Thursday, December 07, 2006


I want to start out by apologizing for my post yesterday. I let my emotions and my anger get to me. My "soul searching" involved going to mass this morning. Here I am feeling all down and angry while entering my local church. I enter the church and on the other side of the door is a man who needs help opening the door. This man attends church every day, but for this man, walking and getting around is very diffilcult since he is crippled. Just to kneel down is a labor of love. What faith and love this man has even though his situation! I sit down and I am very moved, the homily comes and bam it hits me square in the eyes! The homily is about doing something with your life that you are called to do, doing something for others, doing something for those who can not defend themselves. The homily continues and every word seems to be directed my way and with my life. I leave mass and check my site and again I am moved by all the remarks and all the kind words. I did not check my site last night after remarking to my wife that I quit El Cafe Cubano, in which she chuckled and remarked "yeah right." She noticed that I have been down, and the first thing she asked me this morning: "Did you hear about the dissident that was freed." Thank you mi vida! Thanks for your support and understanding! Thanks for putting up with us Cubans and our cause!

My freedom-loving brethren thanks for your support! I am sorry for acting selfish yesterday. Our brothers and sisters in Cuba need our help! The political prisoners need the help of our FREEDOM FIGHTERS! For all those that have died, for all those who suffer under the brutality of communism. The FREEDOM FIGHTERS will be there! We will never give up!!!!

My promise continues!!

God bless you mis hermanos!!!!!


Val Prieto said...

God bless you, Alfredo. I am honored to be battling these windmills with you.

Fantomas said...

Are you fasting Friday?

Anonymous said...

Alfredo, there's no need to apologize, since all of us are human with our sins and faults. Your post actually was very useful, for which I am very grateful, since it provoked also a lot of soul searching on my part, as well. I understand you very well.
It's a blessing to be rowing in the same boat with you.

Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

Dude! We're 0 and 47! You have a right to be down. But despair not. Their star quarterback is down and not getting back into the game. Raul's a fumbler and we're starting to score! Their line is very shaky and full of holes. We're stuffing their running-at-the-mouth game.We are breaking up their passes to the media. Their actions are defenceless. There plays are offensive. What are we waiting for? Let's kick some ass!

Fantomas said...

Tomas this year Superbowl is in Miami


Anonymous said...

I've learned...that under everyone's hard shell is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved.Your post was a wake-up call alfredo...Thanks

Fantomas said...

Im going to the supermarket now ... I need to eat a lot of calories today..

tomorrow I will be suffering