Just because Mr. strickland is the grandson of Andrew Jackson Strickland, we are suppose to say: "All right bubba, go to cuber and trade away with ramon el jamon castro!" Stop the crap, if you just want to make a buck, just be honest and say so! Stop repeating the commie propaganda from the crusty dictator.
"John Parke Wright IV, a descendant of the Lykes family of Tampa, famed for its cattle, citrus and shipping interests, starting in the 19th century." Wow! Are we now bowing down in reference? What is it with these people? we don't give a crap who was your great, great, great, great, great, grandfather. Just like you don't REALLY care about the CUBAN people, the political prisoners, and the lack of FREEDOM of Cuba.
Get ready to be sick:
"Ramon and I have become good friends over time" Isn't that special! Would you be friends with hitler and his cronies?
Mr. "rebel flag" wright even has photos of the two mafia brothers ramon and raulita!
Here is where I totally lose respect:
"When Castro came in, he said, 'Before only the rich people ate beef. Now everybody eats beef,' " Adams says. "They ate up all their cattle. Everybody ate beef for a year, and nobody has eaten beef since." ---- What moron would believe this? Apparently these two genealogy extremist!
Just remember when Cuba is FREE, we won't forget who dealt with the dictator!!!!!!!!
Sunday, July 29, 2007
U.S. Med Students Study For Free In Cuba?
Here we go again with the media fawning all over this propaganda! I have several questions here concerning this piece, why do the medical students who went to Cuba only have to take the medical board exams to practice in the U.S.? Every state is different, but all dentist and doctors from foreign institutions are usually required to attend a program which usually last several years and THEN pass both parts of the national boards. Why not the Americanos who studied in apartheid Cuba? Why are they given preferential treatment? If the medicine is so great and its home to the largest medical schools in the Americas, why don't these eight students stay in Cuba and practice?
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Reminder: Friday fast for all political prisoners in Cuba, for Venezuela, and in memory of our dear brother Tocororo Libre!

My fellow FREEDOM fighters their have been some misconceptions concerning the fast. First: "Do I have to fast all day?" No! the fast is just being conducted on Friday mornings. You can set your hours and how far you want to take this! El Café Cubano is just calling for a simple gesture! These political prisoners are the true heroes and they are willing to die for FREEDOM! This is a time for unity not division. Is this to much to ask in support of the political prisoners?
Political prisoners languish in prison in apartheid Cuba and the media ignores their struggles and cause. We must not forget our brothers and show them signs that we are with them and support them!
Let’s show the world, better yet let’s show our brothers and sisters in apartheid Cuba that we are behind them!
Fast it forward my FREEDOM-loving brethren!
I will leave with this:
48 years of misery,
caused by a diabolical tyranny,
why must the Cuban people continue to suffer?
Others have been oppressed,
why then do they get all the press?
My God, my God, why have you forsaken us?
Our faith, endurance, and confidence continually test us!
All we ask is for Cuba to be FREE,
Is that to much of your flock to ask of thee?
Just as Our Lady has asked us to fast and pray,
we come to your arms dear Lord looking for that DAY!!!!!
Others have been oppressed,
why then do they get all the press?
My God, my God, why have you forsaken us?
Our faith, endurance, and confidence continually test us!
All we ask is for Cuba to be FREE,
Is that to much of your flock to ask of thee?
Just as Our Lady has asked us to fast and pray,
we come to your arms dear Lord looking for that DAY!!!!!
El Cafe Cubano-2/08/07
same old stuff from raulita
The dictatorcizes apparently have not worked on the Adidas wearing apartheid dictator. He must of been "REFLECTING' today since he was a no-show? Diverticulitis and tubes do not sit well for photo ops or romantic interludes with mini-me. I will not bore you with the details of raulita's speech, basically the same rhetoric that we've heard for 50 years. Olive branch my ass, why doesn't the apartheid dictatorship EVER offer a olive branch to the political prisoners or the opposition?
Did you notice that "tricky ricky" alarcon, "lap dog" roque, and carlito "wrong way" lage were delegated to the second and third row at the idiotic speech?
Same old stuff from the apartheid dictatorship...............
Did you notice that "tricky ricky" alarcon, "lap dog" roque, and carlito "wrong way" lage were delegated to the second and third row at the idiotic speech?
Same old stuff from the apartheid dictatorship...............
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Much adieu nothing concerning the 26th of July
What is the significance of the 26th of July? We know what the media will do and certainly what the controlling apartheid regime will do and say. Now to the reality of what the 26th of July movement or date has accomplished. The answer to this question is very simple: Nothing.The dictatorship has attempted to destroy Cuba; they have attempted to destroy the Cuban family, and attempted to destroy the will of the Cuban people. Ultimately the excuse for the revolution was simply to cover up all the atrocities and the pilfering done by the dictatorship. The movement from the very beginning was a selfish one planned all along with evil intentions by the dictatorship. The attack on the Moncada barracks was a total failure with the dictator not actually fighting and being the first one to flee, just like the revolution, a farce from the very beginning and continuing to flee from the actual truth. This date is of actual sadness and cruelty,not that of a selfish propaganda from the cruel regime, nor the love affair with the culpable media.Now we have to hear raulita with broken promises and total failures. Enough of forcing people to accept your charades. No more of your silencing and imprisoning of those who dare to speak out. The real answer and solution for Cuba is FREEDOM. Enough of the failures of the revolution, it does not work, nor warrant any sorry excuse for existence.
who are you calling a clown?
what you talking about Willis? Mini-me calling a Honduran cardinal a "imperialist clown" is somehow strange to me. Let's see, the oil pimp goes to U(United)N(nothings) and gives the famous sulphur speech, goes to Havana to see the apartheid dictator and does that weird pole thing with mr. Adidas, and let's not forget his singing renditions on his weekly t.v propaganda show. What about his drawing skills with the mecha largo?
It looks like the large flappy shoes fit you mini-me!
Can you believe this?
For those who think that China is a kinder and gentler place now or those who boast "we should be like China!" China is raising the fines on those who have more than one child. It's a crime to have more than one child? Do they think they are God for having a one-child policy?
It looks like the crusty old apartheid dictator will be a no show for July 26
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Pésima cobertura médica en Antilla¨.
Por Dr. Darsi Ferrer, dir. Centro de Salud y Derechos Humanos ¨Juan Bruno Zayas¨.
La Habana, 7 de julio de 2006.
Solo primeros auxilios fue la asistencia que le dieron los médicos a Jorge Luís Ochoa luego de sufrir un accidente, al impactarse en su motocicleta contra un coche tirado por caballo, el pasado 19 de junio, en horas de la noche.
Llegó en extrema gravedad, con varios traumatismos corporales y una herida en el tórax por la perforación con una de las barras de hierro del carruaje, que amenazaba seriamente su vida y requería someterlo a una intervención quirúrgica.
Varias personas lo socorrieron y llevaron al instante para el cuerpo de guardia del hospitalito ¨Ramón Pérez Latour¨, institución de salud de la localidad de Antilla, en la provincia Holguín, donde sucedió el lamentable suceso.
Los médicos de familia, privados de la asistencia de especialistas para asumir ese tipo de casos, lo recibieron y tomaron las medidas paliativas a su alcance, además, notificaron a la central de ambulancias en la cabecera provincial para el traslado urgente del paciente.
En Holguín confundieron la dirección y enviaron la ambulancia para Mayarí, otro municipio de la provincia, y cuando retornó por el accidentado era tarde. A las pocas horas del infortunio Jorge Luís Ochoa murió sin alternativa para los galenos de hacer mucho por ayudarle.
Antilla es un municipio de unos 12 mil habitantes. El personal para cubrir las necesidades de salud de su población está compuesto por un especialista de medicina interna, un ortopédico, un cirujano, un ginecólogo y algunos médicos de la familia.
La carestía de profesionales y recursos causa múltiples molestias en los pobladores, entre ellas, las gestantes a término deben irse a parir para Holguín, a 80 Km. de distancia, o Banes, por no disponer en su territorio de pediatras.
Patologías oftalmológicas, neurológicas, psiquiátricas y otras, así como la realización de estudios complementarios específicos, obliga a los residentes del poblado a depender de la posibilidad de realizar las coordinaciones y desplazase a instituciones médicas lejanas.
Una vieja ambulancia constituye el total de vehículos para el traslado de enfermos, las otras tres que tienen hace tiempo están fuera de servicio por roturas, sin esperanzas de que las repongan por carros nuevos. Circunstancia que complica el movimiento de los pacientes remitidos a instalaciones dotadas de mejores recursos y nivel profesional.
No todo es negativo, meses atrás donaron un carro fúnebre al territorio y terminó el suplicio de llevar los fallecidos en camilla desde el hospital hasta la funeraria y la posterior desesperación por la espera de algún carro de zonas aledañas para conducir el cortejo al cementerio.
Estas condiciones no son exclusivas de este apartado rincón en el oriente del país, sino que constituye una expresión del listado de penurias propias de los territorios fuera de las ciudades. La asistencia médica en las urbes es deficiente, mientras prácticamente resulta inexistente en las zonas rurales.
Los dirigentes del gobierno en Antilla resaltan con orgullo el aporte de trabajadores de la salud del municipio a las misiones internacionalistas que mantiene la Isla en países del tercer mundo, como muestra solidaria de socorro a los más necesitados.
Colaboraron con esta información:José Ramón Herrera y Eliécer Consuegra, miembros de la Alianza Democrática Oriental.
La Habana, 7 de julio de 2006.
Solo primeros auxilios fue la asistencia que le dieron los médicos a Jorge Luís Ochoa luego de sufrir un accidente, al impactarse en su motocicleta contra un coche tirado por caballo, el pasado 19 de junio, en horas de la noche.
Llegó en extrema gravedad, con varios traumatismos corporales y una herida en el tórax por la perforación con una de las barras de hierro del carruaje, que amenazaba seriamente su vida y requería someterlo a una intervención quirúrgica.
Varias personas lo socorrieron y llevaron al instante para el cuerpo de guardia del hospitalito ¨Ramón Pérez Latour¨, institución de salud de la localidad de Antilla, en la provincia Holguín, donde sucedió el lamentable suceso.
Los médicos de familia, privados de la asistencia de especialistas para asumir ese tipo de casos, lo recibieron y tomaron las medidas paliativas a su alcance, además, notificaron a la central de ambulancias en la cabecera provincial para el traslado urgente del paciente.
En Holguín confundieron la dirección y enviaron la ambulancia para Mayarí, otro municipio de la provincia, y cuando retornó por el accidentado era tarde. A las pocas horas del infortunio Jorge Luís Ochoa murió sin alternativa para los galenos de hacer mucho por ayudarle.
Antilla es un municipio de unos 12 mil habitantes. El personal para cubrir las necesidades de salud de su población está compuesto por un especialista de medicina interna, un ortopédico, un cirujano, un ginecólogo y algunos médicos de la familia.
La carestía de profesionales y recursos causa múltiples molestias en los pobladores, entre ellas, las gestantes a término deben irse a parir para Holguín, a 80 Km. de distancia, o Banes, por no disponer en su territorio de pediatras.
Patologías oftalmológicas, neurológicas, psiquiátricas y otras, así como la realización de estudios complementarios específicos, obliga a los residentes del poblado a depender de la posibilidad de realizar las coordinaciones y desplazase a instituciones médicas lejanas.
Una vieja ambulancia constituye el total de vehículos para el traslado de enfermos, las otras tres que tienen hace tiempo están fuera de servicio por roturas, sin esperanzas de que las repongan por carros nuevos. Circunstancia que complica el movimiento de los pacientes remitidos a instalaciones dotadas de mejores recursos y nivel profesional.
No todo es negativo, meses atrás donaron un carro fúnebre al territorio y terminó el suplicio de llevar los fallecidos en camilla desde el hospital hasta la funeraria y la posterior desesperación por la espera de algún carro de zonas aledañas para conducir el cortejo al cementerio.
Estas condiciones no son exclusivas de este apartado rincón en el oriente del país, sino que constituye una expresión del listado de penurias propias de los territorios fuera de las ciudades. La asistencia médica en las urbes es deficiente, mientras prácticamente resulta inexistente en las zonas rurales.
Los dirigentes del gobierno en Antilla resaltan con orgullo el aporte de trabajadores de la salud del municipio a las misiones internacionalistas que mantiene la Isla en países del tercer mundo, como muestra solidaria de socorro a los más necesitados.
Colaboraron con esta información:José Ramón Herrera y Eliécer Consuegra, miembros de la Alianza Democrática Oriental.
Monday, July 23, 2007
What kind of analysis is this?
Here we have an article analyzing health care lessons from Cuba. Who wrote this article? Was it you Buck? Still after 48 years we have to hear this crap about Cuban health care. It sucks PEOPLE! These spoon fed journalist and Lexus communists continue the old and worn out propaganda of the the so called utopia of Cuba.
I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but Pauly Farmer, a professor of medical anthropologies at Harvard Medical School, is as sharp as a bowling ball. Check out this quote:
The most important contribution that Cuba's given to global health care is (an) example -- the idea that you can introduce the notion of broad healthcare and wipe out the diseases of poverty," Farmer said in "Salud!," a recently released documentary about Cuba's healthcare system.
Earth to Pauly: Everyone is poor in Cuba and only the thugs and tourist(sounds like an apartheid system to me)are afforded health care.
"Wild Bill" Keck , a professor at Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine, another bowling ball candidate chimes in with this beauty:
"Despite its low per-capita income, Cuba excels in providing preventative, comprehensive care to its citizens"
Where's the proof Wild Bill? They say the proof is in the pudding! OOPS, Cubans can not get pudding, cell phones, own property, stay at hotels that tourist frequent, go to beaches that are reserved for tourist, no FREEDOM of Expression, cannot criticize the government, no FREEDOM of press, can only vote for one party and one family!
And these guys are professors?
The article gets better folks:
"Cuba has a workforce of more than 60,000, which makes it one of the best resourced countries in the world," Mullan said. This large workforce -- almost double the number of physicians per capita in the United States -- allows for personalized care administered by doctors who live in the communities they serve. Most family physicians spend the afternoons making home visits, teaching in the community and holding public health events.
I believe most of those doctors are in Venezuela implementing 21st century socialism. Does anybody bother to check if all these figures that are thrown out can actually be verified? Home visits? Really? I guess it's a fact because YOU say SO.
If Cuba is sooooooooooo great why don't these nutty professors go and live in their socialist utopia?
I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but Pauly Farmer, a professor of medical anthropologies at Harvard Medical School, is as sharp as a bowling ball. Check out this quote:
The most important contribution that Cuba's given to global health care is (an) example -- the idea that you can introduce the notion of broad healthcare and wipe out the diseases of poverty," Farmer said in "Salud!," a recently released documentary about Cuba's healthcare system.
Earth to Pauly: Everyone is poor in Cuba and only the thugs and tourist(sounds like an apartheid system to me)are afforded health care.
"Wild Bill" Keck , a professor at Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine, another bowling ball candidate chimes in with this beauty:
"Despite its low per-capita income, Cuba excels in providing preventative, comprehensive care to its citizens"
Where's the proof Wild Bill? They say the proof is in the pudding! OOPS, Cubans can not get pudding, cell phones, own property, stay at hotels that tourist frequent, go to beaches that are reserved for tourist, no FREEDOM of Expression, cannot criticize the government, no FREEDOM of press, can only vote for one party and one family!
And these guys are professors?
The article gets better folks:
"Cuba has a workforce of more than 60,000, which makes it one of the best resourced countries in the world," Mullan said. This large workforce -- almost double the number of physicians per capita in the United States -- allows for personalized care administered by doctors who live in the communities they serve. Most family physicians spend the afternoons making home visits, teaching in the community and holding public health events.
I believe most of those doctors are in Venezuela implementing 21st century socialism. Does anybody bother to check if all these figures that are thrown out can actually be verified? Home visits? Really? I guess it's a fact because YOU say SO.
If Cuba is sooooooooooo great why don't these nutty professors go and live in their socialist utopia?
Always the apartheid dictator

Here we have a picture of the apartheid communist dictator. Back then he constantly wore military fatigues and now he sports the Adidas outfit. The one thing that hasn't changed: The dictator watches while EVERYONE else does the work. Who watched and fled at the Moncada attacks? Who watched and stayed out of harms way at the Bay of Pigs? Who watches while Cubans are imprisoned, at ration lines, and constantly deprived of FREEDOMS?
H/T to Jose at Cubanology!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Mini-me Chavez to kick out any foreigner who criticizes him
Now the oil pimp wants to kick out any foreigner who dares to criticize him in Venezuela. Yeah, real democratic this Bolivarian Revolution! This "21st-century socialism" sounds like good ole fashion communism to me!
Don't you love this quote:
"He said Cuba's 80-year-old "Maximum Leader" gave him a copy of former CIA Director George Tenet's recently published memoir and told him: "'Read it, Chavez, because that is the most perfect killing machine ever invented and I'm a survivor ... I survived more than 600 (assassination) attempts.'"
600 assassination attempts? The Adidas wearing apartheid dictator exaggerating and rambling out figures without any proof OR QUESTION FROM MEDIA! Don't you think if they really wanted to assassinate you, it could have been done quick and easy and long ago. So please go back to your blogging!
Don't you love this quote:
"He said Cuba's 80-year-old "Maximum Leader" gave him a copy of former CIA Director George Tenet's recently published memoir and told him: "'Read it, Chavez, because that is the most perfect killing machine ever invented and I'm a survivor ... I survived more than 600 (assassination) attempts.'"
600 assassination attempts? The Adidas wearing apartheid dictator exaggerating and rambling out figures without any proof OR QUESTION FROM MEDIA! Don't you think if they really wanted to assassinate you, it could have been done quick and easy and long ago. So please go back to your blogging!
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
Spiritual Nature
El Cafe Cubano believes in a higher power and not in MAN. Yes, I am Catholic but those who run the church are just MEN and are sinners like everyone else. I came across an interesting article that deals with recent and future events in a mystical way. Please use your own discernment while reading this article. The article deals with apparitions and the messages tied to these apparitions. In Venezuela their was a mystic Maria Esperanza, who died three years ago, who supposedly received apparitions from Our Lady.
Now it gets freaky, check this out:
"And then there is Venezuela. What might transpire here? It is another question to ask at this time that seems so filled with prophecy. Near Caracas at a place called Betania (which means "Bethany"), the Blessed Mother appeared to a world-class mystic named Maria Esperanza as well as dozens of others in another fully Church-approved apparition. Even medical doctors served as eyewitnesses to her stigmata and other phenomena, including gyrations of the sun."
"Not long after those apparitions, an incredible natural disaster in the way of a mudslide killed more than 20,000 not far from Betania. (For perspective, Hurricane Katrina killed about 3,000, or less than a sixth that number.) Storms and rumblings have been the order of the day -- in one case flooding the shrine itself."
"Esperanza once made the cryptic comment -- about Venezuela -- that "this is where it will begin."
"Now comes word that the president of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez Frías, who detests the United States, has been fighting with his nation's Catholic bishops, and is bosom friends with Iran (urging on its nuclear program, in another defiant gesture against the democratic and spiritual sensibilities of the people of Venezuela), has determined that after August 5th, when the government takes over a management of the hospital in Maracaibo, its name will be changed from "Hospital Virgen de Coromoto" to that of Argentinean guerrilla fighter, Ernesto Che Guevara, who executed hundreds of Cubans in Havana. As everyone knows, Guevara was a fundamental factor in the entrenchment of the fierce Marxist-Leninist tyranny of Fidel Castro."
"There are ironies in that August 5 is the feast day of the appearance of Mary in Rome (during the Fifth Century) at the site of St. Mary Major Basilica, and Maria Esperanza named one of her daughters Coromoto after the South American manifestation of the Virgin.
"It was in 1652 -- on September 8 -- that Mary appeared to an Indian chieftain named Cacique of the Copses or Coromoto tribe in his hut -- despite his attempts to shoot her with an arrow. She was also seen by the rest of his family -- sparking a fervent devotion that lives to this day, and that Chavez now violates."
"His Eminence Cardinal Manuel Arteaga Betancourt, Archbishop of Havana, representing Pope Pius XII, crowned the sacred image of Our Lady of Coromoto. The Venezuelans celebrate their patroness each year on three different occasions: on February 2 and September 8 and 11. "
"The National Sanctuary of the Virgin of Coromoto, meeting place of great pilgrimages, was declared a Basilica by Pope Pius XII on May 24, 1949. At the request of the nation's bishops, on October 7, 1944 Pius XII declared her "Patroness of the Republic of Venezuela" and her canonical coronation was celebrated on the third centenary of her apparition, on September 11, 1952."
"Was Maria's comment about it "starting" in her homeland an allusion to persecution as demonstrated by Chavez (most recently with the Virgin of Comoroto), to natural disasters (such as the mudslide), or to future uprisings against the United States -- or all of the above? "
"We can know this: it was Esperanza who clearly predicted the events of September 11 (to the point of foreseeing smoke coming from two buildings in New York, and warning that a major event involving enemies on American soil was about to occur just weeks before the attack), and who also warned -- strongly, on a number of occasions -- not to go to war as a result."
Coincidence? I don't know my FREEDOM loving brethren.
Now it gets freaky, check this out:
"And then there is Venezuela. What might transpire here? It is another question to ask at this time that seems so filled with prophecy. Near Caracas at a place called Betania (which means "Bethany"), the Blessed Mother appeared to a world-class mystic named Maria Esperanza as well as dozens of others in another fully Church-approved apparition. Even medical doctors served as eyewitnesses to her stigmata and other phenomena, including gyrations of the sun."
"Not long after those apparitions, an incredible natural disaster in the way of a mudslide killed more than 20,000 not far from Betania. (For perspective, Hurricane Katrina killed about 3,000, or less than a sixth that number.) Storms and rumblings have been the order of the day -- in one case flooding the shrine itself."
"Esperanza once made the cryptic comment -- about Venezuela -- that "this is where it will begin."
"Now comes word that the president of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez Frías, who detests the United States, has been fighting with his nation's Catholic bishops, and is bosom friends with Iran (urging on its nuclear program, in another defiant gesture against the democratic and spiritual sensibilities of the people of Venezuela), has determined that after August 5th, when the government takes over a management of the hospital in Maracaibo, its name will be changed from "Hospital Virgen de Coromoto" to that of Argentinean guerrilla fighter, Ernesto Che Guevara, who executed hundreds of Cubans in Havana. As everyone knows, Guevara was a fundamental factor in the entrenchment of the fierce Marxist-Leninist tyranny of Fidel Castro."
"There are ironies in that August 5 is the feast day of the appearance of Mary in Rome (during the Fifth Century) at the site of St. Mary Major Basilica, and Maria Esperanza named one of her daughters Coromoto after the South American manifestation of the Virgin.
"It was in 1652 -- on September 8 -- that Mary appeared to an Indian chieftain named Cacique of the Copses or Coromoto tribe in his hut -- despite his attempts to shoot her with an arrow. She was also seen by the rest of his family -- sparking a fervent devotion that lives to this day, and that Chavez now violates."
"His Eminence Cardinal Manuel Arteaga Betancourt, Archbishop of Havana, representing Pope Pius XII, crowned the sacred image of Our Lady of Coromoto. The Venezuelans celebrate their patroness each year on three different occasions: on February 2 and September 8 and 11. "
"The National Sanctuary of the Virgin of Coromoto, meeting place of great pilgrimages, was declared a Basilica by Pope Pius XII on May 24, 1949. At the request of the nation's bishops, on October 7, 1944 Pius XII declared her "Patroness of the Republic of Venezuela" and her canonical coronation was celebrated on the third centenary of her apparition, on September 11, 1952."
"Was Maria's comment about it "starting" in her homeland an allusion to persecution as demonstrated by Chavez (most recently with the Virgin of Comoroto), to natural disasters (such as the mudslide), or to future uprisings against the United States -- or all of the above? "
"We can know this: it was Esperanza who clearly predicted the events of September 11 (to the point of foreseeing smoke coming from two buildings in New York, and warning that a major event involving enemies on American soil was about to occur just weeks before the attack), and who also warned -- strongly, on a number of occasions -- not to go to war as a result."
Coincidence? I don't know my FREEDOM loving brethren.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Due to some changes in my personal life, blogging has been very light. The torch for FREEDOM in Cuba still burns bright in my heart. I have heard many times in the last several weeks that "things happen for a reason!" I guess the wise guy in me says:
What's the reason for 48 years of a apartheid communist dictatorship?
Why does the world stand idle and do nothing with these commie thugs?
Why do GOOD people suffer, while evil people never suffer?
Why does the Catholic church and other denominations denounce everything EXCEPT the dictator and communist Cuba?
Why does Uncle Buck mess with me and not with other blogs?
Can someone please tell me the reasoning here?
What's the reason for 48 years of a apartheid communist dictatorship?
Why does the world stand idle and do nothing with these commie thugs?
Why do GOOD people suffer, while evil people never suffer?
Why does the Catholic church and other denominations denounce everything EXCEPT the dictator and communist Cuba?
Why does Uncle Buck mess with me and not with other blogs?
Can someone please tell me the reasoning here?
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Reminder: Friday fast for all political prisoners in Cuba and let's remember Venezuela

My fellow FREEDOM fighters their have been some misconceptions concerning the fast. First: "Do I have to fast all day?" No! the fast is just being conducted on Friday mornings. You can set your hours and how far you want to take this! El Café Cubano is just calling for a simple gesture! These political prisoners are the true heroes and they are willing to die for FREEDOM! This is a time for unity not division. Is this to much to ask in support of the political prisoners?
Political prisoners languish in prison in apartheid Cuba and the media ignores their struggles and cause. We must not forget our brothers and show them signs that we are with them and support them!
Let’s show the world, better yet let’s show our brothers and sisters in apartheid Cuba that we are behind them!
Fast it forward my FREEDOM-loving brethren!
I will leave with this:
48 years of misery,
caused by a diabolical tyranny,
why must the Cuban people continue to suffer?
Others have been oppressed,
why then do they get all the press?
My God, my God, why have you forsaken us?
Our faith, endurance, and confidence continually test us!
All we ask is for Cuba to be FREE,
Is that to much of your flock to ask of thee?
Just as Our Lady has asked us to fast and pray,
we come to your arms dear Lord looking for that DAY!!!!!
El Cafe Cubano-2/08/07
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Comemierdas R You!

"Tricky Ricky" and Ramiro "cuidado que te voy a dar un tiro" valdez smirking at a b.s. ceremony with members of the Cuba's national electoral commission.
Electorial commission? Everyone please sit down before you hurt yourself from laughing? HA!
Election with one party and one family running the show?
Memo to Top Roman Catholic leaders who met in Cuba
What about FREEDOM for the Cuban people?
Why don't you ask for the release of ALL political prisoners?
Why don't you call for FREE Elections?
The leading dissident against the apartheid dictator is in prison for speaking out against communism and ABORTION and what have you done?
No pro-life groups to the aid of Dr. Biscet?
Thousands of e-mails to Catholic Churches and priest about the Friday fast for political prisoners in Cuba and NOTHING, ZILCH?
So what's the purpose of meeting in Cuba, when you don't even defend the rights of the Cuban people?
Click here for the story!
What about FREEDOM for the Cuban people?
Why don't you ask for the release of ALL political prisoners?
Why don't you call for FREE Elections?
The leading dissident against the apartheid dictator is in prison for speaking out against communism and ABORTION and what have you done?
No pro-life groups to the aid of Dr. Biscet?
Thousands of e-mails to Catholic Churches and priest about the Friday fast for political prisoners in Cuba and NOTHING, ZILCH?
So what's the purpose of meeting in Cuba, when you don't even defend the rights of the Cuban people?
Click here for the story!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Tribute to Toco
Today is a very sad day. We lost a brother, a FREEDOM fighter, and a overall good person. I am still stunned and shed a few tears learning about the passing of Tocororo Libre at a young age of 33 years old. Why do the good ones die young and those who sew evil seem to lurk forever?
May you rest in peace mi hermano!
You are now FREE as a bird!!!!!!!
If I leave here tomorrow
Would you still remember me?
For I must be travelling on, now,
There's too many places I haven't seen
And if I stayed here with you, now
Things just wouldn't be the same
Well I'm as free as a bird now,
And a bird you can not change.
And a bird you can not change.
And a bird you can not change.
Lord knows I can't change
Bye, bye, its been a sweet love.
And though this feeling I can't change.
Please don't take it badly, The Lord knows I'm to blame.
And, if I stayed here with you now Things just wouldn't be the same.
For I'm as free as a bird now,
And this bird you'll never change.
And the bird you can not change.
And the bird you can not change.
Lord knows, I can't change.
Lord help me, I can't change.
and we pray....
Go forth, Christian soul, from this world in the name of God the almighty Father, who created you,in the name of Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, who suffered for you,in the name of the Holy Spirit, who was poured out upon you, May you live in peace this day,may your home be with God in Zion, with Mary, the virgin Mother of God,with Joseph and all the angels and saints.
Click here for more at Killcastro.
May you rest in peace mi hermano!
You are now FREE as a bird!!!!!!!
If I leave here tomorrow
Would you still remember me?
For I must be travelling on, now,
There's too many places I haven't seen
And if I stayed here with you, now
Things just wouldn't be the same
Well I'm as free as a bird now,
And a bird you can not change.
And a bird you can not change.
And a bird you can not change.
Lord knows I can't change
Bye, bye, its been a sweet love.
And though this feeling I can't change.
Please don't take it badly, The Lord knows I'm to blame.
And, if I stayed here with you now Things just wouldn't be the same.
For I'm as free as a bird now,
And this bird you'll never change.
And the bird you can not change.
And the bird you can not change.
Lord knows, I can't change.
Lord help me, I can't change.
and we pray....
Go forth, Christian soul, from this world in the name of God the almighty Father, who created you,in the name of Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, who suffered for you,in the name of the Holy Spirit, who was poured out upon you, May you live in peace this day,may your home be with God in Zion, with Mary, the virgin Mother of God,with Joseph and all the angels and saints.
Click here for more at Killcastro.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
The Adidas wearing blogging dictator

The dictator has not been seen in public for over a year, yet he continues his evil ways by blogging and spewing nonsense. Now mr. know it all, states that the "supposed" man the United States and Mafia contracted to poison him in the early 1960s would not have been able to get close enough to him to be successful...... and why is that ?
Can you tell us about all the executions?
Can you tell us about the political prisoners?
Why are the Cuban people still on ration books?
Why no FREE elections?
Why does YOUR family control everything?
Why do you hate your people so much?
Why have you destroyed Cuba?
Since you know it all.......
Friday, July 06, 2007
"Tricky Ricky" speaking with a forked tongue
Pastors for the DICTATOR
The Pastors for the DICTATOR are at it again. These commie sympathizers are going to apartheid Cuba for:
"spreading its message of opening relations between Cuba and the U-S. They’ll also gather donations of food and other humanitarian aid to distribute in Cuba."
“This is, basically, to exercise the constitutional right of free transit and the exchange of ideas. And, also, for the people to note themselves, the reality of the Cuban people. Which has been misrepresented for so many years by the mainstream media.”
WHAT A JOKE!!!!!!! REALITY of Cuban people? What about political prisoners? What about all those who have been executed? The mainstream media has totally ignored what is REALLY happening and always toting propaganda for the dictator.
So please sell this nonsense somewhere else....
Click here for the story.
"spreading its message of opening relations between Cuba and the U-S. They’ll also gather donations of food and other humanitarian aid to distribute in Cuba."
“This is, basically, to exercise the constitutional right of free transit and the exchange of ideas. And, also, for the people to note themselves, the reality of the Cuban people. Which has been misrepresented for so many years by the mainstream media.”
WHAT A JOKE!!!!!!! REALITY of Cuban people? What about political prisoners? What about all those who have been executed? The mainstream media has totally ignored what is REALLY happening and always toting propaganda for the dictator.
So please sell this nonsense somewhere else....
Click here for the story.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
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