My take on Barbara Wawa's interview with min-me last night: IT SUCKED!!!!!!
Her interview gets 5 puke bags out of 5 puke bags. Her fawning all over the oil pimp and her feeling sorry for the madman was to much to take. Now if she were to interview a anti-castro or anti-chavez person you know she would grill them with her speech impediment to no avail!
Go back to the View Barbara Wawa!!!!!!
What's your take on this my FREEDOM loving brethren?
I did not waste my time watching that interview
Esa comemierda es una descarada o imbecile, no estoy seguro todavia, pero HP for churro. Uncle Fester agrees. ;P
I didn't watch the speech impaired and the third grader kiss each others asses, I had better things to do. Alfredo, the truth is that I'm very disgusted with this main stream media, it's repulsive what they will do for ratings. They sale their souls to the devil. Barbra Walters is going to end up like Dan Rather, people will see her as the joke that she is. One day they will have to eat their words, all these interviews with dictators are permanent in our minds and in our history and one day when Cuba is free from that regime, Barbara Wawa and all of those SOBs will have some explaining to do.
That's right Maria. Lots of explaining, and of course via satellite cuz we don't want that COMEMIERDONA in Cuba! Did you hear that Glover and Blow A Commie, I mean Belafonte? You guys are all on the C Ya List, as well as many more. The day is coming very soon.
Barba Guagua- que clase de comemierda. What a tool!
My God, why is anyone surprised with her interview of Hugo "the mole" Chavez? She interviewed Kastro and fawned all over him in a disgusting interview years ago. And do do you expect from someone who appears together with Rosie "tub of lard" O'Donnell whose disgusting antics on TV make anyone sane puke? Look at the company she keeps for God's sake! Dime con quien andas y te dire quien eres. Enough said about this piece of crap pseudo-journalist who cannot even speak correctly on TV. What else can one expect from the MSM? Praise for dictators and wannabes. She should marry Dan Rather and enjoy each other's company till death do them apart. Yack!!!
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