Collage of various comments taken from Jackson Diehl, I. Shafer, H. Freeman, R. Sand and Agustin Blazquez with the collaboration of Jaums Sutton
During eight years in office, Chavez has already taken control of Venezuela's courts, congress, television stations and petroleum industry; his congress granted him the right to rule by decree. The constitutional rewrite will allow him to control the central bank and its reserves, override elected local governments with his own appointees, declare an indefinite "state of emergency" in which due process and freedom of information would be suspended, and use the army to maintain domestic political order under the slogan "fatherland, socialism or death!" It will also abolish any limit on presidential terms for a 53-year-old ruler who would otherwise be compelled to step down by 2012. Jackson Diehl in today's Washington Post
For eight years the people of Venezuela have been participating in massive pro-democracy demonstrations. They have been rejecting the Cuba-like regime imposed by Hugo Chavez, designed with the active participation of Fidel Castro and other Cuban personnel.
Where is the outrage from the U.S. mainstream media, U.S. colleges and universities, and our Hollywood actors regarding what is going on in Venezuela?
In Venezuela, university students are being ambushed on school property, journalists are being threatened, TV stations are being shut down, and Chavez and his henchman are raiding the country's treasury and redirecting its resources to [such unlikely places as] Harlem and other [vulnerable] areas outside the country to promote their socialist ideology.
I know of Venezuelans that are visiting the U.S. that have relatives staying in their homes in Venezuela for fear of losing their homes. I pray that the Venezuelan people will regain their freedom against such a repressive government and not allow Chavez to turn Venezuela into a third world country like Cuba!
This appeal to the American people for their support was recently received, "The situation in Venezuela is really alarming. My family and friends have been living the beginning of hell, that started when the president Chavez began to change everything there including the control of the media freedom of speech, and now, next week, he is going for the last and most crucial chapter: Getting by fraud the approval of his amendments to the Constitution, so he can have more power and stay in the government as long as he wants.
"Venezuela is screaming, asking you to support them. I am originally from Venezuela, I was born and risen in a democracy and I don't want to see Venezuela under a dictatorship regime, that could affect the region and of course, my second country, the United States." There are many photos and videos on the Internet of what has been going on in Venezuela under Chavez that the U.S. liberal media has not reported. Search and see for yourself.
If you're thinking you haven't heard much about this transformation in a major oil-producing country two hours by air from Miami, you're right. U.S. media and human rights groups have basically ignored Chavez's latest power grab. Human Rights Watch, which has been conducting a campaign about what it says is the "human rights crisis" in neighboring, democratic Colombia in close cooperation with congressional Democrats, has issued no statement on the Venezuelan violence -- including the shooting of the students by government-backed paramilitaries on Nov. 7 -- and objected to only one of the 69 new constitutional articles.
http://laurencejarvikonline.blogspot.com/2007/11/jackson-diehl-on-human-rights-watchs.htmlOf course they [the U.S. liberal media] turn a blind eye. When bloody commies kill millions, that's OK. The New York Times covered up Stalin's murder of about 30 million in the Ukraine. There is a tradition to uphold.
It is sad. And the worst is that Venezuela is still on time to liberate itself from Chavez - a bad imitation of Castro. It is inexplicable that the U.S. and world liberal press aren't paying attention to the people fighting there to restore democracy in that country. On the contrary, even an American former president, the nefast Jimmy Carter, went to Venezuela to bless the previous fraudulent Chavez election in spite of voters intimidated, wounded and killed.
The U.S. liberal media didn't even report the incident caused by Chavez at the latest Summit of the Americas meeting where he talked for about 25 minutes while the time limit for each speech was set at 3 minutes. This provoked King Juan Carlos of Spain to ask Chavez, "Why don't you shup up?" Have any Americans heard about that on the television national news?
While Burma and Pakistan's anti-government demonstrations are widely reported by the U.S. liberal media - because the people are protesting against right wing regimes - the same media has managed to keep the protests in Venezuela off the air because Chavez is a left wing regime. As a result of this duality, the media is blocking international solidarity for the cause of democracy in Venezuela. Without international solidarity creating political pressure against Chavez's regime, the people of Venezuela who have been demanding democracy, are lost.
The U.S. liberal media has shown a consistent favor for communist-type regimes, ignoring the fact that Communism is a dismal failure and killed 100 million people. With their silence about Venezuela and Cuba, the U.S. liberal media becomes accomplices in the crimes of communism.
The U.S. liberal media is acting as they did in the case of Cuba, they are silent about what is going on in Venezuela. This silence doesn't help people trying to liberate from communist regimes. This silence can seal the future of the Chavez communist totalitarian regime. This silence will cause suffering, misery, hunger, torture and death in Venezuela.
Another fraudulent victory for Chavez will bring grave consequences to the U.S. Chavez has been forming an anti-America alliance with the other socialist and communist regimes flourishing in the Americas as well as Islamic terrorists and Iran. Chavez have been buying fighter jets, helicopters, submarines and arms from European countries, the former Soviet Union, China and North Korea. A result of the imposition of communism in the Americas will be millions of refugees coming to the U.S.
The people of Venezuela are screaming "Venezuela SI, Cubazuela NO!"