My FREEDOM loving brethren it's time for another caption contest! El Cafe Cubano could not resist using this picture and I can't wait for the comments! Be creative and don't hold back. I will throw in a FREE Guayabera or t-shirt donated by SOROA Enterprises for the best caption! Very creative comments last week, but I have not picked a winner for last caption contest.
Please read below for rules and regulations:
***In pursuant of the by laws of the El Cafe Cubano caption contest, this contest is open to all in the general public except for Fidelito, those affiliated with the communist party, clueless journalist who constantly defend the dictatorship, Code Pink, Jose Serano, Danny Glover, Charles Rangel, Katie Couric, CNN in Havana, people who wear Che t-shirts, ramiro"cuidado que to voy a dar un tiro," Dan Rather, Oliver Stone, Harry Belafonte, that guy who helped with the Cuba search engine, Pastors for Dictators, and all those who defend the apartheid dictatorship.
-El Café Cubano is not running for political office here in the U.S. or Cuba.
-El Café Cubano is a blog that is run independently and not paid by the U.S. government
-El Café Cubano is not a member of any mafia organizations.
-El Café Cubano is not a member of any exile organizations
-El Café Cubano is not located in Miami, but in the great state of Texas!
-El Café Cubano has repeatedly been attacked by viruses, yet my only weapon is that of words and the truth.
El Café Cubano is not located in Miami, but in the great state of Texas!
What the hell is wrong with Miami?
Hace poco dijiste que Miami era el modelo a seguir para la Cuba de mañana. Ahora sales con que este modo de actuar de estos bocones y tarados no es mas que otra "payasada".
Verdades de progrullo.
Y no hace falta que hagas distinciones, todos son harina del mismo costal.
Esta gente no es mas que la misma tropa de oportunistas que en Cuba eran comunistas y cuando no les convino mas se fueron a Miami y ahora practican el oficio del cubano desde esa ciudad.
Es la misma tropa, la misma chusma, ahora vestidos de ropita de Wal-Mart.
Esta es la misma gente que en Cuba prohibian a "The Beatles", y ahora en Miami prohiben libritos para niños.
Esta es la misma clase de gente que en Cuba se otorga del derecho de "definir" por otros que "es" o que "no es".
Es la misma gente, solo que en otra latitud geografica. Cambiaron la tierra que pisan, pero no pueden extirparse el cerebro.
Y lo vuelvo a decir: Miami no ha progresado gracias a los cubanos, Miami, como todo lo que tiene que ver con USA, ha progresado porque es parte de la infrastructura AMERICANA.
Los cubanos no son la "materia de triunfo" de Miami, sino todo lo contrario.
Los cubanos significan la posicion mas retrograda, mas intolerante y mas totalitaria de todos los grupos etnicos de la Florida.
Anónimo dijo...
La counidad cubana en Miami da asco, esta formada en su mayor parte por ex militares cubanos, artistas sin carrera, escritores mdiocres, periodistas limitados. Gracias a Dios que se han ido de Cuba. Espero que no regresen.
Viva Cuba Libre.
nothing? I love Miami!! Just pointing out the ignorance and stupidity of the lefties labeling everyone "Miami Mafia" no matter where you are from. We all know who the real "mafia" are and what they have done.
We all are brothers against the brutal apatheid dictatorship, Miami, Italy, New York, LA, and this dawg from Texas we all are together.
Right mi hermano?
Alfredo don't get caught up in this Miami- Texas, thing that is childish and you never have said anythings wong with Miami. You never said there was anything wrong with Miami. Oh Brother. Oh aa to the anaticubana anonymous-FU!
Caption contest
Que rico esta ese piruli... Me sabe a fresa con un toque de ajonjoli
Alfredo ve preparando my second guayabera. This caption is all mine
Correction above -Oh and to the anti-cuban anonymous above- FU! Youre pobably living in one of my families old houses in Cuba stlen by the rob-olutionists. So go get in your fcking ration line and shut up asswipe.
Texas does it better
correction above- stolen not stlen.
Caption contest-
Get your ass out of your head!
Lone Star State Go
Alfedo you dont have to explain yourself.Dont get caught up in that childish nonsense.
alfredo someone is jealous that you have more comments on your blog than his. LOL
gana Fantomas jajajaja
Que rico esta ese piruli... Me sabe a fresa con un toque de ajonjoli
jajaja tremenda fotografia mental fidel "chupandose" un piruli
lol yup jealous what a way to start a monday morning.
Alfredo recuerda a Fantomas le gusta XL color Azul o Beige..
I really want to see who ca dear to topple may caption comment ..
If found that person should get two guayaberas
Hows that Fantomas? 3guayaberas4me lol
Butt Lips McCastro
Honey,can you get some toilet paper,I need to wipe my mouth!
sorry el piruli de Fantomas still ahead lol
The First Cuban Human Ant Eater!
anonimos makes sure you identify yourselves ... How can you expect to claim your prize...I meant second prize ( T shirt)
"The Castrolux"-Cuba's first Human Vacuum Cleaner to suck the life out of Cuba
no jodas tengo que ser caca!
Its not about prizes ;)
new meaning to FART FACE... Xl guaybera please
where's the Pepto Dismal?
Proud to present this years Uncle Fester,Erik Estrada,and Carlos Santana look alike contest! :P
Please come here and shave my face!
Is that a Castropuss?
Fidel Castro-the new official spokesman for Chapstick! :p
Preparation HP
fidel castro finally announces
Riders up
new meaning to comemierda...LOL
hugito.. hugito.. donde esta tu palo?
What kind of Fish is that?
Cara de Culo
me prestaron el culo de raul y me lo pusieron para que no hablara mas
caption # 4
Val Prieto lo tengo engrasadito para ti , te estoy esperando
cindy sheehan,
please give me a big french kiss
My FREEDOM Loving Brethren,
Please no personal attacks concerning other bloggers. We are in this together. If you have a difference, please e-mail or talk to that person directly. The enemy wants division and personal attacks, so please let's aim our attacks towards the communist apartheid dictatorship.
Let's stick together mis hermanos!!!!
rigth on Alfredo
En vez de erutar se tira peos por la boca
no, de veras, es que me comi un poco de chocolate.....
"La China went to China and all I got was my new artifical anus ... from an Orangutan!"
:) Melek
"To be able to bear provocation is an argument of great reason, and to forgive it of a great mind."~ John Tillotson
I'd like some cream cheese and jelly for this bagel please
They told me I was getting Tosilectomy and I ended up getting a Culo-Bocatomy. Hey, but it was FREE!
Do I get Ice Cream with that?
Not only can I do Dicatorcizes I can swallow an entire sausage. :P
Not only can I do Dictatorcizes I can swallow an entire Sausage!
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