Sunday, April 29, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
Maria Conchita Alonso vs. Hugo Chavez
For immediate release Contact: Martha Lozada
April 25, 2007 202-546-0008
Washington, D.C – The Latino Coalition has invited Maria Conchita Alonso to speak at its upcoming 2007 Small Business Economic Summit in Washington D.C. May 1-2 to respond to statements made by Hugo Chavez about the state of affairs in Venezuela, including his decision not to renew the license of Venezuela’s longest airing TV Network and the purchase of new high-tech weapons and surveillance systems from Russia.
Robert Deposada of the Coalition states, "The Coalition has a mandate to bring all sides to the arena and many stars, including Danny Glover, and according to Chavez, Oliver Stone, have shown public support for Hugo Chavez. We wanted to give Maria Conchita Alonso, a Venezuelan citizen, a forum to vocalize an opposing point of view."
Maria Conchita says, "I thank The Latino Coalition for giving me this opportunity, as last year I was campaigning in Venezuela against Chavez, but the situation there has further deteriorated and I feel it is no longer safe for me, so I have taken the fight to film and am producing a movie called, TWO MINUTES OF HATE, which shows in real footage how, at the 2002 march Chavez' assassins gunned down opposition protesters. Although Danny Glover and I did a film together, we have different points of view. I don’t think Sean Penn and Clint Eastwood, who work together, always share the same political views, although I do believe they express those views due to their caring and commitment. I respect all my fellow actors but I think I carry a more experiential voice, as I have already had to leave Cuba and Venezuela."
"The film, which I am co-producing with BOBBY producer, Edward Bass, will utilize actual clips of Chavez coming over the airwaves in his comical and yet cynical manner," says Maria Conchita. “The situation there has evolved to the point that Freedom House, a nongovernmental worldwide organization, ranks Venezuela second only to Cuba in terms of suppressing press freedom in the Americas,” she comments.
The writer, who wishes to remain anonymous but goes by the pseudonym of Jorge Tortoza, (in honor of one of the journalists assassinated by Chavez at the march) says, "This film is of course much different from BOBBY. In this case, the voice of the President is comical and yet frightening as he typifies a stereotypical dictator as in George Orwell's 1984. The script is being held under tight security. We want to make sure Chavez will not see it in its finished form until he goes to the movie theater like everyone else."
"Although many candidates and most probably George Bush will be at the event, I am not yet a US citizen and I am not endorsing any political figure,” says Maria. “However, a voice against Bush should not be a voice for Chavez. Sometimes, the public is just misled, for example in the case of Mao Tse Tung, in which both Richard Nixon and John Lennon were wearing Mao jackets while millions of artists and intellectuals were killed. Che Guevara, who has so many films immortalizing him, was afraid of motorcycles and was more of a homophobic than even Fidel Castro, and a professional assassin who loved his work, but is immortalized as if he were Gandhi."
She continues, "Chavez, however, is much more dangerous. He will easily pass Fidel on the Forbes list as he has all the oil money at his disposal. Venezuelan press, newspapers, radio stations and TV are being shut down, and we are heading in the direction of Cuba where soon people will not even be allowed Internet access, and the children will be “owned” by the government. I decided to go to The Latino Coalition especially after Barbara Walters' interview with Chavez. Barbara got back to me, but I did not succeed in convincing her to allow me an opportunity to give a factual rebuttal."
Edward Bass states, "Maria Conchita has never been a sell out. As the most famous Venezuelan actress, if she was a Chavista, she could be riding on the gravy train and receiving the multi-million dollar grants that many are receiving from him. Her courage, even with her life in jeopardy, is a profound example of bravery. She is using her celebrity status and artistic ability to fight for those whose voices are muffled, they are second class citizens in their own country. They can’t go to the same beaches, hotels or stores that the ruling elite and cash-rich foreigners visit.
Bass continues, "With Maria, our production and financing entity, after looking at dozens of Latino based material put this one at the top, as it is not the same old storyline. Although this is based in Venezuela, it's a love story and the backdrop is Venezuela as the sinking Titanic."
Deposada also says, "Although The Latino Coalition is not here to take sides, we take pride in our ability to confront the issues, and we extend the invitation to actors such as Sean Penn, Tim Robbins, Danny Glover or whomever, and want to offer them equal time or an invitation to debate Maria Conchita."
She concludes, “TWO MINUTES OF HATE” is far from a documentary. It is actually a beautiful story of two people in love, one from the Chavez camp, and one from the opposition, and we tried to give a fair and balanced view of the mistakes that were made in Venezuela that created the climate and void that allowed this dictator to enter the arena as Hitler did in the 30's."
The Latino Coalition is a non-profit, non-partisan organization based in Washington, D.C. TLC was established to address policy issues that directly affect the well being of Hispanics in the United States. TLC’s agenda is to develop and promote policies that will foster economic equivalency and enhance overall business, economic, and social development of Hispanics. For more information please visit our website at www.TheLatinoCoalition.com.
April 25, 2007 202-546-0008
Washington, D.C – The Latino Coalition has invited Maria Conchita Alonso to speak at its upcoming 2007 Small Business Economic Summit in Washington D.C. May 1-2 to respond to statements made by Hugo Chavez about the state of affairs in Venezuela, including his decision not to renew the license of Venezuela’s longest airing TV Network and the purchase of new high-tech weapons and surveillance systems from Russia.
Robert Deposada of the Coalition states, "The Coalition has a mandate to bring all sides to the arena and many stars, including Danny Glover, and according to Chavez, Oliver Stone, have shown public support for Hugo Chavez. We wanted to give Maria Conchita Alonso, a Venezuelan citizen, a forum to vocalize an opposing point of view."
Maria Conchita says, "I thank The Latino Coalition for giving me this opportunity, as last year I was campaigning in Venezuela against Chavez, but the situation there has further deteriorated and I feel it is no longer safe for me, so I have taken the fight to film and am producing a movie called, TWO MINUTES OF HATE, which shows in real footage how, at the 2002 march Chavez' assassins gunned down opposition protesters. Although Danny Glover and I did a film together, we have different points of view. I don’t think Sean Penn and Clint Eastwood, who work together, always share the same political views, although I do believe they express those views due to their caring and commitment. I respect all my fellow actors but I think I carry a more experiential voice, as I have already had to leave Cuba and Venezuela."
"The film, which I am co-producing with BOBBY producer, Edward Bass, will utilize actual clips of Chavez coming over the airwaves in his comical and yet cynical manner," says Maria Conchita. “The situation there has evolved to the point that Freedom House, a nongovernmental worldwide organization, ranks Venezuela second only to Cuba in terms of suppressing press freedom in the Americas,” she comments.
The writer, who wishes to remain anonymous but goes by the pseudonym of Jorge Tortoza, (in honor of one of the journalists assassinated by Chavez at the march) says, "This film is of course much different from BOBBY. In this case, the voice of the President is comical and yet frightening as he typifies a stereotypical dictator as in George Orwell's 1984. The script is being held under tight security. We want to make sure Chavez will not see it in its finished form until he goes to the movie theater like everyone else."
"Although many candidates and most probably George Bush will be at the event, I am not yet a US citizen and I am not endorsing any political figure,” says Maria. “However, a voice against Bush should not be a voice for Chavez. Sometimes, the public is just misled, for example in the case of Mao Tse Tung, in which both Richard Nixon and John Lennon were wearing Mao jackets while millions of artists and intellectuals were killed. Che Guevara, who has so many films immortalizing him, was afraid of motorcycles and was more of a homophobic than even Fidel Castro, and a professional assassin who loved his work, but is immortalized as if he were Gandhi."
She continues, "Chavez, however, is much more dangerous. He will easily pass Fidel on the Forbes list as he has all the oil money at his disposal. Venezuelan press, newspapers, radio stations and TV are being shut down, and we are heading in the direction of Cuba where soon people will not even be allowed Internet access, and the children will be “owned” by the government. I decided to go to The Latino Coalition especially after Barbara Walters' interview with Chavez. Barbara got back to me, but I did not succeed in convincing her to allow me an opportunity to give a factual rebuttal."
Edward Bass states, "Maria Conchita has never been a sell out. As the most famous Venezuelan actress, if she was a Chavista, she could be riding on the gravy train and receiving the multi-million dollar grants that many are receiving from him. Her courage, even with her life in jeopardy, is a profound example of bravery. She is using her celebrity status and artistic ability to fight for those whose voices are muffled, they are second class citizens in their own country. They can’t go to the same beaches, hotels or stores that the ruling elite and cash-rich foreigners visit.
Bass continues, "With Maria, our production and financing entity, after looking at dozens of Latino based material put this one at the top, as it is not the same old storyline. Although this is based in Venezuela, it's a love story and the backdrop is Venezuela as the sinking Titanic."
Deposada also says, "Although The Latino Coalition is not here to take sides, we take pride in our ability to confront the issues, and we extend the invitation to actors such as Sean Penn, Tim Robbins, Danny Glover or whomever, and want to offer them equal time or an invitation to debate Maria Conchita."
She concludes, “TWO MINUTES OF HATE” is far from a documentary. It is actually a beautiful story of two people in love, one from the Chavez camp, and one from the opposition, and we tried to give a fair and balanced view of the mistakes that were made in Venezuela that created the climate and void that allowed this dictator to enter the arena as Hitler did in the 30's."
The Latino Coalition is a non-profit, non-partisan organization based in Washington, D.C. TLC was established to address policy issues that directly affect the well being of Hispanics in the United States. TLC’s agenda is to develop and promote policies that will foster economic equivalency and enhance overall business, economic, and social development of Hispanics. For more information please visit our website at www.TheLatinoCoalition.com.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Reminder: Friday fast for all political prisoners in Cuba

My fellow FREEDOM fighters their have been some misconceptions concerning the fast. First: "Do I have to fast all day?" No! the fast is just being conducted on Friday mornings. You can set your hours and how far you want to take this! El Café Cubano is just calling for a simple gesture! These political prisoners are the true heroes and they are willing to die for FREEDOM! This is a time for unity not division. Is this to much to ask in support of the political prisoners?
Political prisoners languish in prison in apartheid Cuba and the media ignores their struggles and cause. We must not forget our brothers and show them signs that we are with them and support them!
Let’s show the world, better yet let’s show our brothers and sisters in apartheid Cuba that we are behind them!
Fast it forward my FREEDOM-loving brethren.
I will leave with this:
48 years of misery,
caused by a diabolical tyranny,
why must the Cuban people continue to suffer?
Others have been oppressed,
why then do they get all the press?
My God, my God, why have you forsaken us?
Our faith, endurance, and confidence continually test us!
All we ask is for Cuba to be FREE,
Is that to much of your flock to ask of thee?
Just as Our Lady has asked us to fast and pray,
we come to your arms dear Lord looking for that DAY!!!!!
El Cafe Cubano-2/08/07
"Venezuela, Cuba ask U.N. to investigate Posada's release"
Don't you think the U.N. should investigate the atrocities concerning the dictator in Cuba? What about mini-me in Venezuela?
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Forget the Alec Baldwin phone call, what about this phone call?
Phone Call that Threatened the life of the Opposition Leader Martha Beatriz Roque
I would like to divulge this information.
On April 17, 2007, I received a phone call that threatened my life, so that I would no longer speak on Radio Marti, and so that I would not meet with Portuguese reporters in my home.
At 3:00 in the afternoon, I had taped a program with Maria Marquez of Radio Marti, about the third document of the series that I write titled "The Two Faces of One Coin". The Reporters of RTP (Radio and Television Portuguese) named Sandra Filgueiras and Bruno de Jesus, called me at 10 minutes to 4:00 pm, just minutes before we were to meet, to inform me that the "Center for International Press" had informed them that they are to meet with a Vice Minister of Foreign Relations, which impeded my interview.
I took a call that was holding for me on the telephone, and a man began to threaten me, then I reacted and turned on my recorder and was able to pick up this conversation.
Voice: Martha, you are putting your life in danger, you are going to prison again.
Martha Beatriz: Yes, no, no problem, if I have to go to jail again, I will. You know this is how the Cuban Government wants it to be, so it's all the same to me.
Voice: It's all the same to you, no, Martha?
Martha Beatriz: Exactly the same, what else?
Voice: Would you like me to put you in an enclosed cell, Martha?
Martha Beatriz: Enclosed cell? Also. No problem.
Voice: Yes Martha, you will fall into that. No?
Martha Beatriz: You have that ability?
Voice: Of course.
Martha Beatriz: Oh, good!!!
Voice: The one who is speaking to you is from the State Security.
Martha Beatriz: Oh! One from the State Security is speaking to me, then you have no problems.
Voice: You heard Martha, be careful, take care of yourself.
Martha Beatriz: Afterwards, you will hear your voice on Radio Marti.
Voice: Yes, Martha?
Martha Beatriz: You heard?
Voice: Yes, ah, you taped it?
Martha Beatriz: Of course, aren't you threatening me even with death, I have to tape this, so people will hear you
Voice: Ah, that is fine Martha, well.
Martha Beatriz: Well, has been a pleasure.
Voice: One of these days you will spend it very badly, Martha.
Martha Beatriz: Well, whenever you would like.
Today, April 18, 2007, I heard that the Portuguese reporters were detained twice even though they are accredited as such, with their corresponding permits to be in this country. Because my telephone is intercepted by the Political Police, and the proof I have for this is that the regime has placed parts of my private conversations on television, on the program Mesa Redonda, the level of knowledge of the person who spoke to me leaves no doubt that they were well informed.
The tape with the recording is available to all who wish to hear it.
Martha Beatriz Roque
Havana, Cuba
April 18th, 2007
Translation from Spanish to English was made by Fundacion Civica Martiana
I would like to divulge this information.
On April 17, 2007, I received a phone call that threatened my life, so that I would no longer speak on Radio Marti, and so that I would not meet with Portuguese reporters in my home.
At 3:00 in the afternoon, I had taped a program with Maria Marquez of Radio Marti, about the third document of the series that I write titled "The Two Faces of One Coin". The Reporters of RTP (Radio and Television Portuguese) named Sandra Filgueiras and Bruno de Jesus, called me at 10 minutes to 4:00 pm, just minutes before we were to meet, to inform me that the "Center for International Press" had informed them that they are to meet with a Vice Minister of Foreign Relations, which impeded my interview.
I took a call that was holding for me on the telephone, and a man began to threaten me, then I reacted and turned on my recorder and was able to pick up this conversation.
Voice: Martha, you are putting your life in danger, you are going to prison again.
Martha Beatriz: Yes, no, no problem, if I have to go to jail again, I will. You know this is how the Cuban Government wants it to be, so it's all the same to me.
Voice: It's all the same to you, no, Martha?
Martha Beatriz: Exactly the same, what else?
Voice: Would you like me to put you in an enclosed cell, Martha?
Martha Beatriz: Enclosed cell? Also. No problem.
Voice: Yes Martha, you will fall into that. No?
Martha Beatriz: You have that ability?
Voice: Of course.
Martha Beatriz: Oh, good!!!
Voice: The one who is speaking to you is from the State Security.
Martha Beatriz: Oh! One from the State Security is speaking to me, then you have no problems.
Voice: You heard Martha, be careful, take care of yourself.
Martha Beatriz: Afterwards, you will hear your voice on Radio Marti.
Voice: Yes, Martha?
Martha Beatriz: You heard?
Voice: Yes, ah, you taped it?
Martha Beatriz: Of course, aren't you threatening me even with death, I have to tape this, so people will hear you
Voice: Ah, that is fine Martha, well.
Martha Beatriz: Well, has been a pleasure.
Voice: One of these days you will spend it very badly, Martha.
Martha Beatriz: Well, whenever you would like.
Today, April 18, 2007, I heard that the Portuguese reporters were detained twice even though they are accredited as such, with their corresponding permits to be in this country. Because my telephone is intercepted by the Political Police, and the proof I have for this is that the regime has placed parts of my private conversations on television, on the program Mesa Redonda, the level of knowledge of the person who spoke to me leaves no doubt that they were well informed.
The tape with the recording is available to all who wish to hear it.
Martha Beatriz Roque
Havana, Cuba
April 18th, 2007
Translation from Spanish to English was made by Fundacion Civica Martiana
Saturday, April 21, 2007
and the wolf says.."better to steal and kill to remain in power"

The dictator again donning the Adidas outfit to meet with the Chinese. His special function included the reading of little red commie hood!
H/T to Fausta!
Friday, April 20, 2007
The Police agree to play in apartheid Cuba
Will the Police stand up for the Cuban people or play right into the hands of the apartheid dictatorship?
China meets la china!
Wu Guanzheng, the highest ranking communist government official of Red China, is in apartheid Cuba today visiting raulita. China ranks second in trading with Cuba with mini-me and Venezuela ranking first. Can you imagine the dirty deeds that these two are cooking up in these meetings?
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Por Dr. Darsi Ferrer.
Es inaceptable que a delegaciones cubanas se les prive del derecho a disfrutar los servicios de compañías hoteleras fuera del territorio nacional, como ocurrió en el hotel María Isabel Sheraton en México y posteriormente en el hotel Edderkoppen en Noruega. Acciones que provocaron airadas protestas del Gobierno de Cuba y el rechazo de diversas organizaciones y personalidades foráneas.
Peor de condenable resulta la infame DISCRIMINACIÓN que contra los nacionales mantienen de modo institucionalizado las autoridades del Gobierno de Cuba, respecto a la aplicación de la ilegal e inmoral política de Estado, de MARGINACIÓN a los cubanos - por la condición de nacionales - del derecho a disfrutar las instalaciones, centros y servicios, reservadas de modo exclusivo y excluyente para satisfacer las necesidades de extranjeros y funcionarios de la nomenklatura.
Nunca antes en la historia republicana los cubanos fueron SEGREGADOS por el origen nacional. Durante gobiernos anteriores hubo prejuicios raciales y sociales que afectó sectores de la sociedad, entre ellos, a los negros y a las clases más pobres; situación muy distante a la actual práctica del APARTHEID, que relega a los cubanos a la humillante condición de parias en su propio país.
A este gobierno se le reconoce que jugó un rol importante en el derrocamiento del apartheid en Sudáfrica, mediante el envío de tropas y recursos y la condena moral y diplomática del régimen de Pretoria. También, que es signatario de la Convención Internacional sobre la Represión y el Castigo del Crimen del Apartheid, además de contar en la Constitución y el Código Penal vigentes con legislaciones que reconocen su compromiso de combatir tal flagelo.
La política estatal de ¨SEPARACIÓN¨ de extranjeros y miembros de la nomenklatura del resto de la población, responde al interés de la casta dominante de perpetuar el control político y los privilegios económicos y sociales, a costa de la negación de derechos y libertades fundamentales al pueblo. Apartheid establecido por el aparato gubernamental a través de mecanismos represivos.
En Cuba, el Apartheid implica menosprecio de la legalidad por los conquistadores del poder, que usurpan la soberanía y establecen como norma el desprecio a los nacionales y la desigualdad social. Para el pueblo, provoca perjuicio moral y la perenne afectación económica y social.
Aun en el caso de disponer de moneda convertible, a los cubanos se les prohíbe el acceso a centros de recreación y hoteles destinados al turismo. Se llega al extremo de prohibírsele a los extranjeros invitar nacionales a las habitaciones donde ellos se hospedan. Tampoco se les permite a los cubanos ofrecerles hospedaje a sus amigos foráneos.
Miles de jóvenes e incluso niños, sufren o han cumplido prisión por el mero hecho de frecuentar zonas turísticas. Entablar conversación con extranjeros con frecuencia deviene en una sanción penal de peligrosidad por ¨asedio a turistas¨.
El gobierno priva a los cubanos del derecho a disfrutar de los servicios que ofrecen hospitales y clínicas utilizadas solo para brindarle atención médica a extranjeros, militares de alto rango y funcionarios de la cúpula del Estado, donde, a diferencia de las pésimas condiciones de las instalaciones de salud pública, el servicio es de óptima calidad y no escasean los profesionales, los recursos ni las medicinas.
La compra de viviendas, automóviles, computadoras, líneas telefónicas, servicios de telefonía celular, acceso a la Internet, entre otros, son privilegios que no están permitidos a los cubanos. Igualmente se les prohíbe a los nacionales la inversión privada en algún negocio para participar de la vida económica.
Por disposiciones del gobierno, los cubanos dependen de permisos especiales para radicar en muchos lugares del territorio nacional, cientos de miles son considerados ilegales por no contar con autorización de residencia y sufren desalojos o deportaciones forzadas. Así mismo, solo por medio de permisos especiales pueden los nacionales salir o entrar al país.
El personal del sector del turismo y de los diferentes niveles del gobierno es de la raza blanca en su inmensa mayoría, mientras la raza negra sobrepasa los tres tercios de la población penal de la Isla.
Quienes divergen de los criterios políticos de la oficialidad son silenciados con uso de la violencia, a través de organizaciones paramilitares dirigidas por las altas esferas del Estado. Sistemáticamente los disidentes son golpeados u hostigados, víctimas de actos de repudio, a manos de las oficiales e impunes Brigadas de Respuesta Rápida.
Los inversores extranjeros, en violación de normas jurídicas internacionales y de la propia legislación cubana, son cómplices del Gobierno en la aplicación del apartheid y participan de la explotación de los nacionales como mano de obra en condiciones de esclavitud moderna, pues estos carecen de derechos a huelga, a sindicalizarse libremente o negociar sus contratos de trabajo. Para mantener sus empleos les exigen rendimientos laborales muy desproporcionados comparados con las ganancias que generan y el paupérrimo salario que les eroga el Estado.
Igual al horror que provocó por sus consecuencias el exterminio de los judío europeos en la Alemania nazi, la segregación de los negros en los EEUU y el apartheid en Sudáfrica, hechos que fueron condenados y eliminados por inaceptables moral y jurídicamente, es hora de abolir el oprobioso crimen internacional del APARTHEID en Cuba:
- Autoridades del Gobierno de Cuba, país miembro fundador del Consejo de Derechos Humanos, cumplan con las legislaciones nacionales y las responsabilidades internacionales contraídas de lucha contra el APARTHEID.
- Inversores Extranjeros, terminen su condición de cómplices del crimen internacional que constituye el APARTHEID y respeten los instrumentos jurídicos nacionales e internacionales al respecto.
- Turistas, contribuyan en la solución de la indignante DISCRIMINACIÓN a los cubanos.
- Comunidad Internacional, tomen parte de su obligación moral y jurídica de condenar y sancionar a los perpetradores del crimen internacional que deviene de la aplicación del APARTHEID en Cuba; grave amenaza universal.
- Cubanos, mediante acciones concretas adopten una posición activa para poner fin al degradante e inhumano APARTHEID, del cual somos víctimas.
Ciudad de la habana, 17 de abril de 2006.
Constitución de la República de Cuba
Artículo 42. La discriminación por motivo de raza, color de la piel, sexo, origen nacional, creencias religiosas y cualquier otra lesiva a la dignidad humana está proscrita y es sancionad por la ley.
Las instituciones del Estado educan a todos, desde la más temprana edad, en el principio de la igualdad de los seres humanos.
Artículo 43. El estado consagra el derecho conquistado por la Revolución de que los ciudadanos, sin distinción de raza, color de la piel, sexo, creencias religiosas, origen nacional y cualquier otra lesiva a la dignidad humana:
- reciben asistencia en todas las instituciones de salud;
- se domicilian en cualquier sector, zona o barrio de las ciudades y se alojan en cualquier hotel;
- son atendidos en todos los restaurantes y demás establecimientos de servicio público;
- disfrutan de los mismos balnearios, playas, parques, círculos sociales y demás centros de cultura,
deportes, recreación y descanso.
Código Penal de la República de Cuba
Crimen del Apartheid
Artículo 120. 1- Incurre en sanción de privación de libertad de diez a veinte años o muerte, los que, con el fin de instituir y mantener la dominación de un grupo racial sobre otro, y de acuerdo con políticas de extermino, segregación y discriminación racial:
a) denieguen a los miembros de este grupo del derecho a la vida y la libertad mediante el asesinato; los atentados graves contra la integridad física o psíquica, la libertad o la dignidad; las torturas o penas o tratos crueles, inhumanos o denigrantes; la detención arbitraria y la prisión ilegal.
b) impongan al grupo medidas legislativas o de otro orden destinadas a impedir su participación en la vida política, social, económica y cultural del país y a crear deliberadamente condiciones que obstaculicen su pleno desarrollo, rehusándoles a sus miembros los derechos y libertades fundamentales.
c) dividan a la población según criterios raciales, creando reservas y ghettos, prohibiendo los matrimonios entre miembros de distintos grupos raciales y expropiándoles sus bienes.
ch) exploten el trabajo de los miembros del grupo, en especial sometiéndolos al trabajo forzado.
2- Si el hecho consiste en perseguir u hostilizar en cualquier forma a las organizaciones y personas que se opongan al apartheid, o lo combatan, la sanción es de privación de libertad de diez a veinte años.
3- La responsabilidad por los actos previstos en los apartados anteriores es exigible con independencia del país en que los culpables actúen o residan y se extiende, cualquiera que sea el móvil, a los particulares, los miembros de las organizaciones y los representantes del Estado.
Delitos Contra el derecho de Igualdad
Artículo 295. 1- El que discrimine a otra persona o promueva o incite a la discriminación, sea con manifestaciones y ánimo ofensivo a su sexo, raza, color u origen nacional o con acciones para obstaculizarle o impedirle por motivos de sexo, raza, color u origen nacional, el ejercicio o disfrute de los derechos de igualdad establecidos en la Constitución, incurre en sanción de seis meses a dos años o multa de doscientas a quinientas cuotas o ambas.
2- En igual sanción incurre el que difunda ideas basadas en la superioridad u odio racial o cometa actos de violencia o incite a cometerlos contra cualquier raza o grupo de personas de otro color u origen étnico.
Instrumentos jurídicos internacionales.
- Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos.
- Convención Internacional sobre Represión y el castigo del Crimen del Apartheid.
- Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos.
- Pacto Internacional de Derechos Económicos y Sociales.
Por Dr. Darsi Ferrer.
Es inaceptable que a delegaciones cubanas se les prive del derecho a disfrutar los servicios de compañías hoteleras fuera del territorio nacional, como ocurrió en el hotel María Isabel Sheraton en México y posteriormente en el hotel Edderkoppen en Noruega. Acciones que provocaron airadas protestas del Gobierno de Cuba y el rechazo de diversas organizaciones y personalidades foráneas.
Peor de condenable resulta la infame DISCRIMINACIÓN que contra los nacionales mantienen de modo institucionalizado las autoridades del Gobierno de Cuba, respecto a la aplicación de la ilegal e inmoral política de Estado, de MARGINACIÓN a los cubanos - por la condición de nacionales - del derecho a disfrutar las instalaciones, centros y servicios, reservadas de modo exclusivo y excluyente para satisfacer las necesidades de extranjeros y funcionarios de la nomenklatura.
Nunca antes en la historia republicana los cubanos fueron SEGREGADOS por el origen nacional. Durante gobiernos anteriores hubo prejuicios raciales y sociales que afectó sectores de la sociedad, entre ellos, a los negros y a las clases más pobres; situación muy distante a la actual práctica del APARTHEID, que relega a los cubanos a la humillante condición de parias en su propio país.
A este gobierno se le reconoce que jugó un rol importante en el derrocamiento del apartheid en Sudáfrica, mediante el envío de tropas y recursos y la condena moral y diplomática del régimen de Pretoria. También, que es signatario de la Convención Internacional sobre la Represión y el Castigo del Crimen del Apartheid, además de contar en la Constitución y el Código Penal vigentes con legislaciones que reconocen su compromiso de combatir tal flagelo.
La política estatal de ¨SEPARACIÓN¨ de extranjeros y miembros de la nomenklatura del resto de la población, responde al interés de la casta dominante de perpetuar el control político y los privilegios económicos y sociales, a costa de la negación de derechos y libertades fundamentales al pueblo. Apartheid establecido por el aparato gubernamental a través de mecanismos represivos.
En Cuba, el Apartheid implica menosprecio de la legalidad por los conquistadores del poder, que usurpan la soberanía y establecen como norma el desprecio a los nacionales y la desigualdad social. Para el pueblo, provoca perjuicio moral y la perenne afectación económica y social.
Aun en el caso de disponer de moneda convertible, a los cubanos se les prohíbe el acceso a centros de recreación y hoteles destinados al turismo. Se llega al extremo de prohibírsele a los extranjeros invitar nacionales a las habitaciones donde ellos se hospedan. Tampoco se les permite a los cubanos ofrecerles hospedaje a sus amigos foráneos.
Miles de jóvenes e incluso niños, sufren o han cumplido prisión por el mero hecho de frecuentar zonas turísticas. Entablar conversación con extranjeros con frecuencia deviene en una sanción penal de peligrosidad por ¨asedio a turistas¨.
El gobierno priva a los cubanos del derecho a disfrutar de los servicios que ofrecen hospitales y clínicas utilizadas solo para brindarle atención médica a extranjeros, militares de alto rango y funcionarios de la cúpula del Estado, donde, a diferencia de las pésimas condiciones de las instalaciones de salud pública, el servicio es de óptima calidad y no escasean los profesionales, los recursos ni las medicinas.
La compra de viviendas, automóviles, computadoras, líneas telefónicas, servicios de telefonía celular, acceso a la Internet, entre otros, son privilegios que no están permitidos a los cubanos. Igualmente se les prohíbe a los nacionales la inversión privada en algún negocio para participar de la vida económica.
Por disposiciones del gobierno, los cubanos dependen de permisos especiales para radicar en muchos lugares del territorio nacional, cientos de miles son considerados ilegales por no contar con autorización de residencia y sufren desalojos o deportaciones forzadas. Así mismo, solo por medio de permisos especiales pueden los nacionales salir o entrar al país.
El personal del sector del turismo y de los diferentes niveles del gobierno es de la raza blanca en su inmensa mayoría, mientras la raza negra sobrepasa los tres tercios de la población penal de la Isla.
Quienes divergen de los criterios políticos de la oficialidad son silenciados con uso de la violencia, a través de organizaciones paramilitares dirigidas por las altas esferas del Estado. Sistemáticamente los disidentes son golpeados u hostigados, víctimas de actos de repudio, a manos de las oficiales e impunes Brigadas de Respuesta Rápida.
Los inversores extranjeros, en violación de normas jurídicas internacionales y de la propia legislación cubana, son cómplices del Gobierno en la aplicación del apartheid y participan de la explotación de los nacionales como mano de obra en condiciones de esclavitud moderna, pues estos carecen de derechos a huelga, a sindicalizarse libremente o negociar sus contratos de trabajo. Para mantener sus empleos les exigen rendimientos laborales muy desproporcionados comparados con las ganancias que generan y el paupérrimo salario que les eroga el Estado.
Igual al horror que provocó por sus consecuencias el exterminio de los judío europeos en la Alemania nazi, la segregación de los negros en los EEUU y el apartheid en Sudáfrica, hechos que fueron condenados y eliminados por inaceptables moral y jurídicamente, es hora de abolir el oprobioso crimen internacional del APARTHEID en Cuba:
- Autoridades del Gobierno de Cuba, país miembro fundador del Consejo de Derechos Humanos, cumplan con las legislaciones nacionales y las responsabilidades internacionales contraídas de lucha contra el APARTHEID.
- Inversores Extranjeros, terminen su condición de cómplices del crimen internacional que constituye el APARTHEID y respeten los instrumentos jurídicos nacionales e internacionales al respecto.
- Turistas, contribuyan en la solución de la indignante DISCRIMINACIÓN a los cubanos.
- Comunidad Internacional, tomen parte de su obligación moral y jurídica de condenar y sancionar a los perpetradores del crimen internacional que deviene de la aplicación del APARTHEID en Cuba; grave amenaza universal.
- Cubanos, mediante acciones concretas adopten una posición activa para poner fin al degradante e inhumano APARTHEID, del cual somos víctimas.
Ciudad de la habana, 17 de abril de 2006.
Constitución de la República de Cuba
Artículo 42. La discriminación por motivo de raza, color de la piel, sexo, origen nacional, creencias religiosas y cualquier otra lesiva a la dignidad humana está proscrita y es sancionad por la ley.
Las instituciones del Estado educan a todos, desde la más temprana edad, en el principio de la igualdad de los seres humanos.
Artículo 43. El estado consagra el derecho conquistado por la Revolución de que los ciudadanos, sin distinción de raza, color de la piel, sexo, creencias religiosas, origen nacional y cualquier otra lesiva a la dignidad humana:
- reciben asistencia en todas las instituciones de salud;
- se domicilian en cualquier sector, zona o barrio de las ciudades y se alojan en cualquier hotel;
- son atendidos en todos los restaurantes y demás establecimientos de servicio público;
- disfrutan de los mismos balnearios, playas, parques, círculos sociales y demás centros de cultura,
deportes, recreación y descanso.
Código Penal de la República de Cuba
Crimen del Apartheid
Artículo 120. 1- Incurre en sanción de privación de libertad de diez a veinte años o muerte, los que, con el fin de instituir y mantener la dominación de un grupo racial sobre otro, y de acuerdo con políticas de extermino, segregación y discriminación racial:
a) denieguen a los miembros de este grupo del derecho a la vida y la libertad mediante el asesinato; los atentados graves contra la integridad física o psíquica, la libertad o la dignidad; las torturas o penas o tratos crueles, inhumanos o denigrantes; la detención arbitraria y la prisión ilegal.
b) impongan al grupo medidas legislativas o de otro orden destinadas a impedir su participación en la vida política, social, económica y cultural del país y a crear deliberadamente condiciones que obstaculicen su pleno desarrollo, rehusándoles a sus miembros los derechos y libertades fundamentales.
c) dividan a la población según criterios raciales, creando reservas y ghettos, prohibiendo los matrimonios entre miembros de distintos grupos raciales y expropiándoles sus bienes.
ch) exploten el trabajo de los miembros del grupo, en especial sometiéndolos al trabajo forzado.
2- Si el hecho consiste en perseguir u hostilizar en cualquier forma a las organizaciones y personas que se opongan al apartheid, o lo combatan, la sanción es de privación de libertad de diez a veinte años.
3- La responsabilidad por los actos previstos en los apartados anteriores es exigible con independencia del país en que los culpables actúen o residan y se extiende, cualquiera que sea el móvil, a los particulares, los miembros de las organizaciones y los representantes del Estado.
Delitos Contra el derecho de Igualdad
Artículo 295. 1- El que discrimine a otra persona o promueva o incite a la discriminación, sea con manifestaciones y ánimo ofensivo a su sexo, raza, color u origen nacional o con acciones para obstaculizarle o impedirle por motivos de sexo, raza, color u origen nacional, el ejercicio o disfrute de los derechos de igualdad establecidos en la Constitución, incurre en sanción de seis meses a dos años o multa de doscientas a quinientas cuotas o ambas.
2- En igual sanción incurre el que difunda ideas basadas en la superioridad u odio racial o cometa actos de violencia o incite a cometerlos contra cualquier raza o grupo de personas de otro color u origen étnico.
Instrumentos jurídicos internacionales.
- Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos.
- Convención Internacional sobre Represión y el castigo del Crimen del Apartheid.
- Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos.
- Pacto Internacional de Derechos Económicos y Sociales.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
"There is no retreat, Carajo!"
Excellent article from fellow FREEDOM fighter Humberto Fontova. This article is for those who are ignorant of history or choose to believe the dictator's version or Michael Moore.
Now to the ultimate betrayal:
The Bay of Pigs -- Anniversary of Heroism and Shame
Humberto Fontova
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
"They fought like tigers," writes the CIA officer who helped train the Cubans who splashed ashore at the Bay of Pigs 46 years ago this week. "But their fight was doomed before the first man hit the beach."
That CIA man, Grayston Lynch, knows something about fighting – and about long odds. He carried scars from Omaha Beach, The Battle of the Bulge and Korea's Heartbreak Ridge. But in those battles Lynch and his band of brothers could count on the support of their own chief executive. At the Bay of Pigs, Grayston Lynch (an American) and his band of brothers (Cubans) learned — first in speechless shock and finally in burning rage — that their most powerful enemies were not Castro's Soviet-armed soldiers massing in Santa Clara, Cuba, but the Ivy League's best and brightest conferring in Washington.
Grayston Lynch put it on the line for the U.S. Constitution like few living today. I'd say he's earned the right to indulge in a little "freedom of speech."
So when he writes, "Never have I been so ashamed of my country" about the bloody and shameful events 46 years ago this month at the Bay of Pigs, I'd say we owe him a respectful audience.
Lynch commanded, in his own words, "brave boys who had never before fired a shot in anger" — college students, farmers, doctors, common laborers, whites, blacks, mulattoes. They were known as La Brigada 2506. An almost precise cross-section of Cuban society of the time.
Short on battle experience, yes, but they fairly burst with what Bonaparte and George Patton valued most in a soldier — morale. No navel-gazing about "why they hate us." They'd seen the face of Castro/communism point-blank. And that's all it takes.
They set their jaws and resolved to smash this murderous barbarism that was ravaging their homeland.
They went at it with a vengeance.
These "brave boys" fought till the last round, without food or water, and inflicted losses of almost 30-to-1 against their Soviet-trained and arm-lavished enemy.
Castro defectors, some the very doctors who attended the casualties, say the invading freedom-fighters inflicted over 3,500 casualties on their Stalinist enemy. Castro and Che were jittery there for a while, urging caution in the counterattack. From the lethal fury of the attack and the horrendous casualties their troops and militia were taking, the Stalinist leaders assumed they faced at least "20,000 invading mercenaries," as they called them.
Yet it was a band of mostly civilian volunteers they outnumbered 40-to-1, led by the heroic Erneido Oliva. (A black Cuban, by the way, Messieurs Rangel and Sharpton.) A high percentage of these men had wives and children. But to hear Castro's echo chamber (the mainstream and academia), Fidel was the plucky David and the invaders the bumbling Goliath.
The invaders themselves suffered 100 dead. Four were American pilot "advisers," who defied direct orders to abandon the men they'd trained and befriended. "Nuts!" they barked — but at their own commander in chief.
These U.S. volunteers — Pete Ray, Riley Shamburger, Leo Barker, and Wade Grey — suited up, gunned the engines, and joined the fight. These were Southern boys, not pampered Ivy Leaguers, so there was no navel-gazing.
They had archaic notions of right and wrong, of honor and loyalty, of who America's enemies really are. Their Cuban brothers were being slaughtered on that heroic beachhead. Knowing their lumbering B-26s were sitting ducks for Castro's unmolested jets and Sea Furies, all four Alabama air guard volunteers flew over the doomed beachhead to lend support to their betrayed brothers in arms.
All four Americans were shot down. All four have their names in a place of honor next to their Cuban comrades on The Bay of Pigs Memorial, plus streets named after them in Miami's Little Havana, plus their crosses at Miami's Cuban Memorial cemetery.
When Doug MacArthur waded ashore on Leyte, he grabbed a radio: "People of the Philippines: I have returned. By the grace of Almighty God our forces stand again on Philippine soil — soil consecrated in the blood of our two peoples.
Cuban soil was similarly consecrated.
To quote author Haynes Johnson, "The Bay of Pigs was a battle where heroes were made." And how! We call them "men," but Brigadista Felipe Rondon was 16 years old when he grabbed his 57 mm cannon and ran to face one of Castro's Stalin tanks point blank. At 10 yards he fired at the clanking, lumbering beast and it exploded, but the momentum kept it going and it rolled over little Felipe. Gilberto Hernandez was 17 when a round from a Czech burp gun put out his eye. Castro's troops were swarming in but he held his ground, firing furiously with his recoilless rifle for another hour, until the Reds finally surrounded him and killed him with a shower of grenades.
By then the invaders sensed they'd been abandoned. Ammo was almost gone. Two days shooting and reloading without sleep, food, or water was taking its toll. Many were hallucinating. That's when Castro's Soviet howitzers opened up, huge 122 mm ones, four batteries' worth. They pounded 2,000 rounds into the invaders' ranks over a four-hour period. "It sounded like the end of the world," one said later.
"Rommel's crack Afrika Corps broke and ran under a similar bombardment," wrote Haynes Johnson. By now the invaders were dazed, delirious with fatigue, thirst and hunger, too deafened by the bombardment to even hear orders. So their commander had to scream.
"There is no retreat, Carajo!" Oliva stood and bellowed to his dazed and horribly outnumbered men. "We stand and fight!" And so they did, and wrote as glorious a chapter in military history and the annals of freedom as any you'd care to read.
Right after the deadly shower of Soviet shells, more Stalin tanks rumbled up.
Another boy named Barberito rushed up to the first one and blasted it repeatedly with his recoilless rifle, which barely dented it, but so rattled the occupants that they opened the hatch and surrendered. In fact, they insisted on shaking hands with their pubescent captor, who an hour later was felled by a machine-gun burst to his valiant little heart.
On another front, Lynch, from his command post offshore, was talking with Cmdr. Pepe San Roman. Lynch knew about the canceled airstrikes and figured the men were doomed. "If things are really rough," he told Pepe, "we can come in and evacuate you."
"We will not be evacuated!" Pepe barked. "We came here to fight! This ends here!" The communists had almost 50,000 men around the beachhead now. But Oliva had one tank manned by Jorge Alvarez, and two rounds. Jorge aimed — Blam! Reloaded — Blam! — and quickly knocked out two of Castro's Stalins. But more Stalins and T-34's kept coming. So Alvarez — outgunned, outnumbered and out of ammo — finally had no choice: He gunned his tank to a horrendous clattering whine and charged!
He rammed into another Stalin tank. Its driver was stunned, frantic. He couldn't get a half-second to aim his gun. So Alvarez rammed him again. And again. And again, finally splitting the Stalin's barrel and forcing its surrender.
These things went on for three days, literally until the freedom-fighters very last bullet.
The battle was over in three days, but the heroism was not
Now came almost two years in Castro's dungeons for the captured Brigada, complete with the physical and psychological torture that comes with communist incarceration. Last month when John McCain addressed the Bay of Pigs Veterans Association he learned that he had shared torturers with the Cuban-American freedom-fighters. (Castro had sent several of his regime's most promising sadists to North Vietnamese prison camps to instruct the Vietnamese reds in finer points of their profession.)
But through 18 months of it in Castro's prison and torture chambers, none of the Brigadistas broke. They even refused to denounce the nation that — for all they knew at the time — had betrayed them.
They stood tall, proud, and defiant, even sparring with Castro himself during their televised Stalinist show trials. "We will die with dignity!" Cmdr. Oliva repeatedly snapped as his communist captors.
After her guilt-stricken husband ransomed these men from Castro's prison, Jacqueline Kennedy heard the details of their freedom-fight first hand. She then addressed them, their families and friends at Miami's Orange Bowl with little John-John at her side:
"My son is still too young to realize what has happened here," she spoke in flawless Spanish. "But I will make it my business to tell him the story of your courage as he grows up. It is my hope that he'll grow into a man at least half as brave as the members of Brigade 2506."
Noted military historian and American patriot Michael Moore, on the other hand, refers to these freedom-fighters differently: "really just a bunch of wimps. That's right — Wimps. Ex-Cubans with a yellow stripe down their backs."
Humberto Fontova is the author of "Exposing the Real Che Guevara and the Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him." Watch for him on Hannity & Colmes April 23rd
Now to the ultimate betrayal:
The Bay of Pigs -- Anniversary of Heroism and Shame
Humberto Fontova
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
"They fought like tigers," writes the CIA officer who helped train the Cubans who splashed ashore at the Bay of Pigs 46 years ago this week. "But their fight was doomed before the first man hit the beach."
That CIA man, Grayston Lynch, knows something about fighting – and about long odds. He carried scars from Omaha Beach, The Battle of the Bulge and Korea's Heartbreak Ridge. But in those battles Lynch and his band of brothers could count on the support of their own chief executive. At the Bay of Pigs, Grayston Lynch (an American) and his band of brothers (Cubans) learned — first in speechless shock and finally in burning rage — that their most powerful enemies were not Castro's Soviet-armed soldiers massing in Santa Clara, Cuba, but the Ivy League's best and brightest conferring in Washington.
Grayston Lynch put it on the line for the U.S. Constitution like few living today. I'd say he's earned the right to indulge in a little "freedom of speech."
So when he writes, "Never have I been so ashamed of my country" about the bloody and shameful events 46 years ago this month at the Bay of Pigs, I'd say we owe him a respectful audience.
Lynch commanded, in his own words, "brave boys who had never before fired a shot in anger" — college students, farmers, doctors, common laborers, whites, blacks, mulattoes. They were known as La Brigada 2506. An almost precise cross-section of Cuban society of the time.
Short on battle experience, yes, but they fairly burst with what Bonaparte and George Patton valued most in a soldier — morale. No navel-gazing about "why they hate us." They'd seen the face of Castro/communism point-blank. And that's all it takes.
They set their jaws and resolved to smash this murderous barbarism that was ravaging their homeland.
They went at it with a vengeance.
These "brave boys" fought till the last round, without food or water, and inflicted losses of almost 30-to-1 against their Soviet-trained and arm-lavished enemy.
Castro defectors, some the very doctors who attended the casualties, say the invading freedom-fighters inflicted over 3,500 casualties on their Stalinist enemy. Castro and Che were jittery there for a while, urging caution in the counterattack. From the lethal fury of the attack and the horrendous casualties their troops and militia were taking, the Stalinist leaders assumed they faced at least "20,000 invading mercenaries," as they called them.
Yet it was a band of mostly civilian volunteers they outnumbered 40-to-1, led by the heroic Erneido Oliva. (A black Cuban, by the way, Messieurs Rangel and Sharpton.) A high percentage of these men had wives and children. But to hear Castro's echo chamber (the mainstream and academia), Fidel was the plucky David and the invaders the bumbling Goliath.
The invaders themselves suffered 100 dead. Four were American pilot "advisers," who defied direct orders to abandon the men they'd trained and befriended. "Nuts!" they barked — but at their own commander in chief.
These U.S. volunteers — Pete Ray, Riley Shamburger, Leo Barker, and Wade Grey — suited up, gunned the engines, and joined the fight. These were Southern boys, not pampered Ivy Leaguers, so there was no navel-gazing.
They had archaic notions of right and wrong, of honor and loyalty, of who America's enemies really are. Their Cuban brothers were being slaughtered on that heroic beachhead. Knowing their lumbering B-26s were sitting ducks for Castro's unmolested jets and Sea Furies, all four Alabama air guard volunteers flew over the doomed beachhead to lend support to their betrayed brothers in arms.
All four Americans were shot down. All four have their names in a place of honor next to their Cuban comrades on The Bay of Pigs Memorial, plus streets named after them in Miami's Little Havana, plus their crosses at Miami's Cuban Memorial cemetery.
When Doug MacArthur waded ashore on Leyte, he grabbed a radio: "People of the Philippines: I have returned. By the grace of Almighty God our forces stand again on Philippine soil — soil consecrated in the blood of our two peoples.
Cuban soil was similarly consecrated.
To quote author Haynes Johnson, "The Bay of Pigs was a battle where heroes were made." And how! We call them "men," but Brigadista Felipe Rondon was 16 years old when he grabbed his 57 mm cannon and ran to face one of Castro's Stalin tanks point blank. At 10 yards he fired at the clanking, lumbering beast and it exploded, but the momentum kept it going and it rolled over little Felipe. Gilberto Hernandez was 17 when a round from a Czech burp gun put out his eye. Castro's troops were swarming in but he held his ground, firing furiously with his recoilless rifle for another hour, until the Reds finally surrounded him and killed him with a shower of grenades.
By then the invaders sensed they'd been abandoned. Ammo was almost gone. Two days shooting and reloading without sleep, food, or water was taking its toll. Many were hallucinating. That's when Castro's Soviet howitzers opened up, huge 122 mm ones, four batteries' worth. They pounded 2,000 rounds into the invaders' ranks over a four-hour period. "It sounded like the end of the world," one said later.
"Rommel's crack Afrika Corps broke and ran under a similar bombardment," wrote Haynes Johnson. By now the invaders were dazed, delirious with fatigue, thirst and hunger, too deafened by the bombardment to even hear orders. So their commander had to scream.
"There is no retreat, Carajo!" Oliva stood and bellowed to his dazed and horribly outnumbered men. "We stand and fight!" And so they did, and wrote as glorious a chapter in military history and the annals of freedom as any you'd care to read.
Right after the deadly shower of Soviet shells, more Stalin tanks rumbled up.
Another boy named Barberito rushed up to the first one and blasted it repeatedly with his recoilless rifle, which barely dented it, but so rattled the occupants that they opened the hatch and surrendered. In fact, they insisted on shaking hands with their pubescent captor, who an hour later was felled by a machine-gun burst to his valiant little heart.
On another front, Lynch, from his command post offshore, was talking with Cmdr. Pepe San Roman. Lynch knew about the canceled airstrikes and figured the men were doomed. "If things are really rough," he told Pepe, "we can come in and evacuate you."
"We will not be evacuated!" Pepe barked. "We came here to fight! This ends here!" The communists had almost 50,000 men around the beachhead now. But Oliva had one tank manned by Jorge Alvarez, and two rounds. Jorge aimed — Blam! Reloaded — Blam! — and quickly knocked out two of Castro's Stalins. But more Stalins and T-34's kept coming. So Alvarez — outgunned, outnumbered and out of ammo — finally had no choice: He gunned his tank to a horrendous clattering whine and charged!
He rammed into another Stalin tank. Its driver was stunned, frantic. He couldn't get a half-second to aim his gun. So Alvarez rammed him again. And again. And again, finally splitting the Stalin's barrel and forcing its surrender.
These things went on for three days, literally until the freedom-fighters very last bullet.
The battle was over in three days, but the heroism was not
Now came almost two years in Castro's dungeons for the captured Brigada, complete with the physical and psychological torture that comes with communist incarceration. Last month when John McCain addressed the Bay of Pigs Veterans Association he learned that he had shared torturers with the Cuban-American freedom-fighters. (Castro had sent several of his regime's most promising sadists to North Vietnamese prison camps to instruct the Vietnamese reds in finer points of their profession.)
But through 18 months of it in Castro's prison and torture chambers, none of the Brigadistas broke. They even refused to denounce the nation that — for all they knew at the time — had betrayed them.
They stood tall, proud, and defiant, even sparring with Castro himself during their televised Stalinist show trials. "We will die with dignity!" Cmdr. Oliva repeatedly snapped as his communist captors.
After her guilt-stricken husband ransomed these men from Castro's prison, Jacqueline Kennedy heard the details of their freedom-fight first hand. She then addressed them, their families and friends at Miami's Orange Bowl with little John-John at her side:
"My son is still too young to realize what has happened here," she spoke in flawless Spanish. "But I will make it my business to tell him the story of your courage as he grows up. It is my hope that he'll grow into a man at least half as brave as the members of Brigade 2506."
Noted military historian and American patriot Michael Moore, on the other hand, refers to these freedom-fighters differently: "really just a bunch of wimps. That's right — Wimps. Ex-Cubans with a yellow stripe down their backs."
Humberto Fontova is the author of "Exposing the Real Che Guevara and the Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him." Watch for him on Hannity & Colmes April 23rd
The latest from Casa Cuba
Non Profit-Organization
Houston, Texas
Invasión saboteada por Kennedy. Por Frank Resillez (Editado)
1. Estados Unidos se tardó en reclutar hombres porque estaba en año electoral.
2. Estados Unidos retrasó la invasión porque había una nueva administración electa.
3. Estados Unidos no querían hombres con experiencia militar, solo 50 de 1,500 eran hombres de carrera militar.
4. Estados Unidos retrasó la invasión del 10 de marzo al 17 de abril, porque el Pres. Kennedy quería suspenderla.
5. Estados Unidos cambió la invasión en la última semana, de Trinidad a Bahía de Cochinos (un pantano).
6. Estados Unidos insistió que la invasión fuese de noche aunque ellos nunca habían hecho una invasión nocturna.
7. Estados Unidos "suspendió" todos los vuelos de los 22 aviones prestados a los exiliados después que se dieron cuenta que los primeros ataques habían sido fructíferos.
8. Estados Unidos devolverían algunos aviones si los exiliados podían construir una pista de aterrizaje en suelo cubano. Los exiliados la construyeron en 8 horas. Los aviones nunca fueron devueltos.
9. Los exiliados invadieron con 6 barcos cubanos. 22 barcos de Marina de Guerra USA al otro lado "viendo el espectáculo".
10. Los exiliados desembarcaron sus soldados sin apoyo aéreo.
11. Solo 2 barcos pudieron desembarcar todas sus armas y municiones (el "Blagar" y el "Barbara J").
12. El barco "Rio Escondido", con carga máxima de armas y municiones, explotó con tiro directo en forma de hongo atómico.
13. Otro barco, tuvo que ser encayado para desembarcar sus armas y municiones el "Houston".
14. Otros 2 barcos nunca pudieron desembarcar sus armas y municiones, el "Atlántico" y el "Caribe".
15. Los exiliados pelearon por 3 días constantes, con solo las municiones calculadas para un día.
16. Se suponía tener un nivel de bajas de 1 por 15 para poder triunfar. Tuvieron un nivel de bajas de 1 a 30.
17. Los exiliados perdieron 104 hombres en 3 días de lucha constante, el enemigo perdió 3,100.
18. El enemigo mandó 2 olas de 15,000 milicianos respectivamente contra los exiliados. En la primera hubo mas del 50% de deserción. En la segunda, fue casi 0% después que se corrió la voz que los estadounidenses no iban a ayudar a los exiliados.
19. Los exiliados fueron capturados, encarcelados, y algunos ejecutados; después que se quedaron sin municiones
20. El 31 de enero de 1962, en la reunión de los Estados Americanos en Punta del Este, Uruguay; el Ché Guevara le dió las gracias al Embajador de Estados Unidos por la "ayuda a los exiliados cubanos".
For more information and interesting articles please visit their site and give them your support!
Non Profit-Organization
Houston, Texas
Invasión saboteada por Kennedy. Por Frank Resillez (Editado)
1. Estados Unidos se tardó en reclutar hombres porque estaba en año electoral.
2. Estados Unidos retrasó la invasión porque había una nueva administración electa.
3. Estados Unidos no querían hombres con experiencia militar, solo 50 de 1,500 eran hombres de carrera militar.
4. Estados Unidos retrasó la invasión del 10 de marzo al 17 de abril, porque el Pres. Kennedy quería suspenderla.
5. Estados Unidos cambió la invasión en la última semana, de Trinidad a Bahía de Cochinos (un pantano).
6. Estados Unidos insistió que la invasión fuese de noche aunque ellos nunca habían hecho una invasión nocturna.
7. Estados Unidos "suspendió" todos los vuelos de los 22 aviones prestados a los exiliados después que se dieron cuenta que los primeros ataques habían sido fructíferos.
8. Estados Unidos devolverían algunos aviones si los exiliados podían construir una pista de aterrizaje en suelo cubano. Los exiliados la construyeron en 8 horas. Los aviones nunca fueron devueltos.
9. Los exiliados invadieron con 6 barcos cubanos. 22 barcos de Marina de Guerra USA al otro lado "viendo el espectáculo".
10. Los exiliados desembarcaron sus soldados sin apoyo aéreo.
11. Solo 2 barcos pudieron desembarcar todas sus armas y municiones (el "Blagar" y el "Barbara J").
12. El barco "Rio Escondido", con carga máxima de armas y municiones, explotó con tiro directo en forma de hongo atómico.
13. Otro barco, tuvo que ser encayado para desembarcar sus armas y municiones el "Houston".
14. Otros 2 barcos nunca pudieron desembarcar sus armas y municiones, el "Atlántico" y el "Caribe".
15. Los exiliados pelearon por 3 días constantes, con solo las municiones calculadas para un día.
16. Se suponía tener un nivel de bajas de 1 por 15 para poder triunfar. Tuvieron un nivel de bajas de 1 a 30.
17. Los exiliados perdieron 104 hombres en 3 días de lucha constante, el enemigo perdió 3,100.
18. El enemigo mandó 2 olas de 15,000 milicianos respectivamente contra los exiliados. En la primera hubo mas del 50% de deserción. En la segunda, fue casi 0% después que se corrió la voz que los estadounidenses no iban a ayudar a los exiliados.
19. Los exiliados fueron capturados, encarcelados, y algunos ejecutados; después que se quedaron sin municiones
20. El 31 de enero de 1962, en la reunión de los Estados Americanos en Punta del Este, Uruguay; el Ché Guevara le dió las gracias al Embajador de Estados Unidos por la "ayuda a los exiliados cubanos".
For more information and interesting articles please visit their site and give them your support!
Viva Cuba libre!
Monday, April 16, 2007
Time for a new caption contest!

El Cafe Cubano thought this would be the best time to hold a new caption contest in honor of michael moore's trip to apartheid Cuba. Please my FREEDOM-loving brethren don't hold back! I will throw in a FREE Guayabera or t-shirt donated by SOROA Enterprises for the best caption! (please visit SOROA Enterprises and give them your support!)
Please read below for rules and regulations:
***In pursuant of the by laws of the El Cafe Cubano caption contest, this contest is open to all in the general public except for Fidelito, those affiliated with the communist party, clueless journalist who constantly defend the dictatorship, Code Pink, Jose Serano, Danny Glover, Charles Rangel, Katie Couric, CNN in Havana, people who wear Che t-shirts, ramiro"cuidado que to voy a dar un tiro," Dan Rather, Oliver Stone, Harry Belafonte, that guy who helped with the Cuba search engine, Pastors for Dictators, and all those who defend the apartheid dictatorship.
A new low
Michael "el gordo mierda" Moore is taking a new low with regards to the ailing ground zero workers. He took some of those workers to apartheid Cuba for medical care. How low can you go gordo? Some people mentioned that you were given the Elvis treatment, but for the last 50 years the Cuban people have been given the shaft. Always the tourist, the propagandist, and the appeasers given royal treatment! You don't care about the best COUNTRY in the world, the UNITED STATES and you certainly don't care about the Cuban people.
If you love the dictatorship and Cuban health care sooooooooooo much go live in Cuba and get your RATION CARD like the REAL Cuban people do!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you love the dictatorship and Cuban health care sooooooooooo much go live in Cuba and get your RATION CARD like the REAL Cuban people do!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Let's really talk about taboos!
Charles"raspy" Rangel and Jeff "snow' Flake have laid out what they call a "comprehensive" plan concerning relations with Cuba."Snow" Flake will even headline a forum called:"21st Century US-Cuba Policy Initiative." The talk is always about the fascination with the dictator and again the "embargo" arguement. HELLO, McFly any one there? No FREE elections in over 50 years, one family has basically robbed, imprisoned, and tortured an island, yet no one mentions this? What about the apartheid system that Cuba enforces? No Cubans allowed to own any property, no Cubans are allowed to stay at any hotels that tourist frequent, no Cubans are allowed at beaches that canadians and europeans enjoy. NO OUTRAGE HERE? What about all the political prisoners? Do any of these politicians care or know who Dr. Biscet is or know of Guillermo Farinas? No, just the same old song and dance: Embargo. If these politicians and the media would really expose the horrors of the dictatorship, this apartheid system would have fallen long ago. Instead you look away and care only about the almighty $$$$$$$$$ and a possible photo op with crusty and crazy dictator.
No it's not the pesky exiles or the Cuban people snowflake and raspy, it's the dictatorship that's responsible. I thought the revolution gave you everything? That is why people are willing to risk their lives on rafts to get away from the supposed utopia. Funny how no one seems to mention this? Funny no one mentions the current mafia family that has ruled Cuba for 50 years, but we hear endlessly of the mafia in the 50's?
Yeah taboos, here's some real taboos that seem to escape some people:
the dictatorship stole private property and money that did not belong to them!(I think that's called stealing?)
the dictatorship has executed thousands!(Ibelieve that is called murder?)
the dictatorship has imprisoned and tortured thousands!
the dictatorship took away all FREEDOMS(Didn't God give us FREE will?)
why is Cuba one of the poorest, yet when the dictatorship first took over Cuba was one of the richest?
why don't REAL Cubans receive the same medical care as tourist?
NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING can justify what has happened in Cuba the last 50 years!
No it's not the pesky exiles or the Cuban people snowflake and raspy, it's the dictatorship that's responsible. I thought the revolution gave you everything? That is why people are willing to risk their lives on rafts to get away from the supposed utopia. Funny how no one seems to mention this? Funny no one mentions the current mafia family that has ruled Cuba for 50 years, but we hear endlessly of the mafia in the 50's?
Yeah taboos, here's some real taboos that seem to escape some people:
the dictatorship stole private property and money that did not belong to them!(I think that's called stealing?)
the dictatorship has executed thousands!(Ibelieve that is called murder?)
the dictatorship has imprisoned and tortured thousands!
the dictatorship took away all FREEDOMS(Didn't God give us FREE will?)
why is Cuba one of the poorest, yet when the dictatorship first took over Cuba was one of the richest?
why don't REAL Cubans receive the same medical care as tourist?
NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING can justify what has happened in Cuba the last 50 years!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Friday, April 13, 2007
De do do do, de da da da the Police are invited to play in Cuber
The Police have been invited to play in apartheid Cuba. I was a big Police fan when they first came out, but when Sting started to think that he was the hippest and the answer to all the world’s problems, my interest soon faded. Let’s see what happens? Will they play right into the dictator’s hands? Will they play the same old chord: It’s the U.S. fault, it’s those pesky exiles fault, but no fault of the apartheid dictatorship? Hey, who knows, maybe they will be invited to play on the Estefan’s new CD tribute to Cuba!
In true fashion El Café Cubano has it’s own rendition of De do do do, de da da da:
Don't think me unkind
Words are hard to find
All the cheques that the dictator has left unsigned
From the banks of chaos of all those that he has killed and tortured
And when the Cuban people try to escape him
Their logic ties them up and then the commies rape the Cuban people
De do do do, de da da da
Will you stand up for the Cuban people
De do do do, de da da da
Will their innocence pull you through
De do do do, de da da da
Is all I want to say to you
De do do do, de da da da
They're people too and all said from those who suffered that's true
Poets, priests and poiticians
Have words but do nothing with their positions
Words that scream for FREEDOM And no one's hearing their transmission
'Cos when their eloquence escapes you
Their logic ties you up and the appeasers rapes the Cuban people
De do do do, de da da da
Is all I want to say to you
De do do do, de da da da
Will their innocence will pull you through
De do do do, de da da da
Is all I want to say to you
De do do do, de da da da
They're not meaningless and they need the world’s help is true
In true fashion El Café Cubano has it’s own rendition of De do do do, de da da da:
Don't think me unkind
Words are hard to find
All the cheques that the dictator has left unsigned
From the banks of chaos of all those that he has killed and tortured
And when the Cuban people try to escape him
Their logic ties them up and then the commies rape the Cuban people
De do do do, de da da da
Will you stand up for the Cuban people
De do do do, de da da da
Will their innocence pull you through
De do do do, de da da da
Is all I want to say to you
De do do do, de da da da
They're people too and all said from those who suffered that's true
Poets, priests and poiticians
Have words but do nothing with their positions
Words that scream for FREEDOM And no one's hearing their transmission
'Cos when their eloquence escapes you
Their logic ties you up and the appeasers rapes the Cuban people
De do do do, de da da da
Is all I want to say to you
De do do do, de da da da
Will their innocence will pull you through
De do do do, de da da da
Is all I want to say to you
De do do do, de da da da
They're not meaningless and they need the world’s help is true
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
How do you spell potato?
Idaho Gov. Butch Otter is in Cuba now trying to do business with the apartheid dictatorship. As with the other governors please spare us the B.S. about how they care about the Cuban people and "We are going to continue to build good relationships with the folks in Cuba." The "folks" in Cuba who do business is only the apartheid dictatorship. The normal "folks" don't have any FREEDOMS! Just be honest and say you want to make $$$$$$$ for your dairy, grain and potato producers.
There was outrage in apartheid South Africa, now there is a deafening silence concerning apartheid Cuba......
There was outrage in apartheid South Africa, now there is a deafening silence concerning apartheid Cuba......
Monday, April 09, 2007
Sunday, April 08, 2007
“El Moro, ¿atinó?”
Me siento plenamente satisfecho con los acuerdos logrados por Pérez Torpe y el canciller español Moratinos. Ninguno de los dos es, digamos así, la gran cosa, pero por lo menos saben hablar como pa’entenderse. Vi que Pérez Torpe mayoreó las reuniones y como pa’que ni el gallego hablara, dijo que los presos políticos eran mercenarios de EUA.
El hombre no dijo ni esta boca es mía. No tanto porque sea verdá lo dicho por Pérez Torpe, sino más bien por que gallego es muy tímido (aunque se defiende, según pudimos saber de un video que le hizo las gentes del “aparato” en su hotel). Eso es todo lo que necesitábamos, un canciller español “amigo”, que va’blar a nombre nuestro en la UE.
Agitadores gusanos del exilio andan diciendo que España apostó al “gallo perdedor” y que eso le va’costar, además de la pile’hoteles que tienen en la isla, un boicot que la gusanera está proponiendo hacerle a los productos españoles en el exterior. Na’deso nos afecta. Allá los “gaitos” con sus cosas, que nosotros tenemos bastante con el pan’con’ná.
También leí en la prensa que Raúl (a espaldas suyas) ha manda’o a estudiar el problema de la propiedad capitalista “científicamente”. ¡Mira que comen mierda!, lo que tienen es que preguntarle a los merolicos en la calle y no a los “científicos”, que de propiedad privada no saben ná. Mucho cuida’o con la libertad que le está dando a Raúl, mire que así comenzó Gorvachov, y Ud. vio en lo que paró to’eso allá. ¡Se cayó como penque’coco!
Una cosa que me tiene, que no me ha deja’o dormir, es la libertad de Posada Carriles decretada por una jueza ‘pa’salir del Paso’, en Texas. ¡Esa es la mundial! Dicen las malas lenguas que fue la misma jueza que hizo héroe al Ché cuando invadió a Bolivia, al Curita cuando ponía bombas en Habana, y la que lo perdonó a Ud. por el asalto al Moncada.
Claro, la pobre, ella no sabe que el “asalto al Moncada”, las “bombas del Curita” y “la gesta de Bolivia” no son acciones terroristas. Esas acciones se hicieron contra los “malos”, mientras que en las acciones que Posada participó fue contra los “buenos”. Además, nuestra gente era ‘acción y sabotaje’, no ‘acciones terroristas’. No es lo mismo.
Otra cosa que no me está gustando ná es la rebeldía de Lula con sus artículos sobre el etanol. Es verdá que Brasil lleva 35 años trabajando en eso, pero Lula tiene que darse cuenta que es Ud. el que escribe, y que por algo es el Comandante en Jefe, que si dice que el etanol es malo (miren a Maradona, por ejemplo) ¡to’el mundo cabeza pa’bajo!
Ahora Comandante cuida’o, mire que la Mafia de Miami dice no es lo mismo “Moratinos, Maradona y Hugo Chávez están de acuerdo con Ud. sobre los problemas que traería el consumo de alcohol solo”, que, “Maradona tener problemas con el consumo de alcohol, y sólo Hugo Chávez y Moratinos están de acuerdo con Ud. “¡Mucho cuida’o con eso!
Su víctima.
Ciudadano de Segunda.
Jorge Hernández Fonseca
Me siento plenamente satisfecho con los acuerdos logrados por Pérez Torpe y el canciller español Moratinos. Ninguno de los dos es, digamos así, la gran cosa, pero por lo menos saben hablar como pa’entenderse. Vi que Pérez Torpe mayoreó las reuniones y como pa’que ni el gallego hablara, dijo que los presos políticos eran mercenarios de EUA.
El hombre no dijo ni esta boca es mía. No tanto porque sea verdá lo dicho por Pérez Torpe, sino más bien por que gallego es muy tímido (aunque se defiende, según pudimos saber de un video que le hizo las gentes del “aparato” en su hotel). Eso es todo lo que necesitábamos, un canciller español “amigo”, que va’blar a nombre nuestro en la UE.
Agitadores gusanos del exilio andan diciendo que España apostó al “gallo perdedor” y que eso le va’costar, además de la pile’hoteles que tienen en la isla, un boicot que la gusanera está proponiendo hacerle a los productos españoles en el exterior. Na’deso nos afecta. Allá los “gaitos” con sus cosas, que nosotros tenemos bastante con el pan’con’ná.
También leí en la prensa que Raúl (a espaldas suyas) ha manda’o a estudiar el problema de la propiedad capitalista “científicamente”. ¡Mira que comen mierda!, lo que tienen es que preguntarle a los merolicos en la calle y no a los “científicos”, que de propiedad privada no saben ná. Mucho cuida’o con la libertad que le está dando a Raúl, mire que así comenzó Gorvachov, y Ud. vio en lo que paró to’eso allá. ¡Se cayó como penque’coco!
Una cosa que me tiene, que no me ha deja’o dormir, es la libertad de Posada Carriles decretada por una jueza ‘pa’salir del Paso’, en Texas. ¡Esa es la mundial! Dicen las malas lenguas que fue la misma jueza que hizo héroe al Ché cuando invadió a Bolivia, al Curita cuando ponía bombas en Habana, y la que lo perdonó a Ud. por el asalto al Moncada.
Claro, la pobre, ella no sabe que el “asalto al Moncada”, las “bombas del Curita” y “la gesta de Bolivia” no son acciones terroristas. Esas acciones se hicieron contra los “malos”, mientras que en las acciones que Posada participó fue contra los “buenos”. Además, nuestra gente era ‘acción y sabotaje’, no ‘acciones terroristas’. No es lo mismo.
Otra cosa que no me está gustando ná es la rebeldía de Lula con sus artículos sobre el etanol. Es verdá que Brasil lleva 35 años trabajando en eso, pero Lula tiene que darse cuenta que es Ud. el que escribe, y que por algo es el Comandante en Jefe, que si dice que el etanol es malo (miren a Maradona, por ejemplo) ¡to’el mundo cabeza pa’bajo!
Ahora Comandante cuida’o, mire que la Mafia de Miami dice no es lo mismo “Moratinos, Maradona y Hugo Chávez están de acuerdo con Ud. sobre los problemas que traería el consumo de alcohol solo”, que, “Maradona tener problemas con el consumo de alcohol, y sólo Hugo Chávez y Moratinos están de acuerdo con Ud. “¡Mucho cuida’o con eso!
Su víctima.
Ciudadano de Segunda.
Jorge Hernández Fonseca
Saturday, April 07, 2007
New Video of Agustin Blazquez
NEW video of Agustin Blazquez
explaining his series COVERING
CUBA with Spanish subtitles
Greed & Corrupt US officials are partly responsible for the long permanence of Cuba's communist regime. Many individuals, corporations and countries around the world are profiting from the Cuban tragedy.
BLAZQUEZ, a courageous producer tells it like it is, disregarding the black-listing of his productions that are not "politically-correct". His documentaries expose conspiracies involving the U.S. Justice Dept. and other high offices; the payoff by criminal corporations that treat many government officials as their lackeys. The public will understand the truth behind the Cuban exodus and their love for their lost homeland. The camera shows what it is to live under a totalitarian regime and the oppression that Cuban people endure daily on that Prison Island.
Every citizen of the world should watch this series as a lesson to avoid avarice, and give more importance to spiritual values.
NOTE:- I recommend that you first manually download the Google Video Player, and then you can enjoy the entire video without stopping for "buffering".
GROUP: FORFREEDOM-JUSTICE http://groups.yahoo.com./group/ForFreedom-Justice "LIVE-FREE-OR-DIE" "ONE NATION UNDER G_D" "IN G_D WE TRUST"
explaining his series COVERING
CUBA with Spanish subtitles
Greed & Corrupt US officials are partly responsible for the long permanence of Cuba's communist regime. Many individuals, corporations and countries around the world are profiting from the Cuban tragedy.
BLAZQUEZ, a courageous producer tells it like it is, disregarding the black-listing of his productions that are not "politically-correct". His documentaries expose conspiracies involving the U.S. Justice Dept. and other high offices; the payoff by criminal corporations that treat many government officials as their lackeys. The public will understand the truth behind the Cuban exodus and their love for their lost homeland. The camera shows what it is to live under a totalitarian regime and the oppression that Cuban people endure daily on that Prison Island.
Every citizen of the world should watch this series as a lesson to avoid avarice, and give more importance to spiritual values.
NOTE:- I recommend that you first manually download the Google Video Player, and then you can enjoy the entire video without stopping for "buffering".
GROUP: FORFREEDOM-JUSTICE http://groups.yahoo.com./group/ForFreedom-Justice "LIVE-FREE-OR-DIE" "ONE NATION UNDER G_D" "IN G_D WE TRUST"
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Mensaje al pueblo de Cuba
Willy Chirino, Jon Secada, Marisela Verena y Lissette Alvarez envian un mensaje al pueblo de Cuba. Escuchenlos en su propria voz.
H/T to Stefania at FREE Thoughts.
H/T to Stefania at FREE Thoughts.
Monday, April 02, 2007
What about the political prisoners?

Lately there has been a whole lot of shaking hands in apartheid Cuba. Brisk trade deals worth millions and here we have Spain's Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos, with a warm handshake with felipe "lap dog" perez roque. What about the political prisoners? Do you think the foreign minister will ever be this warm to the "Cuban" people? Shaking hands with a dictatorship that has denied FREEDOM for 50 years? Does the apartheid dictatorship greet people who differ in ideology this way?
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