H/T to fellow FREEDOM fighter Fantomas!! Thanks mi hermano!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
The call to FREEDOM

Fast for ALL Political Prisoners in Cuba

Others have been oppressed,
why then do they get all the press?
My God, my God, why have you forsaken us?
Our faith, endurance, and confidence continually test us!
All we ask is for Cuba to be FREE,
Is that to much of your flock to ask of thee?
Just as Our Lady has asked us to fast and pray,
we come to your arms dear Lord looking for that DAY!!!!!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
President Bush speech on Cuba
I'm proud to be joined by our great Secretary of State Colin Powell and a son of Cuba, a graduate of the Pedro Pan program -- (applause) -- Mel Martinez. (Applause.) I'm also pleased to be joined with other members who will be -- of my administration who will be charged with implementing policy. From the Department of Homeland Security, Under Secretary Asa Hutchinson is with us today. (Applause.) From the Treasury Department, Rick Newcomb, Director of the Office of Foreign Asset Control, is with us today. Rick, thank you for coming. (Applause.) Assistant Secretary for the Western Hemisphere, Roger Noriega is with us today. (Applause.) Y, por fin, from my staff, Envoy Otto Reich. (Applause.)
As well, we're honored to have distinguished members of the Congress with us, starting with the very capable and able Senator from the state of Virginia, George Allen. (Applause.) Bienvenidos, Jorge. (Laughter.) From the state of Florida, Congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balart. (Applause.) Y su hermano, Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart. (Applause.) Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. (Applause.) And Porter Goss. Thank you for coming. I'm honored you all are here. (Applause.)
The Secretary mentioned to me that Bob Dole is with us. Bob Dole is not with us.
One hundred and thirty-five years ago today, the struggle for Cuban freedom began at a sugar mill near Manzanillo. Carlos Manuel de Cespedes -- known as the Father of the Homeland -- led an uprising against colonial rule. Today, the struggle for freedom continues -- it hasn't ended -- in cities and towns of that beautiful island, in Castro's prisons, and in the heart of every Cuban patriot. It is carried on by brave dissidents like Oscar Elias Biscet, Marta Beatriz Roque, Leonardo Bruzon Avila.
Last year in Miami, I offered Cuba's government a way forward -- a way forward toward democracy and hope and better relations with the United States. I pledged to work with our Congress to ease bans on trade and travel between our two countries if -- and only if -- the Cuban government held free and fair elections, allowed the Cuban people to organize, assemble and to speak freely, and ease the stranglehold on private enterprise.
Since I made that offer, we have seen how the Castro regime answers diplomatic initiatives. The dictator has responded with defiance and contempt and a new round of brutal oppression that outraged the world's conscience.
In April, 75 peaceful members of Cuban opposition were given harsh prison sentences, some as long a 20 years. Their crimes were to publish newspapers, to organize petition drives, to meet to discuss the future of their country. Cuba's political prisoners subjected to beatings and solitary confinement and the denial of medical treatment. Elections in Cuba are still a sham. Opposition groups still organize and meet at their own peril. Private economic activity is still strangled. Non-government trade unions are still oppressed and suppressed. Property rights are still ignored. And most goods and services produced in Cuba are still reserved for the political elites.
Clearly, the Castro regime will not change by its own choice. But Cuba must change. So today I'm announcing several new initiatives intended to hasten the arrival of a new, free, democratic Cuba. (Applause.)
First, we are strengthening re-enforcement of those travel restrictions to Cuba that are already in place. (Applause.) U.S. law forbids Americans to travel to Cuba for pleasure. That law is on the books and it must be enforced. We allow travel for limited reasons, including visit to a family, to bring humanitarian aid, or to conduct research. Those exceptions are too often used as cover for illegal business travel and tourism, or to skirt the restrictions on carrying cash into Cuba. We're cracking down on this deception.
I've instructed the Department of Homeland Security to increase inspections of travelers and shipments to and from Cuba. We will enforce the law. (Applause.) We will also target those who travel to Cuba illegally through third countries, and those who sail to Cuba on private vessels in violation of the embargo.
You see, our country must understand the consequences of illegal travel. All Americans need to know that foreign-owned resorts in Cuba must pay wages -- must pay the wages of their Cuban workers to the government. A good soul in America who wants to be a tourist goes to a foreign-owned resort, pays the hotel bill -- that money goes to the government. The government, in turn, pays the workers a pittance in worthless pesos and keeps the hard currency to prop up the dictator and his cronies. Illegal tourism perpetuates the misery of the Cuban people. And that is why I've charged the Department of Homeland Security to stop that kind of illegal trafficking of money. (Applause.)
By cracking down on the illegal travel, we will also serve another important goal. A rapidly growing part of Cuba's tourism industry is the illicit sex trade, a modern form of slavery which is encouraged by the Cuban government. This cruel exploitation of innocent women and children must be exposed and must be ended. (Applause.)
Second, we are working to ensure that Cubans fleeing the dictatorship do not risk their lives at sea. My administration is improving the method through which we identify refugees, and redoubling our efforts to process Cubans who seek to leave. We will better inform Cubans of the many routes to safe and legal entry into the United States through a public outreach campaign in southern Florida and inside Cuba itself. We will increase the number of new Cuban immigrants we welcome every year. (Applause.) We are free to do so, and we will, for the good of those who seek freedom. Our goal is to help more Cubans safely complete their journey to a free land.
Third, our government will establish a Commission for the Assistance to a Free Cuba, to plan for the happy day when Castro's regime is no more and democracy comes to the island. This commission will be co-chaired by the Secretary of State, Colin Powell; and the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Mel Martinez. They will draw upon experts within our government to plan for Cuba's transition from Stalinist rule to a free and open society, to identify ways to hasten the arrival of that day. (Applause.)
The transition to freedom will present many challenges to the Cuban people and to America, and we will be prepared. America is not alone in calling for freedom inside of Cuba. Countries around the globe and the United Nations Human Rights Commission increasingly recognize the oppressive nature of the Castro regime, and have denounced its recent crackdowns. We will continue to build a strong international coalition to advance the cause of freedom inside of Cuba.
In addition to the measures I've announced today, we continue to break the information embargo that the Cuban government has imposed on its people for a half a century. Repressive governments fear the truth, and so we're increasing the amount and expanding the distribution of printed material to Cuba, of Internet-based information inside of Cuba, and of AM-FM and shortwave radios for Cubans.
Radio and TV Marti are bringing the message of freedom to the Cuban people. This administration fully recognizes the need to enhance the effectiveness of Radio and TV Marti. Earlier this year, we launched a new satellite service to expand our reach to Cuba. On May 20th, we staged the historic flight of Commando Solo, an airborne transmission system that broke through Castro's jamming efforts. Tyrants hate the truth; they jam messages. And on that day, I had the honor of speaking to the Cuban people in the native language.
It's only the beginning of a more robust effort to break through to the Cuban people. This country loves freedom and we know that the enemy of every tyrant is the truth. We're determined to bring the truth to the people who suffer under Fidel Castro. (Applause.)
Cuba has a proud history of fighting for freedom, and that fight goes on. In all that lies ahead, the Cuban people have a constant friend in the United States of America. No tyrant can stand forever against the power of liberty, because the hope of freedom is found in every heart. So today we are confident that no matter what the dictator intends or plans, Cuba sera pronto libre. (Applause.)
De nuevo, Cuba libre. Thank you all. (Applause.)
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Bush to speak on Cuba
What about the absurd wet/dry foot policy?
Monday, October 22, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
Rumor Friday
...rumors are spreading that the dictator used steroids during his marathon 8 hour speeches, officials deny the rumor... insisting that it's demonic possession, NOT STEROIDS!....still links to Balco remain.....
..."Tricky Ricky" Alarcon will appear with wolfman blitzer on CNN for 3,501th time.
....the dictator was a great Hockey player and actually turned down an offer to play for the NY Rangers.... "I believe the game is to violent, I would rather whack my political opponents." the dictator was quoted back in 1958.
Fast for ALL Political Prisoners in Cuba

caused by a diabolical tyranny,
why must the Cuban people continue to suffer?
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Mini-me makes Ramiro SWEAT!!!!
FREEDOM fighter George of the Real Cuba points out that mini-me made Ramiro "cuidado que te voy a dar un tiro" sweat with his comments:
"Chávez in Cuba: The Venezuelan clown spoke too much and made Ramiro Valdes sweatHugo Chávez went to Cuba last weekend to broadcast his weekly radio program from che Guevara's monument in Santa Clara.
On Saturday, Hugo met with Castro and all indications are that he found the Cuban dictator in much worse shape than when he saw him four months ago.
And if you look at the photos that were released after their meeting, it is not difficult to see why Hugo was so pessimistic. I have seen corpses that looked healthier than the Cuban dictator did.
On Sunday, Chávez traveled to Santa Clara with Ramiro Valdes, one of the regime's most feared thugs, who became famous at the beginning of the "robolution" for torturing and murdering those who were opposed to the Cuban regime.
With Cuban official media broadcasting live all the incidences of Chávez's visit, the Venezuelan clown kept talking and talking, and as always happens during his bouts of verbal incontinence, he screwed up big time.
Inside the che Guevara museum, Chávez begins to talk about the times when he and Castro went to Guevara's house in Argentina and says that he doesn't think that they would be able travel together again. He then refers to his last meeting with the Cuban dictator and says that he doesn't know if that would be their last one.
This was just too much for Ramiro Valdes who knew that this was being broadcast live in Cuba. He starts sweating, removes his military cap, takes out his handkerchief and dries his forehead, but Chavez keeps his verbal diarrhea going. Ramiro finally cuts him off saying "Hay Fidel para rato," (there is Fidel for a long while) and Chávez finally gets the message that he is not supposed to say that Castro is almost dead and repeats "Of course there is Fidel for a long while."
Later, when Chavez's radio program finally began, he received a call from the Cuban dictator and when he is told that Castro is on the line he yells "Viva Fidel," but Castro didn't sound too happy.
"Now you say viva Fidel but a little while ago you said that I was almost at the end, that you didn't know if you were going to see me again," Castro told him.
Chávez didn't know what to say. It was one of the few times when the Venezuelan clown has been left speechless.
Click here and then move the dial to 23:00 to hear Chávez saying that this was probably his last meeting with Castro and see Ramiro Valdes sweating.
Click here and then move the dial to minute 43:55 to hear Castro telling Chávez that he almost killed him"
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Mom and Dad banished?
What? say it isn't so governernator! So what are the kids going to call their parents? Significant adult caretakers?
Can you believe this?
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Time for a new CAPTION CONTEST!

Please read below for rules and regulations:
Como un caimán acostado
flotando sobre las olas,
ornamentando el Caribe
se encuentra una isla hermosa.
El golfo cuida con celo
como madre protectora,
apostada ante su puerta
vigilante a toda hora.
Estilizada, elegante,
como dama encantadora,
parece que está dormida,
atractiva, embriagadora.
El sol calienta sus playas,
sus playas acogedoras,
con su blanca y fina arena
bañada por suaves olas.
Puro el azul de sus cielos,
de cristal azul sus mares,
susurrante y dulce brisa
la refresca y acaricia.
El viento bate sus palmas
que se mueven majestuosas,
junto con las verdes cañas
en danza maravillosa.
Engalanada de estrellas
su noche bella, ostentosa,
su luna limpia y brillante,
romántica y soñadora.
Podemos tanto decir
de esta isla seductora,
Cuba por nombre pusieron
a esta escultura preciosa.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Mini-me and the dictator talk nonsense
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Agustin Blazquez: An Open Letter to Ron Paul
A blog about interesting ideas, things, people, and events.
Thursday, October, 2007
AN OPEN LETTER TO PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE RON PAUL © ABIP 2007by Agustin Blazquez with the collaboration of Jaums SuttonThe biggest enemies in the United States of those who want freedom for Cuba are the liberal media and academia. This Cuban American’s personal opinion has been reinforced by 40 years of life in this country seeing and reading reports from the liberal media and academia about the Cuban revolution and life in Cuba since Fidel Castro’s military regime took power.
When you know a subject matter very well, the romantic ideas, false myths, errors, misconceptions, misleading reports and propaganda, do more than jump out at you; they attack you with fury.
The liberal media and academia, after decades of bombarding the American people with relentless misinformation about Cuba, fool most of them, but they cannot fool a Cuban American with firsthand experience about the Castro brothers’ ongoing totalitarian regime.
I don’t think most Americans – misinformed by the liberal media and academia – can make an educated judgment or decision about the Cuban issue. Many are so misled that they even wear Che T-shirts.
They don’t know that Che Guevara was a criminal who took pleasure in executing people – including minors – without trial. They don’t know that he was the architect of the Cuban gulag, prison and execution system. They don’t know that other than that, he failed miserably, mismanaging everything Castro assigned to him.
The confusion extends to our politicians.
Of the Democrats running for President, Barack Obama and John Edwards recently made statements about Cuba that revealed their ignorance.
An opinion piece in the Los Angeles Times on August 25, 2007, said, “Barack Obama, determined to cast himself as the Democratic presidential candidate most open to new ideas on foreign policy, raised plenty of eyebrows recently when he proclaimed that he would be willing to meet personally with such rogue figures as Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.” Castro has proven repeatedly that he is, unfortunately, not open to negotiating.
ABC News’ Rick Klein reported on August 17, 2007, that John Edwards, at an event in Oskaloosa, Iowa, answered a question about Cuba’s healthcare system thusly: “I’m going to be honest with you – I don’t know a lot about Cuba’s healthcare system. Is it a government-run system?”
Even decent, honest, well-intentioned politicians don’t have a clue about how the totalitarian military regime in Cuba operates.
On September 24, 2007, replying to an inquiry about U.S. policy toward Cuba, the campaign of Republican Congressman Ron Paul of Texas responded: “Congressman Paul believes that real free trade benefits both parties involved. His stance on Cuba would be to end the embargo, which only leads to the suffering of the people of Cuba while Castro is far from ‘punished’ and is in fact, strengthened by them. By setting a good example at home we can become an inspiration for countries such as Cuba, who may wish to emulate our actions
This naive approach would work if the Castro brothers’ totalitarian regime and their henchmen thought the way Americans think, but unfortunately they do not.
This is my answer to Congressman Paul: the reasons why I think his policy, with which many agree, is misguided and why the Cuban embargo should not be lifted and free trade should not be established with Cuba.
1. What is good for agribusiness in Texas is not necessarily good for the Cuban people.
2. Doing business in Cuba is not doing business with Cuban business owners. The Cuban government requires that all foreign business done in Cuba be conducted with the Cuban government as intermediary. As revealed by many participants, foreign companies must pay the regime in dollars to get workers, and the regime keeps 90% of the salaries; workers receive just 10%, and they are paid in Cuban pesos. Independent labor unions are forbidden. On August 11, 1989, Carlos Miguel Suarez and Isidoro Padron Armenteros were executed in the city of Sagua La Grande, Cuba. Their crime? Trying to organize an independent labor union.
3. The embargo is working. If it had not been in place, the Cuban government would have had more money to spend on spreading communism and terrorism around the world and on maintaining control of and suppression of the Cuban people. It may even have been able to afford nuclear weapons by now. It is on public record that Castro asked Nikita Khrushchev to use nuclear missiles against the United States during the missile crisis in 1962 and that Che also wanted to use nuclear weapons to destroy the U.S. In addition, the embargo may prove to be a bargaining chip for a future change of government there.
4. Doing business with Cuba does not put pressure on the Castro government to increase freedoms; it merely reinforces the existing elitist system, since the only Cubans permitted to do business with foreigners are the privileged elite, who are chosen by the government. But not even the elite can put pressure on the Castro government, because their status can change in the blink of an eye.
5. Many naively point out the role of free trade in overturning the totalitarian regimes of countries such as China and Russia. But as reported by 60 Minutes on Sunday, September 23, 2007, and many other sources, Russia is resuming its totalitarian police state. The television program 20/20 reported a few weeks ago that Vladimir Putin has created a Hitler Youth–type organization to fight dissent, similar to Castro’s dreaded paramilitary Rapid Response Brigades, which equate to the “Tonton Macoutes” of the late Haitian dictator “Papa Doc” Duvalier. All are used to control, intimidate and create fear among ordinary citizens.
6. The United States has been trading with China since the Nixon era, yet that country remains a totalitarian police state and is a major human rights violator, including the use of slave labor. In addition, most big companies in China, such as China Ocean Shipping Company COSCO, are owned in partnership with or solely owned by the repressive military elite.
7. The unscrupulous businessman’s dream is to convert Cuba into another China in partnership with the repressive Cuban military elite. The Cuban elite in conjunction with American businessmen continues taking advantage of cheap Cuban labor. Currently, via international business agreements, Cuba exports slave labor to other countries in Latin America, the Caribbean, Europe and Africa. For upcoming documentaries I have interviewed ship workers sent to Curacao and doctors sent to Venezuela. I have a relative, a dentist, who was sent to Peru twice.
8. Shortages of consumer goods is one of the tactics used by the Cuban regime to control the citizens: They are so preoccupied with obtaining their next meal that they don’t have the time or energy to complain about the government. In Hugo Chavez’s “Cubazuela” (Venezuela’s carbon copy of the Castro revolution), shortages of consumer goods have been appearing for some time, despite the oil wealth and despite the lack of a U.S. embargo against the Chavez regime.
9. Cuba does not have the money to pay for what it buys from companies in other countries. Cuba’s credit history is notorious and well documented. U.S. agricultural companies will end up being paid by U.S. taxpayers instead of by the Cuban government.
10. It was immoral doing business with South Africa because of the apartheid regime. Why are you in favor of doing business with Cuba? The records clearly show that Cuba has an apartheid regime. Are you in favor of keeping ordinary Cuban citizens away from beaches, restaurants, hotels, stores, nightclubs and neighborhoods; from participating in business deals, from owning property, etc.? Foreigners in Cuba enjoy all of those rights, but average Cubans are forbidden by law to participate in the pursuit of freedom and happiness.
11. It is immoral to do business with a regime that has caused the deaths of over 100,000 people (documented by Dr. Armando Lago in an ongoing study referred to in numerous publications such as the Wall Street Journal). Cuba is designated by the U.S. Department of State as a terrorist country that sponsors terrorism around the world and slowly but surely is subverting Latin America. Take a look at Nicaragua, Venezuela, Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador and Argentina.
Congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul as well as other decent politicians should consider these points before making more errors dealing with the Castro brothers’ regime. The U.S. has a dismal record of failures dealing with them dating back to 1957. All must read The Fourth Floor: An Account of the Castro Communist Revolution by Earl E. T. Smith, a former United States Ambassador to Cuba from 1957 to 1959.
© ABIP 2007Agustin Blazquez, founder and presidentUNCOVERING CUBA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION (UCEF) A non-profit organization [501 (c) (3)]AB INDEPENDENT PRODUCTIONS (ABIP)Producer and director of the documentaries:
COVERING CUBA, premiered at the American Film Institute in 1995, CUBA: The Pearl of the Antilles, COVERING CUBA 2: The Next Generation, premiered in 2001 at the U.S. Capitol in and at the 2001 Miami International Book Fair COVERING CUBA 3: Elian presented at the 2003 Miami Latin Film Festival, the 2004 American Film Renaissance Film Festival in Dallas, Texas and the 2006 Palm Beach International Film Festival, COVERING CUBA 4: The Rats Below, premiered at the two Tower Theaters in Miami on January 2006 and the 2006 Palm Beach International Film Festival and the 2006 Barcelona International Film Festival for Human Rights and Peace, Dan Rather "60 Minutes," an inside view , RUMBERAS CUBANAS, Vol. 1 MARIA ANTONIETA PONS, COVERING CUBA 5: Act Of Repudiation premiered at the two Tower Theaters in Miami, January 2007, at the Hispanic Cuban Club in Madrid, Spain and the 2007 Palm Beach International Film Festival, and the upcoming COVERING CUBA 6.
For documentary previews visit:
Author of more that 300 published articles and author with Carlos Wotzkow of the book COVERING AND DISCOVERING and translator with Jaums Sutton of the book by Luis Grave de Peralta Morell THE MAFIA OF HAVANA: The Cuban Cosa Nostra.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Nobel Peace Prize?

El Cafe Cubano will leave you with these memorable quotes:
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
URGENT: George of Real Cuba
On Wednesday, October 10, I will be a guest on Fox News Hannity and Colmes to show, for the first time on national television, videos taken inside Cuban hospitals without the Cuban government's approval.
Earlier on that same day, I will be on Miami's Channel 41 "A mano Limpia" with Oscar Haza to also show those videos.
Channel 41 can be seen on your TV, if you live in South Florida, and also on the Internet if you live somewhere else.
Go here: http://www.americateve.com/programa.php?id=1 and then click where it says "Señal en Vivo" This program begins at 8 PM EST and lasts until 9 PM.
Hannity and Colmes begins at 9 PM on Fox News (cable), but the segment about Cuba should air around 9:30 PM. "
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
The decision was already made before the trial even started

Just take a look at the picture above and we all knew what would be Elenita's fate. Two Lawyers perverting justice for their own means. Irony at it's best, first we have Elian and now Elenita (Look at the names!). Wonder what Montiel-Davis is getting paid(perks) from the Cuban government?
What are we going to do about it my FREEDOM-Loving brethren?
" If Cuba is so great, why do they all want to vacate."
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Friday, October 05, 2007
Commentary by "General" Lee Cullum
"It's not that Fidel Castro, 81 and ailing, has revised his view of the world. But he hardly is a danger any longer. Indeed, he has been so markedly given up for dead lately that he thought it necessary a few days before the president's speech to appear on television to prove he is still alive. In the style of song writer Stephen Sondheim, he announced, "I'm still here." Yet he appeared more like an apparition from a show by Gilbert and Sullivan, flailing his way toward the final curtain.
Nor is there much to fear from his brother, Raul, now running the sorry state. Raul is no humanitarian, but he's no Fidel either, and Cuba is no Iran. It doesn't belong on the same list with the axis-of-evil gang. Indeed, Carlos Fonts, a Dallas businessman originally from Havana, has said that Raul has "the charisma of a turnip."
Though prisons in Cuba are overflowing with political inmates, and Bush surely was right about the quiet doom that hovers still over that unhappy land, nonetheless, it did seem gratuitous to speak so harshly about Fidel at the U.N. that Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque and his delegation sprang to their feet and walked out.
Of course, Fidel Castro has been a "cruel dictator," just as the president said, and his "long rule" is "nearing its end," true enough, but what was the point of pointing that out beyond 27 Electoral College votes in Florida?
The administration started planning for the post-Castro years when Colin Powell was secretary of state. He led a commission that in 2004 called for sending 100,000 tons of food to Cuba and mounting a major effort to upgrade health, education, aviation and railroads. The U.S. would help hold elections and establish independent trade unions. But that was back in the nation-building days of the Bush presidency, before it became apparent that Cuba may well evolve more slowly than some have expected. Nor can we know for certain what direction will unfold. It may be toward democratic institutions. It may not.
Meanwhile there is little to be gained from hectoring a tired and tiresome regime that is yesterday's news. It doesn't do us much good elsewhere in the hemisphere and may only cultivate resentment of the United States. The best approach is to ease sanctions, open up Cuba and force Castro the younger to cope, not with hostile rhetoric, but with the forces of the modern world"
O.K. let's just forget 48 years of a brutal dictatorship. No, no let's elect both the dictator and raulita for the Nobel Peace Prize and then elect them for sainthood. Let's just forget the minor details concerning executions, political prisoners, and the apartheid system that has suffocated the Cuban people. Yeah let's forgive and forget and just let it go....
SO....why then are they after Pinochet and Fujimori...why don't they FORGET in these instances?
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
"Castro lives like a king, but the Cuban people have nothing."
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
The original "Cane"
The main character, Fidel Castro(played by Charles Manson), is a know it all, but in reality knows nothing! The secondary character, raulita castro(played by Pee Wee Herman) is a tormented soul dealing with several “issues” with adult beverages and gender issues. Vilma Espin(played by Janet Reno) is raulita’s wife in this made for T.V drama. Tricky Ricky alarcon(played by woody harrelson) is the character that everyone would love to kick his as… Ramiro ”cuidado que te voy a dar un tiro” is played by James Brolin.
Murder, Mayhem, political prisoners, apartheid system, no freedom, thugs, and a dictator is what this NEW SAGA is about!
Hollywood declined because they said:
“who would believe this”
“but.. they have free education and healthcare?”
Well…time to work on another screenplay…
Monday, October 01, 2007
Quote of the day
John Powell