Saturday, July 23, 2016

Guillermo "Coco" Farinas Hernández on Hunger Strike

"Cuban dissident Guillermo "Coco" Farinas Hernandez, declared hunger strike and thirst, demanding the dictator Raul Castro cessation of beatings of nonviolent opposition in Cuba, Coco in 2010, staged a hunger strike that almost did away with his life. For this protest they were released political prisoners of the Group of 75 of the Black Spring of Cuba and the European Parliament awarded him the Sakharov Andrei Prize for Freedom of Conscience."

"El disidente cubano Guillermo "Coco" Farinas Hernández, se declaró en huelga de Hambre y sed, exigiendo al dictador Raúl Castro el cese de las golpizas a los opositores noviolentos en Cuba, Coco en el año 2010, protagonizó una gran huelga de hambre que casi da al traste con su vida. Por esta protesta fueron liberados los prisioneros políticos del Grupo de los 75 de la Primavera Negra de Cuba y el Parlamento Europeo lo galardonó con el Premio Andrei Sakharov a la Libertad de Conciencia."

Where are Chanel, Vin Diesel, The Kardasians, The Rolling Stones, Beyonce and Jay-Z, Rihanna, Katy Perry, Usher, Ludicris, Conan O'Brien, Paris Hilton, Naomi Campbell, Questlove, Carmelo Anthony, Benicio Del Toro, Josh Hutcherson, Kevin Costner, Robert Redford, Danny Glover,  and Harry Belafonte?

NOWHERE of course, because when it comes down to beatings, hunger strikes, and lack of FREEDOM, it's NOT COOL enough for them!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get it thru ur thick skull, Cuban lives don't matter!