores del desplazamiento del centro económico mundial de los Estados Unidos hacia la nación más poblada del mundo. Dan por sentada esta versión de los hechos como el del supuesto abandono y desinterés de la nación norteña hacia sus vecinos del sur.

Más, esto sólo es el delirio deseado por esas élites antinorteamericanas. Como alguien dijera con mucho acierto, los hechos son tozudos y desmienten toda falsa presunción. En la realidad que atormenta a esos personajes, América Latina no sólo sigue siendo el mayor centro de la inversión del capital norteamericano, superando por tres veces el de China en la región, sino que cerca del 50 % de las exportaciones norteamericanas tienen como destino a Latino-américa. Además, cada año esta región se beneficia de las transferencias de tecnologías modernas y programas de ayudas económicas de los Estados Unidos, así como de tratados comerciales preferenciales. Las remesas familiares enviadas por los emigrantes latinoamericanos radicados en Estados Unidos, pese a la crisis económica, superan los 60, 000 millones de dólares, mucho más que las provenientes de Europa y Asia. En cambio, el comercio de la región con China se concentra en la exportación de materias prima, y prácticamente no encuentra mercado para incluir en el intercambio producciones con valor agregado. Situación que no favorece el desarrollo y la solides de las economías de Latino-américa.

Contrario a las afirmaciones predominantes en el discurso de los personeros de la izquierda internacional, que no se cansan de denunciar un interés determinante de EEUU por asentarse y controlar los recursos económicos del Medio Oriente, el desplazamiento de su eje de intercambio comercial global a donde lo dirige es al Asia. No obstante, no hay dudas de que estas variaciones no modifican la persistencia del centro económico mundial dentro de los límites geográficos de Estados Unidos, el que da señales claras de reacomodo de capitales, empresas y empleos dirigidos hacia su costa occidental. Recientes acuerdos regionales de las naciones suramericanas que bordean el Océano descubierto por el conquistador español Balboa y los flamantes tratados de libre comercio firmados por Estados Unidos con Panamá y Colombia consolidan esta tendencia de preparar a la región hacia un mayor intercambio comercial en la zona económica del Pacífico, desde ya más sólidos e importantes que el lento crecimiento del otro gran proyecto económico regional de América Latina, el convenio atlántico de Mercosur.

Las instrumentaciones hacia el desarrollo de la región de cara al Pacífico tienen mayor viso de realidad que configuraciones regionales conformadas por una visión de politizado resentimiento y banal enfrentamiento geopolítico con la nación que, en la realidad que se insiste en ignorar, es la que más los favorece. Así, engendros voluntaristas como el semi-cadavérico ALBA y el endeble UNASUR parecen empezar a formar parte de las leyendas heroicas, e inútiles, del resentimiento antiimperialista latinoamericano.

Video del Parque de la Fraternidad el 30 de noviembre 2011

Homenaje al Padre Loredo

Las Navidades en el Presidio Político Cubano

Homenaje al Padre Loredo

Ermita de la Caridad

Salón Padre Félix Varela

Viernes 2 de diciembre de 2011

7:45 pm

-Bienvenida a la Ermita y oración. (Mons. Agustín A. Román)

-Villancicos. (Coro de las ex presas y ex presos políticos).

-Las Navidades en el Presidio Político Cubano. (Angel de Fana)

-El Padre Loredo en sus años de estudiante en el Colegio De La Salle. (Padre Ernesto Fernández-Travieso)

- Los años del presidio (José Antonio Lima)

-Su trabajo apostólico en Lawton y Luyanó después del presidio

(Padre Juan Rumin Domínguez)

-Actividad poética y literaria. (Nicolás Pérez Díaz de Arguelles)

-Los años de Ginebra. (Alberto Grau)

-Villancicos. (Coro de ex presas y ex presos políticos)

-Bendición final (Padre Juan Rumin Domínguez)

Recuerda Diciembre 2

Ermita de la Caridad. - Santuario Nacional.

3609 South Miami Ave Miami, Fl. 33133.

Tel. (305) 854-2404

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

"The Slow-Pitch Ambassadors to Cuba"-hay que lindo

this story  has been circulating for several days on how some fogie senior softball team from Eastern Massachusetts was in Cuba to play against the Cuban old timers. The EMASS team has been traveling to Cuba for the last several years to play in this "feel good" softball games. Well...."feel Good" games...not exactly....Michael Eizenburg, the organizer of this softball tournament, is  "president of Educational Travel Alliance, a company based in Wellesley, Mass., which he started in 1998 largely to make arrangements for Americans — scholars, performers, foundation workers and the like — to travel to Cuba"  

Somehow by playing softball this will magically solve the issues between the U.S. and Cuba (Just like the Juanes concert did?). Look I have no problems with these guys going to Cuba to play softball and I was going to ignore this story, but something inside of me did not feel right. From past history most of these “cultural exchanges” usually turn out to be a propaganda victory for the dictatorship.

You see many of us have family members who have died never to return to their homeland after having their homes and businesses confiscated, many of us have had family members thrown in jail as political prisoners, tortured, or executed and many have died after leaving on rafts from the so called tropical paradise. This is NEVER mentioned during these “cultural exchanges.?”

I have an idea for Mr. Michael Eizenberg, why don’t you go to south Florida and play some Cuban exile ole timers in softball(better bring you’re A game) and listen to their experiences!

Monday, November 28, 2011


November 27, 2011

During the week of November 21-27, human rights defenders continued being systematically subjected to acts of intimidation, threats, to brutal beatings and mob attacks; to being kidnapped and left abandoned in remote areas; to arbitrary arrests; short term detentions, and to cross examinations. The political police particularly targeted the date of November 24th, proclaimed by the peaceful resistance movement in the island as “Resistance Day”. Protests were reported Thursday in the cities of Havana, Palma Soriano, Pinar del Río, Santa Clara, Sagua la Grande, Ciego de Ávila, Camagüey, Velasco and Cienfuegos. On the 24th day of every month, human rights groups across the island plan to stage organized protests to promote human rights and freedom in Cuba

Monday, November 21 - Police agents detained activists, Joel Lazaro Carbonell and Emilio Jerez for defending the business of a female street vendor in Havana who was being openly blackmailed by a policeman. Jerez was released but the situation of Lazaro Carbonell is unknown.

The ex-political prisoner and independent journalist Enyor Diaz Allen was released 48 hours after being arrested for photographing a mob attack against the home of human rights defender, Osvallemi Grant Guerra. Another independent journalist, Julio Beltran Iglesias, a member of the independent group, Cuban Republican Party, was also released and abandoned in Wajay, 30 kms. away from his home. Beltran Iglesias was kidnapped near his home on November 19 by Cuban State Security in Havana and subjected to cross examination and was accused of being a troublemaker as well as a mercenary of the “Imperialists” (USA), among several other charges.

The following five activists of the 30th of November Frank Pais Movement were arrested as they were on their way to promote “Resistance Day” at the home of the Secretary General of the National Front of Civil Resistance and Disobedience, Jorge Luis Garcia Perez Antunez in Santa Clara (Central Cuba): Yoan David Gonzalez Milanes (handicapped, missing a leg), Mauri Emilio Dupuy Arredondo, Guillermo Rodriguez Rodriguez, Verlay Vejerano Estrada and Juan Luis Perez Garcia. They were all abandoned in remote farm areas.

In Santa Clara (Central Cuba), a total of 17 human rights activists were violently detained when they tried to prevent the Cuban regime’s forced eviction of Yulema Benitez Sigler and her three children from their humble home. Initially detained were: Damaris Moya Portieles, Enrique Martinez Marin, Idania Yanez, Yasmin Riveron, Yusmany Rafael Alvarez, and Jose Luis Lopez. Other human rights defenders who went to the police station to demand the release of their fellow activists and were also arrested: Guillermo del Sol Pérez, Alcides Rivera Rodríguez, Víctor Castillo Ortega, Ana Rosa Alfonso, Jose Luis Lopez, María del Carmen López, Ramón Abreu, Mayra García, Rolando Ferrer Espinosa and Omar Núñez Espinosa.

Wednesday, November 23 – Jose Batista Falcon and Raudel Avila Lozada of the umbrella human rights group, Cuban Patriotic Union were intimidated and threatened with being arrested by the police as they were disseminating copies of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to the residents in the Eastern city of Palma Soriano.

Donaida Perez Paseiro and Yris Perez Aguilera of the Rosa Parks Feminist Movement for Civil Rights were arrested by the political police as they were leaving the house of Yris in Placetas (Central Cuba) so that Yris could seek the treatment of a specialist for the head injuries caused by State Security agents during a beating in May 2011. Both women were subjected to inhumane treatment and conditions during their arrest and released 24 hours later. Yris is the wife of Antunez and their house is permanently surrounded by State Security Agents who threaten, beat and follow them wherever they go.

Thursday, November 24 – Ex-Cuban prisoner of conscience, Librado Linares, of the Cuban Reflection Movement denounced of the police operation and the mob attack to the home of human rights defender and member of the Cuban Reflection Movement, Niursi Acosta Pacheco in the town of Vueltas, Villa Clara (Central Cuba). Activists had gathered to march on to the town’s Central Park and hold and a public act but the aggressors intimidated and threatened the activists by surrounding the house and carrying knives, machetes and metal tubes. Victims of this act of repudiation were: Orlando Triana Gonzalez, Antonio Suarez Fonticiella, Miguel Sotolongo Sotolongo, Raul Gonzalez Manso, Leonardo Rodriguez Alonso, Niursi Acosta Pacheco, Jose Marino Andrades Crespo, Damaris Hidalgo Garcia, Ramon Mesa Rodriguez, Alexander Mesa Rodriguez, Juan Manuel Sarduy Segrel, Diego Sabala Abreu, Manuel U. Acosta and Librado Linares.

In Havana, the following activists marched down an important avenue in El Vedado with a white sign honoring the recently deceased leader of the Ladies in White, Laura Pollan and on behalf of freedom and human rights in Cuba: Sara Marta Fonseca, Odalys Caridad Sanabria, René Ramón González, Ismael Alfaro and Ramsés Camejo. They were all detained and released a few hours later after being threatened and intimidated by Cuban State Security.

In Pinar del Rio a march was also successfully carried out in spite of the numerous arrests. Conrado Rodríguez Suárez, member of the Democratic Alliance of Pinar del Rio (ADP) continues under arrest.

In Sagua La Grande, paramilitary groups surrounded and attacked the home of the human rights activist Jesus Reinaldo, located at Carolina Cabrera Street #60 to prevent the meeting of members of the peaceful resistance.

Pedro Campa Almenares was released after being held in the Prison of Aguadores since August 2011.

In Havana, the police arrested more than a dozen dissidents who were on their way to participate in a forum on racial discrimination to be held November 24-26 at the home of Antonio Madrazo located at Calle 23 #710 entre C y D apto 2 piso 1, Vedado. Among those detained were dissidents Manuel Cuesta Morua, Darsi Ferrer and Yusnaimi Jorge Soca, Guillermo Lizama, Leonardo Calvo, as well as Danilo Maldonado.

Friday, November 25 - José Peña Batista, president of the Calixto García Movement, was arrested and remains in custody. The previous day a march had originated at his home and gone on to a Park in the town of Velazco, in the province of Hoguin ( Eastern Cuba).

Sunday, November 27 – In spite of the intimidations and threats of beatings and arrests, 38 Ladies in White were able to hear mass and march in the city of El Cobre in Eastern Cuba while in Havana 46 members of the Ladies in White “Laura Pollan” walked down 5th Avenue after attending mass at the Church of Santa Rita.
International recognition of the peaceful resistance movement in Cuba and solidarity for these activists is crucial. The Coalition of Cuban-American Women makes an urgent call on religious, civic, political, and cultural entities and its leaders, as well as to non-gonvernmental human rights organizations worldwide.

Coalition of Cuban-American Women / Laida A. Carro /

FURTHER INFORMATION IN CUBA: José Daniel Ferrer - + 53 53631267 / Belkis Cantillo - + 53 53790867 / Berta Soler - + 53 52906820

Sunday, November 27, 2011

"Cyber Commandos spill phone numbers of Top Cuban Officials"

By Juan O. Tamayo

Want to know the home address of Cuban ruler Raúl Castro’s daughter? How about the home phone number for his No. 2, José Ramon Machado Ventura? Or the cell number for Minister of Communications Ramiro Valdés?

A Miami-based website is publishing those and myriad other details on the private lives of top Cuban officials, saying it wants to warn “the darlings of the dictatorship” that they will face a dark future if the government collapses.

Also obtained from inside Cuba are digital lists of the cell phone numbers for tens of thousands of security and intelligence officers, and the street addresses of virtually every single military base on the island, contributors to the site say.

The leak of such personal details, out of a communist-ruled country where secrecy has long been paramount, reflects the Castro government’s growing inability to control the flow of information in the age of the Internet.

“Technology is going to destroy them,” said one post on the website CubaalDescubierto — Cuba Uncovered — where the details are being posted by FUEGO, or “fire,” a group that claims to be made up of Cubans in Cuba and on the outside.

The site already has published what it says are the home addresses, phone numbers and other personal information of more than 20 top Cubans since it started posting those kinds of details about six weeks ago.

They include Machado Ventura, Castro’s No. 2 in the ruling Council of State and the Communist Party; former Defense Minister Julio Casas, who died Sept. 3; and Valdés, a former Interior Minister, widely viewed as one of Cuba’s most powerful officials.

It also published the address and home phone of Castro’s daughter Deborah and her husband, Luis Alberto Rodriguez López Callejas, an army colonel who runs military-owned businesses that account for an estimated 60 percent of the island’s economy.

The addresses and phone numbers for Angela and Agustina Castro Ruz, sisters to Raúl and Fidel Castro, and for Sonia and Jose Alejandro Espin, sister and brother of Raúl Castro’s late wife, Vilma Espin, also appeared on the page.

El Nuevo Herald could not confirm all of the details published, but its calls to eight of the phone numbers confirmed that five were correct. One was confirmed by a female relative and two by housemaids. Three others did not answer, including Valdes’ purported cell.

Percy Alvarado, identified by the Cuban government in the late 1990s as one of its intelligence operatives, told El Nuevo Herald that he received a threatening call on his cellular phone earlier this month from people who identified themselves as members of FUEGO.

He called the publication of the addresses and phone numbers a “flagrant violation of the right to privacy and international laws.”

Miami blogger Aldo Rosado Tuero, a member of FUEGO and publisher of the blog Nuevo Acción, said publishing the details about the Cuban officials and relatives was designed to “send some of them the message that they are known, that we know where they live.”

“We also want to try to push these people to ease the repression [against dissidents] in Cuba, and we believe there should be some record for the future, so that crimes do not go unpunished

Read more:

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

We live in the best country in the world, despite all the negativity, complaining, and the "objectivity" of the media.The U.S. is the beacon of hope, opportunity, and freedom. Thank you Lord for my family, friends, and for your blessings!

God bless everyone and God bless the U.S.A.!!!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Cancion a Laura Pollan,version de estudio.

Revista Voces dedica el Nº 11 a Laura Pollán

From Cuba Independiente y Democratica :

El Nº 11 de la Revista Voces, fue lanzado en la sede de la Academia Bloguer de Cuba y dedicado a la mentora y fundadora del Movimiento Damas de Blanco Laura Pollán, en la noche del 11 de Noviembre y con la presencia de algunas de sus miembros y de su hija Laura María Labrada Pollán.

Orlando Luis Pardo, autor del blog Lunes de Post Revolución dirigió el lanzamiento de la revista en cuya portada la letra L en alusión a Laura Pollán formaban el número 11 con dos gladiolos, en el lanzamiento estuvo presente Laura María Labrada Pollán junto a Berta Soler, Aimé Cabrales Aguilar, Katia Sonia Martín Véliz y Odalys Sanabria.

Videos de la canción Laura Pollán compuesta e interpretada por Amaury Gutiérrez en el programa “A Mano Limpia” de Oscar Asa conmovió a todos los presentes al ser exhibido fue sinceramente agradecido por su hija Laurita.

Monday, November 14, 2011

PRESS RELEASE - Interamerican Commission for Human Rights - No 118/11


N° 118/11


Washington, D.C., November 10, 2011 - The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) expresses its concern over recent attacks suffered by Idania Yanes Contreras in Cuba. She is a beneficiary of precautionary measures granted by the IACHR on June 8, 2011.

Information the IACHR has received indicates that Idania Yanes Contreras was arrested on October 31, 2011, when she was protesting to defend the rights of a political dissident who was on a prolonged hunger strike. Idania Yanes Contreras reportedly was taken to a police unit, dragged by her hair, and severely beaten in the head, abdomen, and back before being released on November 3, 2011. According to the information the IACHR has received, she left the detention center in a fragile state of health and entered the Arnaldo Milián Castro Hospital with injuries to her body.

The Inter-American Commission considers extremely serious the fact that the State of Cuba has not adopted the necessary measures that were requested by the IACHR to protect the life and physical integrity of Idania Yanes Contreras, considering the threats, attacks, and harassment to which she has been subject. The IACHR calls to mind that the State has an obligation to investigate of its own accord the facts that have been reported, and to punish those responsible for the attacks.

The IACHR urges the State of Cuba to immediately and effectively implement each of the precautionary measures granted by the Commission.

A principal, autonomous body of the Organization of American States (OAS), the IACHR derives its mandate from the OAS Charter and the American Convention on Human Rights. The Inter-American Commission has a mandate to promote respect for human rights in the region and acts as a consultative body to the OAS in this matter. The Commission is composed of seven independent members who are elected in an individual capacity by the OAS General Assembly and who do not represent their countries of origin or residence.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Pope to visit Cuba

Pope Benedict XVI might visit Cuba next spring. This surfer made a 90 ft wave, yet I don't believe the Pope's visit will do anything to"CHANGE" things in Cuba. I hope I am wrong, but history and the catholic church has shown otherwise.(I am Catholic, so no emails saying I am anti-catholic!)

Lefties talk the talk, BUT DON'T WALK THE WALK

Check out Michael" I love Cuba's healthcare system" Moore's SUMMER home in the above picture. He wants you to believe that he is NOT in the 1% of Americans as he says who have all the wealth, yet.......he has this summer home, that most of us can ever dream about and he is worth 50 million! He wants to project an image that he is JUST like the Occupy America protestors. Michael probably showed up to the protest in a limo.

Just like Fidel tried to project that he was an ordinary Cuban and was for the poor.....NEWSFLASH...Fidel and Raul's father was one of the wealthiest guys on the island folks, Fidel went to the elite of the elite schools. He still lives in a lap of luxury, yet he denies this to ordinary Cubans.

Remember the poster child for the left, leche Guevera? Yep, another elitist rich, spoiled, elitist brat promoting the absurd ideology of marxism and encouraging hatred amongst one another.

In history, tryrants, dictators, lefties, all seem to talk the talk, but NEVER walk the walk, when it comes to their absurd ideology

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Guido Sigler Amaya arrives in Miami

Cuba: Activist suffering same symptons as deceased Lady in White



Following a savage beating and arrest, a human rights defender is suffering the same physical symptoms as the recently deceased Lady in White, Laura Pollan

November 6, 2011

Alcides Rivera Rodriguez and Rolando Ferrer Espinosa, two activists on a hunger strike since September 28, 2011, protesting the Cuban regime’s violence against peaceful activists in the island; both admitted respectively, on October 27 and 28, 2011, to the Provincial Hospital Arnaldo Milian in the central city of Santa Clara, were forced out of the medical center by special police forces that had militarized the building. Ferrer Espinosa, was hoisted away on Monday, October 31st to his home in spite of the fact that he was on supplemental oxygen, was shaking due to a high fever, is weak after losing more than 30 lbs. of body weight, and has severe respiratory ailments as well as metabolic acidosis. On November 2,, Alcides Rivera, who was diagnosed with bronchopneumonia and has lost almost 60 lbs, was also forcibly taken out of the hospital. Both Alcides and Rolando declared that they will continue their hunger strike.

On the afternoon of October 31,when Rolando Ferrer was taken out of the hospital by State Security agents, a group of human rights defenders who had gone to the hospital in solidarity with both hunger strikers, were violently arrested: Idania Yanes Contreras, Damaris Moya Portieles, Olga Lilia González Barroso, Alexey Sotolongo Díaz, Enrique Martínez Marín, Orlando Alfonso Martínez, Jorge Ramírez Calderón, René Fernández Quiroga, José Lino Ascencio López, Jorge Alberto Liriano Linares, Yasmín Conledo Riverón, Yusmani Rafael Álvarez Esmori, Yanisbel Valido Pérez, and Víctor Castillo Ortega. The activist, Julio Columbie, who was taking care of Ferrer Espinosa’s in the hospital room was beaten and taken away in a brutal manner. Alcides Rivera Vázquez, son of Alcides Rivera and Zuleika Cepero Méndez, wife of Rolando Ferrer were also taken into custody.

Jorge Luis García Pérez “Antúnez” and his wife, Iris Tamara Pérez Aguilera, of the National Civic Resistance Front were beaten and dragged out of the intensive care unit where they were accompanying Alcides Rivera, as other patients screamed at the agents to stop the mistreatment.

After all pro-democracy activists were taken to the Unidad Provincial de Operaciones (UPO), they were dispersed to different municipalities in the province of Villa Clara and released by November 3rd. Alberto Reyes Morán, Michele Oliva López and Ramón Arboláez Abreu were subjected to short term detention when they appeared at (UPO) to inquire about the wellbeing of their fellow human rights activists. Also, as they were on their way to the Arnaldo Milian Hospital, Jorge Vázquez Chaviano, Nosbel Jomarca Deubides, Maidelis González Almeida and Yosmel Martínez Corcho were taken down from a bus in the outskirts of the city of Sagua la Grande and remained detained for a few hours.

On November 1, 2011, when activist Guillermo Fariñas tried to see Alcides Rivera at the hospital, he was brutally arrested and released on Thursday, November 3.

The particular case of the human rights defender and member of the Central Opposition Coalition, Idania Llanes Contreras, wife of Alcides Rivera, is alarming. On Wednesday, following the brutal beating on October 31, and still under custody,Idania developed a high fever and painful joints, began to shiver, to vomit and had a profuse vaginal bleeding. A physician at the detention center who saw her told her she might have dengue, that ” there was a lot of dengue going around.” Once released she required medical assistance at a hospital and following laboratory tests, a doctor told Idania she had an “unkown virus”. Idania was arrested and held in the same prison cell with the activists Yanisbel Valido and Damaris Portieles.

Testimony given by Idania Llanes describing their arrest:

“I was attacked by three policewomen who dealt three blows to my head as I was being dragged by my hair into a vehicle, they were beating me all over my body, specially on my abdomen…I didn’t realize that they had caused a stab wound to my left hand and scratches on my back with a metallic object. We discovered wounds in our bodies caused by sharp instruments. Damaris was thrown to the ground and hit her head so hard she almost passed out. Yanisbel was choked to the point that her face was red, so red…”

In Havana, this Sunday, November 7, 2011, though forty Ladies in White atended mass in the Church of Santa Rita and were able to march through Fifth Avenue with the image of Laura Pollan, at least six women were threatened by the political police to prevent their participation in the mass and the peaceful march. Among them were: Magaly Norvis Otero, Sandra Guerra, Elizabeth Kawooya and Dignora Figueredo.

Also this Sunday in Santiago de Cuba, a priest, several nuns and parishoners interceded on behalf of seven Ladies in White so that the police would not subject them to acts of repudiation and attacks. The women who were taken away by a car provided by nuns at the Cathedral of Santiago de Cuba were: Belkis Cantillo Ramírez, Aimee Garcés Leiva, Mari Blanca Ávila Expósito, Oria Casanova Moreno, Adriana Núñez Pascual, Tania Bandera González, and Tania Montoya.

The Coalition of Cuban-American women makes an urgent call to the free world, to the press, to men and women in positions of leadership, demanding a stop to the systematic cruel and inhumane acts committed by the Cuban regime against members of Cuban civil society who defend fundamental freedoms in their own country. The lives of these human rights defenders, particularly of women activists, are in pressing danger.

Coalition of Cuban-American Women / Laida Carro /

FURTHER INFORMATION IN CUBA: Alcides Rivera and Rolando Ferrer – Tel. + 53 42218079 /

Jorge Luis Garcia Perez “Antunez” – + 53 52564369 / Iris T. Aguilera – + 53 52564368

Tania Montoya + 53 53146329

Friday, November 04, 2011

"Cuba legalizes sale, purchase of private property"

On Thursday Cuba's communist newspaper, Granma, announced that real estate will be allowed to be bought and sold. REALLY, by whom? Fidel and Raul right? Sorry not buying this red riding hood story.

Now if all property has been at the hands of government for decades, and most of those properties were stolen and confisgated by the castro dictatorship, I don't understand how this will work and Cuban exiles WILL NOT be allowed to buy properties of course.

Soon the fine print will come out and as usual this will only benefit those in the castro dictatorship

Lawmakers meet with freed Cuban prisoners

By Erika Bolstad

Three Cuban dissidents jailed in a 2003 crackdown and imprisoned until their exile last year to Spain, brought their story to Capitol Hill Thursday.

The three were sponsored by European Union politicians who hope to build a trans-Atlantic coalition to put as much international pressure on Cuba as possible.

"They've been in the belly of the beast, they know what it's like to live there," said Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Miami, said of the three: independent journalist Normando Hernández González, Regis Iglesias Ramírez of the Varela Project and former Nueva Prensa Cubana Director José Luís García Paneque.

"And they know what a difficult struggle it is to get international solidarity to the cause that we all are in agreement with," Ros-Lehtinen said, "and that is the promotion of democracy, of freedom, of human rights, multi-party elections, freedom to express one's ideas, and freedom to pray to a God of our choosing."

All three were arrested by Cuban authorities as part of Fidel Castro’s crackdown on dozens of dissidents and activists in what became known as the Black Spring of 2003. They were released under an agreement negotiated by the Spanish government and Cuba’s highest-ranking Catholic, Cardinal Jaime Ortega.

One of the former political prisoners, Iglesias, said he met Wednesday in Dallas with former U.S. President George W. Bush and the former president of Spain, Jose Maria Aznar. He said he aimed to bring forth the message of a "Free Cuba," and not just in the economic sense some Cubans have seen recently.

"The fact is that more than the power to purchase cars or houses, Cubans need freedom, free elections, respect to individual freedoms," he said.

Hernandez, who spent more than seven years in prison and now lives in Miami, said his aim was to "bring awareness about the experience we have lived through."

He warned that economic freedom "does not bring freedom nor democracy to a people, and certainly not to a country under an iron tyranny for 52 years."

Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, R-Miami, called it a "huge privilege" to spend time with with the three. They represent the best of what is in Cuba, said Rep. David Rivera, R-Miami.

"People who are willing to risk their lives, their liberties, sacrifice friends and relationships on the island," Rivera said, including leaving everything "for the cause of a free and democratic Cuba. They demonstrate to the world of what is going on on the island."

Isabel Morales, a special correspondent for El Neuvo Herald, contributed to this report.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Children of human rights defenders suffer mob attacks



October 30, 2011

In the Eastern city of Guantanamo, the home of Niovis Rivera Guerra, (member of the Resistance and Democracy Movement), his wife, Yurilaidy Travieso and three young daughters, 13, 9 and 3 years old, was surrounded by patrol cars, military vehicles, and subjected to, at least, two days of brutal mob attacks (October 25-26, 2011) of around 400 people. Asphalt was thrown against the house, all the windows, as well as the door, were stoned and broken, the family received death threats, and Rivera Guerra was beaten and tear gased. All this brutal violence was because the family displayed pro democracy and human rights posters in the front of their home. This is the fifth time in 2011, that the home of this activist is attacked. Several members of the Resistance and Democracy Movement were beaten and arrested when they tried to come to the aid of Niovis Rivera Guerra and his family: Hermis Figueras Ros, Francisco Osoria Claro, and the Adventist Pastor Raul Martinez Caraballo.

Also in Eastern Cuba, on October 26, 2011, several cities suffered government repression, In Contramaestre, any activist or citizen who visits the home of human rights defender, Jorge Cervantes is under scrutiny by the political police. In Moa, Rapid Response Brigades threw eggs against the home of the coordinator of the UMPACU, Juan Carlos Vazquez Osoria and the Lady in White, Annis Sarrion Romero.

Two human rights defenders in Santa Clara (Central Cuba) who were on a hunger strike since September 28, 2011, demanding that the Cuban government put a stop to the violence against peaceful activists, were taken in critical state to the Provincial Hospital Arnaldo Milian Castro. Alcides Rivera Rodriguez was admitted to the hospital on Thursday, October 27, 2011, and diagnosed with bronchopneumonia. Rolando Ferrer Espinosa was admitted on the following day. Alcides has lost almost 60 lbs. while Ferrer Espinosa who is suffering a severe abdominal pain has lost over 30 lbs.of his body weight. Both continue in critical condition.

On October 24, 2011 several human rights activists were arrested in Havana when peaceful organizations such as the National Front of Civil Resistance and Desobedience and the Human Rights Party called on activists to gather at the Martin Luther King Park. Adjacent streets to this park were all surrounded by State Security agents. Among several activists arbitrarily detained and released were Sara Marta Fonseca and Rodolfo Ramirez Cardoso.

On Sunday, October 30, 2011, ten Ladies in White, in Eastern Cuba, were beaten and arbitrarily detained as they tried to attend mass in the Cathedral of Santiago de Cuba. The following women were mistreated and suffered short term detention: Aymeé Garcés ( as well as her husband Julio Valcarcel) Leyva, Belkis Cantillo Ramírez, Vivian Peña Hernández, Liudmila Rodríguez Palomo, Adriana Núñez Pascual, María Elena Matos, Oria Casanova Moreno, Yuremi González Pavót, Tania Bandera González, Ana Celia Rodríguez Torres and a minor 14 years old, Marta Beatriz Ferrer Cantillo the daughter of Lady in White, Belkis Cantillo and the expolitical prisoner of conscience, Jose Daniel Ferrer.

At least three homes of activists who had gathered in the Eastern cities of Palma Soriano and Palmarito de Cauto to protest the violence against the Ladies in White on October 30 were surrounded by repressive forces. Under siege were the following human rights defenders of the National Front Orlando Zapata as well as members of the UMPACU ( Patriotic Union of Cuba): Prudencio Villalon, Roberto Quiñones, Pedro Manuel Guerrero, Julio Cesar Salazar, Ruben Torres, Dany Lopez, Rudy San Ramirez, Rolando Humberto Gonzalez, Maximiliano Sanchez, Abraham Cabrera, Amauri Abelenda and Manuel Martinez.

FURTHER INFORMATION IN CUBA: José Daniel Ferrer - + 53 53631267 / Belkis Cantillo - + 53 53790867 /

Niovis Rivera Guerra - +53 53361314 / Jorge Cervantes - +53 53791610

Coalition of Cuban-American Women – Laida A. Carro /

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The story behind the story on the Washington Post and Manuel Roig-Franzia

On October 28th, the Ombudsman, Patrick B. Pexton, writes an article that what goes behind a good news story is dogged research of Manuel " I hate Cuban Exiles" and a concentrate on a biography of Marco Rubio.

Whoa Nellie....let's take a step back here......Who is this Manuel "I hate Cuban Exiles-Catholics" Roig-Franzia?

Well for starters he has ALWAYS been sympathic(communist leanings) and always writes gleefully for the two dictators in the above picture. He also has a disdain for the Catholic Church(Probably not for Cardinal Ortega)! manolito is from Spain, he has no clue about the Cuban experience(before I get hate mail, my grandfather was from Spain and immigrated to Cuba.....don't ask me the date, because I can't tell you, because he is dead). You can't research the Cuban experience at the Library of Congress looking at micro-film!  The pain of exiles and their children HAVE TO BE EXPERIENCED ON A DAILY BASIS to have an inkling of an understanding of what SUFFERING the castro dictatorship has brought on to the Cuban people.

Manolito, are you doing Fidel's dirty work? Are you soooo afraid of an AMERICAN, who happens to be of Cuban background, might some day be Vice President or President?

Let the American people decide by voting at the ballot box....