Sunday, June 02, 2019

Omar Kelly: " the Miami Narrative about Cuba is very warped and quite deceptive"

Miami Dolphins beat writer goes to Cuba for several days as a TOURIST and disses over a million Cubans 
 exile as what they went through is just a NARRATIVE.
I saw his comments several days ago and said to myself: "another comemierda" It was just festering in me and I happen to walk in Publix and right in front of me,
this guy with the biggest tattoo of the assassin Che Guevera.
He is proudly strutting in front on me and I look down with a face of disgust. I blurt out " comemierda" and he continues to shop in Publix full of food unlike in Cuba for CUBANS. So I said to myself Omar is not getting a pass on this! 


Patria y Vida! said...

So what does Mr Kelly think now about the protests? Is it just a narrative?

Anonymous said...

I’m sure he bought a che t-shirt!!

Patria y Vida said...

Of course Mr. Kelly was silent during the protest.