Saturday, June 06, 2009

Spies amongst us!

When I first heard that a Ex-U.S. State official and his wife are facing spy charges, I really did not even want to respond. Really after 30 years.. NOW they figured out they were spies? Can you imagine the DAMAGE they have done against FREEDOM loving Cubans! They want a damage assessment after 30 years of spying? Are you kidding me? These two snitches are both in their 70's, probably live it up, and what's most disgusting is that Gwendolyn Myers told an uncover FBI agent that she has received "lots of medals" from the dictator brothers!


Fantomas said...

Caso de los espias

Yo solo espero que nuestro Presidente Obama no se deje influenciar por castro y los Republicanos esta vez

Las conversaciones MIGRATORIAS y el deshielo de 50 años DEBEN CONTINUAR A PASOS AGIGANTADOS como si este incidente de los 2 espias no hubiese ocurrido

SEñores no nos dejemos engañar , fidel esta tratando de enemistarse aun mas con los EEUU para que se caigan las conversaciones

ya lo hizo con el Mariel, despues con los balseros del 94 maleconazo , con el derribo de las avionetas y ahora trataron con los 7 que se trataban de escapar y aterrizaron en frente de la sina

Esto esta mas que claro. que los espias paguen y QUE CONTINUEN LAS CONVERSACIONES

Atento Obama te estan preparando la camita

3:06 PM

Fantomas said...


Anonymous said...

Question is- What aren't they smoking?

Primo de Panfilo said...

Answer-comiendo mierda not smoking!

Panfilo said...

Graba ahi

Estoy en candela