Friday, December 08, 2006

"Ya se Acabo"


Anonymous said...


Thanks...Viva Cuba libre!

Anonymous said...

Hey!!! That's crunk Alfredo!
When are you interviewing Pitbull?
What a great theme!


Excellent. I posted it on my BLOG. I'm also a Cuban American continuing to carry the torch for our parents who suffered the most. I will never betray them for their sacrifice in getting me, a 2 yr old boy, out of Cuba, as we were being overwhelmed by the soviet empire. I will copy your link to my BLOG. Excellent work. VIVA CUBA LIBRE. ABAJO fidel ASESINO!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Cool little short. I bought his last cd. I thought it would have had more Cuba related stuff on it.
I'm definitely not ok with che shirts though. If someone wore a hitler shirt noone would tolerate it , why should we tolerate che?