Sunday, May 24, 2009

Emotionally speaking..

The last several days have been very emotional. A close personal friend of the family passed away. He touched so many lives and he was the prime example of a Cuban exile who showed by example and influenced me greatly on the value of faith, family, friendship, and tradition.

To be honest I am saddened because most of his generation are passing away or not to far off.

The dictator has tried to DESTROY every single thing that was beautiful concerning Cuba. I mean every single little fabric or goodness that was associated with Cuba. Looking outwardly it seems that the dictator mafia brothers have succeeded with their devilish plan. Remember to LOVE is to give and to LUST is to get! All I saw growing up from my family and by many exiles was the that of love. Constantly giving and sacrificing for their families!

One thing that the mafia brothers can not and will never do is that to take away what is in our HEARTS. The love of democracy, FREEDOM, and family is rooted deeply in our hearts. What was beautiful about Cuba has been deeply entrenched by the examples of many.

So in the end..even though it looks that we have lost.. we have WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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