In the spirit of the renewed relations beyween the U.S and Cuba, El Cafe Cubano blog has T-shirts for those traveling to Cuba!!!!
For only $19.59 you get at tie dyed t-shirt, one size fits all(In the spirit of the Cuban government way of thinking), and you will go in style to Cuba!
You can chose from these catch phrases and slogans to bring both countries closer together:
"Comemierda tourista" English translation: Friendship
"El comunismo es una mierda" English translation: These 1950's cars are COOL!
"Cuomo es un postalista" English translation: Cuomo really CARES about the Cuban people!
"que clase comemierdas somos nosotros diciendo La Paz" English translation: Just say PEACE and Cuba will be FREE
"LIBERTAD para Cuba!!!" English translation: Spirit of friendship and brotherhood!!!
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Cuba News: The Cuba issue is resolved
Over the last several weeks in the media, I've seen non-stop articles on how Cuba will AUTOMATICALLY change and be RESOLVED because of:
*Basketball Diplomacy
*Dictator Castro went to a Jesuit School and since the Pope is Jesuit and visiting Cuba shortly......and POOF change will happen
*NY Governor Andrew Cuomo visits Cuba on a trade mission....Abracadabra........All these visiting states will get rich from trade and Cuba will change!
*The tourist foaming and taking pictures of the 1950's cars in Havana
*Removing Cuba from the terror list will make them simply nicer and NOT ship any more missiles to hostile countries
Simply by saying "La Paz" and "Dialog" in a very soft and very caring voice will automatically bring peace, FREEDOM, and prosperity to the Cubans!
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
NBA brings basketball diplomacy to Cuba?
Steve Nash: " Cuba needs Exposure"
NO, what Cuba NEEDS is FREEDOM!
Monday, April 27, 2015
This past Sunday I attended mass with my family to thank God for all my blessings and forgiveness for all my sins! We leave our local Church and we pick up some publications on our way out. One of these publications is the Florida Catholic. I start thumbing through the pages and come across an article titled :
" Apply Cuban Adjustment Act to other Immigrants"
Now within the last several weeks I have seen the increase of articles repeating the tag line that Cubans get "Special Treatment" with regards to immigration. I have had that said to me from other immigrants(here illegally) from other countries other than Cuba, but when I school them on the Cuban situation and what encompassed the Cuban Adjustment Act, they look at me with a blank stare. The majority of them here because they overstayed their Visa, BUT they DEMAND all these benefits. Now MANY not ALL did not leave their country of origin because of persecution or because of their beliefs.......simply economic
Now above we have a picture Augusto Monge, Cuban-American activist, who was attacked by a PRO CASRTO MOB at the the summit of the Americas in Panama.
You see that is why many of the millions of Cubans fled the COMMUNIST DICTATORSHIP island run by thugs, as you can see in the picture above, that is one of the "SPECIAL TREATMENT" Cubans, and AMERICANS of Cuban descent have suffered just for believing in FREEDOM and having an opposing view from the Cuban dictatorship.
As I continue to read the article, I come across these quotes from Archbishop Wenski:
"Cubans have been the most successful immigrant group in American history. Aside from their own talents, one of the reasons is the Cuban Adjustment Act, under which they can obtain legal residency after a year of being here, and citizenship five years later"
Oh I see.......It's NOT ALL THE HARD WORK, SACRIFICES, EVERTHYING that the Cubans have had to to endure from the Cuban DICTATORSHIP ranging from TORTURE, IMPRISONMENT, CONFISCATION OF PROPERTY. It's NOT the Cuban exiles seeing the BEAUTY and the OPPORTUNITY that the United States has to offer, AND that tini, tine thing, called FREEDOM.
Here is another beaut:
"Because Cuban immigrants benefit from this law, we should not ask that they be abused like the rest; we should treat everyone as well as we treat Cubans, because if the Cuban Adjustment Acts works for Cubans, it can work for every-one else"
I see...unbelievable
Sunday, April 26, 2015
"Texas business leaders head to Cuba for a front-of-the-line position for renewed trade"
A delegation of Texas business leaders are in Cuba today to discuss with the Cuban dictatorship the issue of trade.
North Texas wheat farmer Ben Scholz:
"I'd rather stay out of the political conversation,"
"I just want to focus on selling wheat, and this is a great opportunity to do that
Well, this dawg don't hunt! El Cafe Cubano is fixing to tell you something......
at least Mr. Shultz is honest about his intention of only doing business and making money in Cuba. Nothing wrong with that......BUT you see EVERYTHING with the Cuban DICTATORSHIP is about POLITICS!!!!!!
What about the CUBAN PEOPLE?
What about the Human Rights Violations?
No FREEDOM ?????????????
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Thursday, April 23, 2015
TECHNICAL: NBA holding camp in Cuba today
a four day " athletic diplomacy " basketball camp starts today in Communist Cuba. Here is the article from the AP:
Stars such as former MVP Steve Nash and Hall of Fame inductee Dikembe Mutumbo will open a four-day training camp Thursday to wage athletic diplomacy and boost the profile of Cuba's arguably fourth most-popular sport, after baseball, boxing and soccer.
Cuba's men's team finished third in the 1972 Olympics and its women's teams dominate International Basketball Federation (FIBA) play in Latin America, but basketball has been one of the Cuban sports hardest-hit by players' departures for other countries. It's widely perceived to be at a historic low point on a national level.
That doesn't deter thousands of young Cubans from taking to street courts and abandoned lots to race between improvised hoops mounted on posts or even trees. The NBA and FIBA plan to renovate three courts as part of the four-day event.
The training camp will be aimed at top-level Cuban players as well as children and teenagers. It will feature Utah Jazz coach Quin Snyder and Orlando Magic coach James Borrego, among others.
''It's magnificent that the NBA and FIBA are working on training youth and the development of this sport in our country in a way that will benefit the future of this sport at a national and international level,'' Cuban Basketball Federation Chairman Ruperto Herrera said in a statement announcing the event.
As part of his move to engage Cuba, President Barack Obama this year did away with a requirement for athletes to request U.S. government permission before heading to Cuba for a sports event. Participants in competitions and exhibitions now have blanket permission to travel to Cuba, along with 11 other categories of travelers such as academics and people participating in religious activities.
Hold on.....El Cafe Cubano calls a TECHNICAL FOUL:
but basketball has been one of the Cuban sports hardest-hit by players' departures for other countries. It's widely perceived to be at a historic low point on a national level.
Well the players DEPARTED from Cuba because of the lack of FREEDOM and to leave the lavish salaries they were making in Cuba.
TIME OUT........We will take the ball on the side.....
Now before the media starts printing stuff the next couple days of predictable stuff, I will beat them to the dunk:
-Dictator Castro was actually one the top basketball players in Cuba during the 1950's, and was known for his dunks on the island. Referees suddenly disappeared after the dictator felt that their were questionable calls. All the NBA teams were interested in him at the time and were fascinated with his baseball, tennis, badminton, golf, and volleyball skills
-Basketball was only played at the casinos in front of all the mobsters and Hollywood celebrities during the 1950's
-In 1959 a NBA expansion team was considered for Cuba:
The Cuba Casino Mobsters.....
The NBA is the first U.S. professional league to visit sports-crazy Cuba since the declaration of detente between the Cold War enemies late last year.
Cuba's men's team finished third in the 1972 Olympics and its women's teams dominate International Basketball Federation (FIBA) play in Latin America, but basketball has been one of the Cuban sports hardest-hit by players' departures for other countries. It's widely perceived to be at a historic low point on a national level.
That doesn't deter thousands of young Cubans from taking to street courts and abandoned lots to race between improvised hoops mounted on posts or even trees. The NBA and FIBA plan to renovate three courts as part of the four-day event.
The training camp will be aimed at top-level Cuban players as well as children and teenagers. It will feature Utah Jazz coach Quin Snyder and Orlando Magic coach James Borrego, among others.
''It's magnificent that the NBA and FIBA are working on training youth and the development of this sport in our country in a way that will benefit the future of this sport at a national and international level,'' Cuban Basketball Federation Chairman Ruperto Herrera said in a statement announcing the event.
As part of his move to engage Cuba, President Barack Obama this year did away with a requirement for athletes to request U.S. government permission before heading to Cuba for a sports event. Participants in competitions and exhibitions now have blanket permission to travel to Cuba, along with 11 other categories of travelers such as academics and people participating in religious activities.
Hold on.....El Cafe Cubano calls a TECHNICAL FOUL:
but basketball has been one of the Cuban sports hardest-hit by players' departures for other countries. It's widely perceived to be at a historic low point on a national level.
Well the players DEPARTED from Cuba because of the lack of FREEDOM and to leave the lavish salaries they were making in Cuba.
TIME OUT........We will take the ball on the side.....
Now before the media starts printing stuff the next couple days of predictable stuff, I will beat them to the dunk:
-Dictator Castro was actually one the top basketball players in Cuba during the 1950's, and was known for his dunks on the island. Referees suddenly disappeared after the dictator felt that their were questionable calls. All the NBA teams were interested in him at the time and were fascinated with his baseball, tennis, badminton, golf, and volleyball skills
-Basketball was only played at the casinos in front of all the mobsters and Hollywood celebrities during the 1950's
-In 1959 a NBA expansion team was considered for Cuba:
The Cuba Casino Mobsters.....
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
La Paz......REALLY?
How many times have we heard from the "FEEL gooders" throwing out the buzzwords like "La PAZ" or dialogue on social media? Somehow by saying these buzzwords just POOF peace will happen?
Well, for decades the FARC in Colombia have been terrorizing the Colombian people with their Leftist ideology and Cuban training.
The Colombian people are OUTRAGED with the recent actions of the FARC killing 10 Colombian soldiers....
YET not one PEEP against the Cuban Dictatorship that BACKS and FINANCES the FARC.
and there are holding the peace talks in Cuba? You are freaking kidding me.........That's like having an AA meeting in a bar, and FREE drinks flowing.
To my fellow Colombian brethren, wake up, you can't DEAL with terrorist, and YES the FARC are financed and backed by the Cuban dictatorship.
So stop the comemierderia of saying "La Paz" or "dialogue" and really do something for your country and denounce these terrorist.
Well, for decades the FARC in Colombia have been terrorizing the Colombian people with their Leftist ideology and Cuban training.
The Colombian people are OUTRAGED with the recent actions of the FARC killing 10 Colombian soldiers....
YET not one PEEP against the Cuban Dictatorship that BACKS and FINANCES the FARC.
and there are holding the peace talks in Cuba? You are freaking kidding me.........That's like having an AA meeting in a bar, and FREE drinks flowing.
To my fellow Colombian brethren, wake up, you can't DEAL with terrorist, and YES the FARC are financed and backed by the Cuban dictatorship.
So stop the comemierderia of saying "La Paz" or "dialogue" and really do something for your country and denounce these terrorist.
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Obama to remove terrorism label for Cuba----What about those missiles that were found on a ship in Panama?
Monday, April 13, 2015
SPECIAL TREATMENT Cuban immigrants?
Above we have a picture Augusto Monge, Cuban-American activist, who was attacked by a PRO CASRTO MOB at the the summitt of the Americas in Panama.
You see that is why many of the millionsof Cubans fled the COMMUNIST DICTATORSHIP island run by thugs, as you can see in the picture above, that is one of the "SPECIAL TREATMENT" Cubans, and AMERICANS of Cuban descent have suffered just for believing in FREEDOM and having an opposing view from the Cuban dictatorship.
The Sun Sentinel ran an article about some polls that Cubans get "SPECIAL TREATMENT" because of the LAW, Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966.
You mean to tell me that the estimated 15-20 million ILLEGAL ALIENS here in the US don't have "SPECIAL TREATMENT" and benefits??
What is Cuban Col. Alexis Frutos doing attacking Cuban dissidents in Panama?
HEY what is Col. Alexis Frutos, the head honcho of Cuba's intelligence services in Venezuela doing in Panama attacking and beating up dissidents?
hmmmm.....why didn't the Col. offer a handshake to the dissident? Why NO UPROAR from anyone in the media?
DO YOUR HOMEWORK(media) and stop relying on soundbites and scenes from the Godfather movie for your knowledge on the Cuban situation.
Que cosa mas grande.....
click here for more at the REAL Cuba!
Un coronel castrista en Panamá
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Why is the media so silent about this?
The media all gushing with words like "historic" and in the meantime those who believe in Democracy are ATTACKED by Cuban DICTATORSHIP supporters.
and........you really BELIEVE that DIALOGUE will work with thugs like this?
Historic handshake?
Historic handshake? HISTORIC will be the day Cuba is FREE, and this dictatorship no longer in power!
Thursday, April 09, 2015
56 years in power, executing, imprisoning and threatening those who oppose the Cuban dictatorship in any way!
Dialogue? You mean to tell me that people actually BELIEVE that dialogue with this Cuban dictatorship will actually bring change in Cuba? The Cuban dissidents have been heckled, Cuban exiles have been attacked at the summit in Panama.
History has shown that 56 years DIALOGUE has been squashed by the Cuban dictatorship!
"Cuban dissidents heckled at Americas Summit"
From the AP:

PANAMA CITY (AP) — About 100 supporters of Cuba's government aggressively heckled dissidents from the communist-run island attending a civil society forum Wednesday at the start of the Summit of the Americas in Panama.
Opponents of President Raul Castro were greeted to shouts of "imperialist" and "mercenaries" as they filed into a hotel auditorium to attend speeches by summit host Panamanian President Juan Carlos Varela and former U.S. President Bill Clinton
Organizers appealed for calm during the frenzied scene, which lasted for more than an hour. But their plea fell on deaf ears and the pro-government groups angrily marched out of the forum, saying they wouldn't attend the proceedings in the presence of individuals they accuse of trying to destabilize Cuba's government. The boycott was later joined by pro-government groups from ally Venezuela.
We'll never share the same physical space with groups that are paid for by the U.S. and have caused so much damage to the Cuban people," said Ariana Guerra Hernandez, a representative of a group of Cuban university students.
The heated exchange at a normally sleepy forum for non-governmental organizations across Latin America and the Caribbean highlighted the strong emotions hanging over the regional summit generated by the expected attendance by Cuba's president for the first time and recent U.S. sanctions against Venezuelan officials for human rights abuses
Just organizing the forum was a logistical challenge, with host Panama in collaboration with the Washington-based Organization of American States facing the impossible task of trying to distinguish between grassroots groups and those backed by the two governments.
"We hope for the mutual respect and understanding of everyone who arrives to our country," an exasperated Ruben Castillo, an organizer of the forum from Panama, told journalists who rushed to take photos of the group waving Cuban flags and handing out an 8-page pamphlet titled "Mercenaries in Panama," profiling prominent dissidents in attendance. Among them are Berta Soler, leader of the Cuban group Ladies in White, and Guillermo Farinas.
Members of a pro-government Venezuelan group complained that the forum was being promoted by the U.S. to portray Latin America's leftist governments as anti-democratic.
Also expected to attend are the wives of jailed Venezuelan opposition leaders Leopoldo Lopez and Antonio Ledezma, the deposed mayor of Caracas.
"It makes me indignant that organizers are inviting a group of people who are responsible for instigating violence," said Yendry Velasquez de Bracho, who lost her husband, a National Guard captain, during the anti-government protests last year.
Para más información:
Asamblea de la Resistencia Cubana
(305) 220-2713
Golpeados brutalmente por turbas castristas miembros de la Resistencia cubana durante una demostración silente ante busto de José Martí. Han sido arrestados.
CIUDAD PANAMÁ, 8 de abril del 2015. Asamblea de la Resistencia Cubana. Un grupo de activistas de la Resistencia cubana quienes en esta ciudad denunciando la dictadura castrista fueron agredidos físicamente por turbas castristas en el Parque Porra, frente a un busto de Martí donde los activistas rendían tributo al Apóstol de Cuba.
“Íbamos en una marcha silente hacia el busto de Marti en el Parque Porra y fuimos golpeados por turbas del régimen castrista. Hombres nos daban sin importarles que habíamos mujeres. Golpearon fuertemente a Antúnez, a Orlando Gutiérrez, Augusto Monge, Yris Pérez Aguilera, otros más. Nos están arrestando en este momento, nos llevan al Cuartel San Miguel. Denuncien esto por favor”, dijo Isela Fiterre de la junta directiva de MAR por Cuba desde Ciudad Panamá.
La delegación constituida por líderes opositores de dentro y fuera de Cuba, realizó una conferencia de prensa en horas del mediodía de hoy y anunció la celebración de un foro de unidad pautado para este jueves 9 de abril a partir de las 9:30 AM.
El régimen castrista arremetió contra la delegación en el día de ayer con las acusaciones contra los exiliados y opositores que fueron hoy agredidos.
Como parte de la delegación de activistas dentro de Cuba se encuentran el abogado invidente y activista de derechos humanos Juan Carlos González Leyva, del Consejo de Relatores de Derechos Humanos de Cuba, entidad que ha documentado la violación de los derechos humanos en la Isla, la activista Yris Tamara Pérez Aguilera, que preside el Movimiento por los Derechos Civiles Rosa Parks, agrupación de mujeres en diferentes partes de la Isla, que luchan por los derechos humanos y cuyas manifestaciones han sido duramente reprimidas, Leticia Ramos Herrería, activista de las Damas de Blancoy una de las principales líderes opositoras en la provincia de Matanzas, y el intelectual Rolando Rodríguez Lobaina, coordinador de la Alianza Democrática Oriental(ADO) y director del proyecto Paleque Visiónque realiza reportajes independientes dentro de Cuba.
Cubanos de la Resistencia en el exilio también brindaran testimonio durante la conferencia. Entre los integrantes exiliados de la delegación estarán la empresariaSylvia Iriondo, presidente de Madres Anti Represión por Cuba, el principal movimiento de mujeres cubano americanas y destacada líder cívica en la ciudad de Miami, así como el Dr. Orlando Gutiérrez-Boronat, Secretario Nacional del Directorio Democrático Cubano, una de las principales organizaciones internacionales que denuncia la situación de derechos humanos en Cuba y trabaja para apoyar la resistencia interna en Cuba.
Al cierre de este comunicado se conoció que estaban siendo trasladados del Cuartel San Miguel a San Francisco en la misma ciudad Panamá.
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