Thursday, February 16, 2006

What Happened?

Cardinal Renato Martino in Cuba for two days and what happened? Don't know my freedom loving brethren! The church played a instrumental role in the defeat of communism in Poland, but I am afraid that for Cuba it's not the case.
I want to thank those who supported the fast for the last two days, may God bless you and hopefully this will do something for the FREEDOM of Cuba and the release of the political prisoners. To those who wrote me and made fun of what we were trying to do, I am sorry you feel that way. There are those in Cuba risking their lives by conducting a hunger strike. I don't think it's funny, just wanted to show solidarity.


Anonymous said...

I haven't gotten any news...
Which doesn't give me a lot of hopes.
So, maybe, after all, kasstro didn't receive the Cardinal. But the whole secrecy of the event is unsettling!

Albert Quiroga said...

Is the cardinal the new Innitzer, bowing down to the "furor" of the Caribbean? Do these people still think "playing nice" to the stinking psychopath is going to change his ways? God had to send 10 plagues to soften pharaoh's heart, so...catch a clue, Herr Pope.