Friday, March 17, 2006

Message of Solidarity

Received this e-mail from Eloy Gonzalez, which should be extended to Cubans everywhere:

¡Cubanos del Metroplex ¡Este sábado, muchos cubanos en todo el mundo estarán mostrando su solidaridad y reconocimiento a aquellos cubanos que dentro de la Isla llevan una lucha desigual contra la Dictadura. De igual forma se hará patente la solidaridad con los presos de la Primavera de Cuba, y sus familiares , las valientes “Damas de Blanco’.¿Qué podemos hacer?, muy sencillo, hasta el domingo estaremos todos los cubanos del Metroplex , interconectados por Internet , enviándonos mensajes sobre los eventos que vayan ocurriendo en los distintos lugares donde se estén celebrando estas actividades. Aprendamos a encontrarnos y reconocernos en este azaroso Exilio. Empecemos así.¡Para Cuba ya es hora.

¡Eloy A González.

"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it ". Martin Luther King.

International Call.

For them, for everyone, and for each of the human rights
movements, civilian and political within Cuba, valiant Cuban organizations in exile we will mobilize internationally protesting and denouncing in front of diplomatic missions of the Cuban dictatorship everywhere where compatriots and friends of the Cuban people will support us in this cause. THE EVENT WILL TAKE PLACE THIS MARCH 18 2006. Cubans, this 18th of March we want to join you in giving voice to our brothers in Cuba who risk their lives and freedom every day facing all sorts
of repression and the fascist parapolice brigades of fast response. This call goes out for them. rights and of life, tens of journalists, poets and pacifist citizens who are suffering the rigors of Cuban jails, lacking medical attention and enduring other abuses. It is for all of them that we call for this international mobilization. With this action, we also continue publicly denouncing the repressive character of the Cuban dictatorship and the systematic violation of human rights in Cuba. Cuban brothers, friends, we await you in each country and each city where we stage our protest. Please attend; your first priority is the mother country. THE
EVENT WILL TAKE PLACE THIS MARCH 18 2006. In support for our brothers who fight on the island, Saturday March 18 and Sunday March 19, protests, masses and other events will take place around the world.
There are more than the four hundred prisoners of conscience and defenders of human

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