El Cafe Cubano thought this would be the best time to hold a new caption contest in honor of michael moore's trip to apartheid Cuba. Please my FREEDOM-loving brethren don't hold back! I will throw in a FREE Guayabera or t-shirt donated by SOROA Enterprises for the best caption! (please visit SOROA Enterprises and give them your support!)
Please read below for rules and regulations:
***In pursuant of the by laws of the El Cafe Cubano caption contest, this contest is open to all in the general public except for Fidelito, those affiliated with the communist party, clueless journalist who constantly defend the dictatorship, Code Pink, Jose Serano, Danny Glover, Charles Rangel, Katie Couric, CNN in Havana, people who wear Che t-shirts, ramiro"cuidado que to voy a dar un tiro," Dan Rather, Oliver Stone, Harry Belafonte, that guy who helped with the Cuba search engine, Pastors for Dictators, and all those who defend the apartheid dictatorship.
Thanks for making my day....I can't stop laughing
where's cindy and jared for the toga party?
Here's one for both of them- Comemierdas!
the commie lama and his disciple the wart hog.
El Cartagenero
Caption for the Michael, please no, Moore photo.
Fidel treated me to free health care, how do you like my botox?
No era que la famosa vaca Ubre Blanca habia sido disecada y estaba en algun museo? Como es que todavia aparece en esta foto? Y segun parece ser todavia puede producir varios litros de leche a juzgar por las ubres que se muestran en esta foto!! El Caga-andante Fifo deberia clonar a Michael Moore y asi poder resolver el problema de la leche en Cuba!
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