Saturday, March 04, 2006

Cigar Festival continued.....

Isn't that special, paying thousands of dollars to attend a event hosted by a dictator. The apartheid country of Cuba will not even let Cubans at hotels, beach resorts, or any where a tourist is to be found. No outrage?
I have one special message to the cigar patrons: Blow the smoke up your....!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Cubans are actually chased out the grounds of every facility where foreigners go.
They can go up in smoke, for all I care, all of those who chose canoodling with a dictator over common sense and dignity.
Whoever support that dictatorship has blood in their hands. And it happens to be my blood.

Anonymous said...


you tell them! these elite come mierda's could care less about the Cuban people. i am sure these people were apalled concerneing South Africa, but what about Cuba?
The comments before are correct: These people have the blood of the Cuban people in their hands

La Ventanita said...

You know I saw this story over the weekend and it made me sick. So sick that I couldn't even carry it in my blog. Que bueno que you were able to do this. Este HP no tiene respeto por nada ni por nadie. He behaves worse than un nuevo rico.