My FREEDOM loving brethren let's have some fun at the expense of commies. El Cafe Cubano is holding a contest every week for the best "caption" describing these knuckle heads above. Be creative and don't hold back. I will throw in a FREE Guayabera or t-shirt donated by SOROA Enterprises for the best caption! Very creative comments last week, Alberto Quiroga your the winner of the last caption contest. Sorry Fidelito you are ineligible for this fun filled and imaginative contest.
I am still waiting for my prize guayaba
"The Bad and The Ugly". What a turn off, it makes for a good birth control commercial.
El beso de la muerte
El cafe Gusano;
you block me on cbox? I can't believe it butI can use other IP!!!! to smart for you. alex you think your sso tough on tomys show? I have already been on your cbox. Using diffrent name, gusanos way behind....LOL
You can come over any play at my house Fidelito.
What's a matter Col. Sanders?
I see you're not a spellin Bee champion. Yes, I'm tough.I'm cuban..jejejeje You haven't been in my box trust me I'll catch you..I'm very good with computers my lil retard friend. Attention Seeker I be wastin my time with a Stupid/ignorant/moron like you. By reading Psychology books my understanding is that attention seekers are simply just immature indiviuals, they always seem like they have something to prove. Your mom should sit down with you and explain to you, your behavior disorder.Sense you don't understand what appropriate behavior is. you should seek anger management - social skills. Can you comprehend. sorry, I don't speak Stupid..that's your forte...No I wasn't tryin to spell forrest or fort.. hahahahahah
Fidelita you have to be more grammatically correct to challenge me.I can't comprehend stupidness.
"caption contest"
I wish fidelito were here for a 3-way.....
fidelita come to my blog i wanna see what flag appear next to your name.hahaha
you can change your IP but you can't change your flag.i'm curious..
que ba! mi chaco fidel besa mejor
"Cindita, you make me proud! "arepita mia"! Let me give you a lingual booster shot of socialist propaganda for your next round."
:) Melek
"No people will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and Virtue is preserved. On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauched in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders." ~ S. Adams
Is that an ileostomy in your pocket?
This picture can only be summed up one way-
What the hill? EEEEEEW!
Hugo puckers like a Parakeet while Corn Niblet remains implanted in his Forehead.
Ay Raul! Me gusta mas cuando me mateas con la peluca rubia esa, ay que rico! Espera fidelito que voy para ya despues Humm...mer!
Is that a "deer tick" on his forehead?
I drove a thousand miles and wore a diaper for this kiss!
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